Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lonnie note

Thumb should be stationary, closer to pinky, aligned with middle finger.
Everybody plays different, but keep reminding yourself to keep your thumb in one place.
The Modes- 7 degrees diatonic scales
major scale all 7 degrees modes, some major some minor
145 major the rest minor.
first mode, is all whole steps except after 3 and 7 are half steps.
C major,

some notes from kelly keough

Cinnamon increases metabolism, it's a heart spice, and lowers diabetes/ Avacado - polyunsaturated fats. Quinoa- iron protein tumeric- anti inflammatory cayenne- metabolism save the juice from seaweed- make miso soy. carrot, burdock, plum vinegar, kambo- cooks with beans to take away gas. whole foods asian isle, valencia organic peanut butter, chunky, salted, carob powder, no boost in adrenals is key, carob/cinnamon. vanilla, dark choc, cinnamon, flavored w/ stevia, which is from paraguay

Mermaid salad, sprouted quinoa easy, can be completely raw or cooked. When you cook it, it's 3X the volume as just sprouting. Can do cooked and than put the raw on top. Medium saucepan, lid. Dry measuring cup, wet measuring cup. 1 cup dry 2 cups water put the flame on boil, 2 cups of water (cook or sprouting is the same) w/ quinoa, need timers in kitchen. red/ white quinoa. baby tails= sprouted. put in 3 quarters cup white, no difference in nutritions. a quarter red. half and half would be too tough, grainy. don't have to rinse quinoa, it's that clean. it will look half and half.( Gentlemen in peru told her that the chickens and children grow strong on quinoa, the proteins, amino acids, good for skin, etc. ) put the lid on, put in refridge. simmer for 15 minutes. Soaked the quinoa at 7 pm- next morning at 7 pm- she thinks 8 hours is ideal, overnight when you go to bed. Baby strainer, very fine, push the water through, than collander, 2 sheets of saran wrap. Pushed it up around the sides and flattened it with a spatula, put it on a paper towel on the counter. buckwheat takes 36 hours.
It now has more enzymes, proteins after sprouting. Heals hair, toasted sesame oil is great for the body. Very ayurvedic- great for hormones, balancing brain and nervous system, great for weight loss. This recipe is good for you and heals your hair, protein, sea vegetables, avocado. Great w/ hemp oil, etc.
She got desperate and began "out of desperation, I started creating recipes to survive, and heal myself." We're doing a healing recipe, and a survival recipe.
Peanut butter cups- hemp butter, etc. Champion juicer, push it through. Could use hemp or almond butter also.
Hemp is like a sesame seed, marijuana's cousin. But with less THC. When it grinds up, it's helped by hemp oil. It's savory. Let us sample hemp seeds. Full vegan protein source. Raw tahini is good too. Omega 3's from a variety of sources is the best way. coconut oil is hard. saturated fat, mono and poly saturated fat. Bad PR on coconut oil because of margarine. Way more medicinal, great cooking fat, medium chain fat. Over 76 degress it melts, so it melts in your body, breaks down very nice. Sends chemical messages to your thyroid, stimulating your t3's and t4's. coco oil, you portion control it no more than tbsp a day. Sautee greens in it- fresh dandelion tea, coco oil, and himalayan salt. butternut squash soup, sauteed onions. choco candy with no coco butter- it takes a lot of work to breaks down typical choc. from the store. With raw cacao/ cocoa powder, it melts in your body converted to carbs very quickly. Has been eating these for 4 years, doesn't look fat like she did as a child.
quinoa letting it cool, avacados- gelsons has the best- horizontal and vertical slices take a spoon and excavate. Find the treasure. Key to this recipe is marinating it in lemon juice. Squeeze your own lemon or buy some. 2 tablespoons saltmarinate.
braggs, tumeric. Braggs replacement for soy sauce. A lot less sodium, less than tamari. 100 mgs salt. on salads, hemp oil, 2 tsps, tumeric and cayenne, and braggs sauce. She's been eating it 4 years. Add it to your greens, oil, lemon juice. Haven't bought salad dressing in 4 years candy bars in 2. Arame, put it in water. Vital for women, easy to eat raw, the iodine, the b vitamins, blood builder, calcium, a superfood. Concentrated brown seaweed supplement helps her body. Should eat sea veggies every day, to soups, salad. Wakame. - tell them janine sent you , you'll get a special rate. wakame, arame, hijiki, at whole foods, arame wakame. hong kong markets near downtown have great deals. Polyunsaturated fats of avocado helps hair and skin quinoa for iron, tumeric, cayenne, coconut oil iron and energy. Mix it up. Save the juice from seaweed and make miso soup. carrots burdock onions simmer water/ broth w seaweed juice. add a little hemp oil, sesame oil on Marinate avocado turns it into a comfort food. arame takes 10 minutes to prep up. drain. She makes it for all her girlfriends. Best eaten right away, but you can refridgerate it as well. quinoa cooks 15 minutes, meanwhile, cut avocados, marinate in lemon juice, soaking arame, boom you have it. Used to be 2.99 now it's more. Hijiki is strong yet good if you're in healing mode. You can go anywhere you want with this recipe. Seaweed in koreatown. Japanese men chew it, kombo. Kombo takes away the gas, so is good cooked with beans. Whole foods- wakame- cheap 2.99 package.
TV show- the cooking show - sprout it, food processor bread. sprout buckwheat with egg whites. She eats fish. sprout quinoa, buckwheat, rice, spices, yams, soaked pumpkin hemp seeds, dehydrate it in the dehydrator. It's really easy with the dehydrator, and really fun. It's easier than cakes and pie crusts. Put it in your processor than dehydrator. It comes out like a bread. can get a hydrater cheaper if you put in affiliate number 5 tray dehydrator 249.95 #390337 500 series refurbished $350 06-001798. valencia organic peanut butter is the best. Raw carob is not good for her recipes. not a high glycemic index, no boost in adrenals, no caffeine boost, skin nervous, digestive, pancreas, it's all good. acai maca chia seeds, green power spirulina, vitamix technique. Raw cocoa hides the taste of the greens. carob and cinnamon together is a great energy elixir. cinnamon helps diabetes, lowers sugar in the blood.stevia is a green leaf plant from paraguay, dried extracted, 300 x sweeter than sugar. the liquid works a lot better here than the powdered. Whole foods makes their own vanilla stevia extract, 8.99. all antioxidants, polyphenols kept intact with the cacao nibs. Agave is low glycemic. Peanut butter and agave makes the pb filling. portion control two a day. .3 ounces each. Think in balance and beauty. What's normal is a little bowl 2 cookies, 2 cups, 2 balls. If your food is normal. Vanilla, chocolate stevia. Sweet leaf is a good company. She thinks trader joes stevia is horrible. "Your life will CHANGE." she says when recommending sweet leaf stevia over trader joe's brand. Erythritol is much better for coffee. z sweet. My pantry in my pocketbook- she carries it on her. It's got: liquid stevia, vanilla cream, starbucks passion ice tea, makes it taste like hawaiian punch. z sweet, Erythritol, put it in smoothies, coffee. Yogurt- it's all natural from corn other fruit veggie fiberz. We don't have digestive enzymes in the body for erythritol, so it passes right through. Goes great w/ fruit, berries, pomegranite. Rounds out the flavor of fruits. Use a few together to get the best sugar like taste. Swerve you can get online, good to mix with erythritol. Truvia, they screwed up. Tastes horrible. erithritol and stevia is good in a smoothie. Alternative sugar addict.
"I'll go back to the story of being desperate. Just because, I gave up sugar. Actually to tell you the truth, my angels told me to do it. And I just started making up recipes because I was desperate to have sweets that I could eat to heal myself, and I think that the sweets are my best things to share with people. If you look at a lot of raw vegan recipes out there, they're mainly using just agave. They're not using erythritol, they're not using stevia. I use as little agave as possible, with stevia and erythritol, so it has less fructose. I'm using good fats, fiber and proteins. The carbs that are in the sweets to begin with are breaking down even more. How do you feel right now? How does your blood sugar feel? you can use hemp butter, almond butter, etc. usually people don't complain about this recipe. If you can share this with sugar, chocolate addicts, it's a lot better choice than reeses.
I asked her how she got interested in healthier eating.
"I grew up in famous catering business family in Western Ny, and so ever since I was born, I was around Italian food, large quantities. When I was a teenager aged 14 to 18, for 5 summers solid I worked for my grandparents. So I saw them feed thousands and thousands of people. So something must have sunk in. I became very adept- I didn't know I had a talent for budget, and feeding a lot of people, so I got into craft services in Boston, on film and tv sets. If you're good, it's a great job, but i was also a studio teacher and actress, and I learned to do every part of the crew. So but I did craft services, because it paid like triple what a PA was paid. And so I said, 'I can do that.' So I was on a film set, cider house rules, I was the head studio teacher, it was an amazing experience working on an academy award winning film, just magical, from that experience, they realized they'd hired me as the head studio teacher and yet I wasn't certified. And I was the only studio teacher in Massachusets, I had been working in education for about 10 years, so I got certified. Than I had to go to graduate school to keep my certification, and I thought, what's the wildest thing I could do, so I took film! So I started writing films and got into AFI. And I couldn't believe it. So going from production to film school is so stressful. It was horrible, and my hair was balding at 39 years old. And i thought, 'it's not right for a 39 year old to lose the only good thing on her body! So thank god I was vain enough to say "I don't want to lose my hair." So I consulted with Rhonda Lenare who I worked with, and she's a specialist in addiction. She's completely learned in naturapathic medicine, wholistic medicine, nutrition, and she worked on a supplement level, an energetic level to heal the body to go back to where it was before it became addicted. I was lucky enough to see her in the early 90's one on one for sugar addiction. I lost weight for the first time in my life, had a completely normal, balanced system, no pains, No PMS symptoms, nothing. Than when I went back on production on cider house rules, I couldn't handle the bagels, the food, and i went back to an addictive state. And I stayed that way on and off, back and forth. So 8 years later, I contacted Rhonda again, when I was back in L.A. She gave me a list of what to eat, what not to eat, supplements, etc. I taught myself everything on that list to eat, and what it did to my body. Sea vegetables, stevia, and I was like, that is so exotic! I have to eat that crap? And I'm borderline anemic, too. I couldn't eat like brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, and I was like, fine.
I asked, "was there anything that she told you to give up that was hard to give up?"
" Sugar!!!!" and chocolate. So carob was my new best friend, but I didn't find that out until later. back in the 90's it was 300 dollars, now its 2000. in 2004 for a phone session it was 375 dollars. She didn't tell me to go raw or vegan- just very little dairy, lot's of salmon, sea vegetables, black oil, omega 3's, supplements for thyroid, adrenals, all that stuff. And I started to heal myself. After 6 weeks of eating apples, plain yogurt, and quinoa, I said, what am i gonna do? Than I got a new job and I wanted to celebrate, and something within me told me to make brownies, and I said, I can't make brownies! But literally I just had an intuition to just start studying: I went to erewhon, I studied every single package on the shelf, I saw what people were doing, and I said, "I can do that!"
The minute after she got off the phone with Rhonda, she decided that 'not one more grain of sugar is gonna pass these lips.' When you're a sugar addict and a compulsive overeater, you only last 6 weeks on anything. Most people only last two. But I was doing the green drinks, and i was cooking to heal." Within a couple weeks, friends of hers were asking if she had gotten botox, or a facelift. She kept losing weight, and than after the first 6 week mark, she started making her first brownie. Out of dates, carob and stevia, maybe with a bit of eggs. and i was just jumping for joy. I got so fascinated and the fascination became a discipline. and I ended up quitting every single job, and inviting people to cooking classes, to develop these recipes. I had a knack for sweets, and taking the best of what I see and making it better. It was a creative junction, because it kept me fascinated with my healing process. Now I know more than I did now. Within 8 months, after taking chinese herbs from Ron teaguarden, my hair started sprouting back onto my head. I started making up recipes, and became a cooking consultant at Erewhon. And it was fun back then! Golden Bridge was down the street still, there was a lot of different people and activities. It was just a cool fun time. That's when I made up the hemp balls they were called fudgeit's I was in Erewhon learning from all of the extreme raw foodists. I learned, and I studied nonstop. Because I'm a self healer, I wanted to show other people that they could self heal too. I think that nutrition and cooking are new trends. And self healing has always been around, but food is your basic thing that everyone can do, you can sprout quinoa. So I definitely love healing through food. I didn't realize that not only would I heal my hair, but that I would heal my sugar addiction and compulsive overeating patterns. that is major. I never thought I would be released from the prison of being obsessed with food and being worried about that. I don't have cravings. I feed myself. I'm health conscious, i take care of myself. I enjoy it, and no matter what, my kitchen's a mess-even to make a salad, I pull out 10 containers. I just think, Kelly, you're so lucky, you spoil yourself. Every time I eat a salad at a salad bar I get sick, I don't understand why. I don't know what it is. So I think another mission is encouraging people to get back in their kitchen.
I asked her if a lot of food cravings went away, partially because she was getting right nutrition in her body?
"Yeah," she said, "and it took four years. It's been a process. I know what it's like to be obsessed with sugar, so what I do is I have people make what they crave, but make it alternatively. So they don't feel like they're going without. They don't feel like they're being punished! If they're craving pancakes, here's a recipe for it. I don't eat how i ate 4 years ago. I eat for nutrition and satiation.
What's the best thing for hair?
Omega 3 oils, fish oil, chia, hemp, avocado, vitamin e, selenium, flax, pumpkin.
Dates were good for sweets. I stopped eating a certain something and my skin cleared up.
Stopped drinking the almond milk and pine nuts because it was flaring up skin on her elbows.

lonnie marshall notes

Thumb should be stationary, closer to pinky, aligned with middle finger.
Everybody plays different, but keep reminding yourself to keep your thumb in one place.
The Modes- 7 degrees diatonic scales
major scale all 7 degrees modes, some major some minor
145 major the rest minor.
first mode, is all whole steps except after 3 and 7 are half steps.
C major,

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dumpster diving for health food.

I'd rather dumpster dive for health food than eat at mcdonalds.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Apollo Sunshine makes history (once again) at Spaceland

Apollo Sunshine should be the 1st band on the Moon but for Saturday night they landed in Silverlake. I've seen them here at Spaceland numerous times, and this was a particularly vibrant gig, with the new songs from their 3rd release 'Shall noise upon' sounding extra grandiose.
They opened the set with Money, a fairly mellow yet jamming song, a bit of folk rock played hard, like Simon and Garfunkel after an injection of testosterone. I noticed the newest addition to the band, Ali, who added extra rhythm on top of Jeremy Black's layered chops. It was an interesting dynamic for the band, and it was entertaining watching Ali switch back and forth between using his hands and sticks on both a conga and a floor tom. Jeremy was alternating maracas and sticks against his kit during the first song. After ironically titled song "money", Lead Singer/ Bassist/guitarist/ keyboardist Jesse made a joke about how this tour could possibly cover the 3 grand spent on a blown transmission on the tour bus. (Runs on grease, so at least they saved money from gas, thanks Taco Bell.)
Jeremy put down his maracas and picked up his sticks to bang hard for the second song, 'singing to the earth (to thank her for you,) which sounded a bit more rocked out than the record, which I believe would be great as their first single. Jesse's bright falsetto sounded great.
For 666, one of the songs off the new record with more of a political bent than usual, the lyric 'believing is harder than it used to be' is something all of us in these times can relate to. I believe in Sam Cohen's spectacular Pedal Steel solo, which he displayed with vigour. The band's ability to weave so many different instruments seamlessly into their set almost allows you to feel as if you're in their living room during a late night jam. Although their psychadelic influences come through, It would be doing the band a disservice to compare them too much with their predecessors, as they are definitely locked into their own planet. They rocked hard enough on certain parts of this set, you could even see a punk rock vibe in certain moments, but with special care in the instrumentation, dichotomized by periodic spouts of reckless abandon. "the world will see........." I'm sure it will. This new Album is quite enigmatic, and quite to live up to live, but I believe Apollo Sunshine is up for the task and ready to take the world by storm
Getting back to their roots, Sam strapped an acoustic guitar to his chest and they did a thunderous rendition of 'Magnolia,' the hit song off of their Second Album. I haven't seen anyone rock an acoustic so hard since Grant Lee Phillips on the Jubilee tour. This song starts out with Jesse banging a cowbell, than picking up his bass and throwing some sliding lines up and down the neck ala 'walk on the wild side' meets Phil Lesh. And didn't I hear that familiar chorus on a Dewar's commercial? Thought so. But this song definitely works best live.
For Funky Chamerberlain, Sam takes over Bass duty so that Jesse can play some keys. This is a number that has you running in place on the dance floor and reliving your last acid trip, if you've ever had one. Jessie takes the bass back while Ali hits a snare for 'better change your mind,' corresponding with Jeremy's tight rhythms in machine like synchronization. There's some Jam bandy-ness going on but the songs are let to breathe for just long enough and than cut back, keeping a certain structure that is refreshing. The band really grooves a bit at the end, and cut it off right at the apex of sharpness, leaving us to revel in it's brevity.
Brotherhood of death, another semi- political song, which refers to a certain secret society that our IQ challenged (now getting ready to be former) president was initiated into. It is their punky dark number, the song that rocks the hardest. Jesse closes his eyes and tells us a story. This song displays a certain awareness of the modern corruption of our world, yet seems to offer up some kind of hope at the same time, complete with guitar distortion ending.
But than we make way for a party. 'Phyllis' is a song of hilariously funny lyrics where we lighten up as they sing "I"m gonna drink a lot of water, and rinse a few things out. I'm gonna make a note, to make a note of what day it is every day I'm up." Great advice, and it's fun watching Jessie strap on his double neck guitar/ bass and go back and forth between the two, staying on bass while Sam solos. Again, I'm feeling like I'm in their living room. And Ali is banging them bells against the toms and congas to keep up with Jeremy, the Lance Armstrong of free spirited drummers.
Than Jesse treats us to some frenzied rendition of a Bach song with Sam stealing back the bass one last time before ending out the set with "Lord" from their first album Katonah. A holy cry into the dark of night, a hungering for a true spiritual experience, not just a false religiosity. This is a serious song. "Don't leave me lord, " cries Jessie, and Sam wails off into a guitar solo complete with underwater distorted effects: a modern day Hendrix clashing with Greg Allman, but soon. Sorry, I said I wouldn't compare. (Oh hi, ghost of John Lennon.) Sam and Jessie lay down their weapons and every body jams on the percussions, Sam joining Ali, Jessie uniting with Jeremy on his kit. Ending the set with a drum circle of four souls wrapped in unity, than Sam banging Jeremy's floor tom before a final pause, the instruments are strapped back on, this time going into the song double time shooting off like a rocket from space rock to wailing punk, Ali whipping those dreads in a frenzy, alernating bells slapped against conga, stick on snare, and than alternating his hands again, keeping time again with Jeremy, and than the frenzy ends.
This is a meal that can't be digested in one setting. You have to keep coming back and soon you'll understand what has happened. The albums shows are to be sipped slowly through a lifetime, not something our attention deficit society will get right away, but something that will make history.........eventually.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


friday, october 31, 2008

Perry Farrell video shoot 11/1
posted by jeremy ferrick's mosaic at 7:09 pm 0 comments
thursday, october 30, 2008

Name of my new band:
posted by jeremy ferrick's mosaic at 5:52 am 0 comments
monday, october 27, 2008

quotes and monologues

tuesday, november 11, 2008

Another Bernie Rhodes quote:
It's a truly FRUSTRATING process being ahead CREATIVELY but stuck in traffic CULTURALLY.
posted by jeremy ferrick's mosaic at 10:44 pm 0 comments
Bernard Rhodes Quote
“If Elvis Presley worked with me, he wouldn’t have got fat…”
posted by jeremy ferrick's mosaic at 10:08 pm 0 comments
saturday, november 8, 2008

one of my fave quotes
"What you bring forth from within you will save you. What you do not bring forth will destroy you"
posted by jeremy ferrick's mosaic at 12:09 pm 0 comments
i agree sean connery
posted by jeremy ferrick's mosaic at 8:59 am 0 comments
goodwill hunting monologue
Clark (Scott Winters): I was just hoping you might give me some insight into the evolution of the market economy in the southern colonies. My contention is that prior to the Revolutionary War, the economic modalities, especially in the southern colonies, could most aptly be characterized as agrarian precapitalism...
Chuckie (Ben Affleck): Let me tell you something, all right...
Will: (interrupting) Of course that is your contention...
Clark: Hold on a second...
Will: You're a first year grad student. You just got finished reading some Marxian Historian, Pete Garrison probably. You're gonna' be convinced of that until next month when you get to James Lemon, then you're gonna' be talking about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740. That's gonna' last until next year, you're gonna' be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood, talking about ya know, the Pre-Revolutionary utopia and the capital forming effects of military mobilization.
Clark: Well, as a matter of fact I won't because Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social...
Will: (interrupting) Wood drastically... Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth. You got that from Vickers. "Work in Essex County", page 98, right? Yeah, I read that too. Were you going to plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? Or do you, is that you thing, you come into a bar, you read some obscure passage, and then pretend, you pawn it off as your own, as your own idea just to impress some girl and embarrass my friend? You see, the sad thing about a guy like you is that in 50 years, you're gonna start doing some thinking on your own and you're gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life. One: don't do that. And two: you dropped a 150 grand on a fuckin' education you could have gotten for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library.
Clark: Yeah, but I will have the degree, and you'll be serving my kids fries at a drive thru on our way to a skiing trip.
Will: (laughing) Yeah, maybe, but at least I won't be unoriginal.
posted by jeremy ferrick's mosaic at 8:21 am 0 comments
Learn this monologue
Blake: Let me have your attention for a moment! So you're talking about what? You're talking about...(puts out his cigarette)...bitching about that sale you shot, some son of a bitch that doesn't want to buy, somebody that doesn't want what you're selling, some broad you're trying to screw and so forth. Let's talk about something important. Are they all here?
Williamson: All but one.
Blake: Well, I'm going anyway. Let's talk about something important! (to Levene) Put that coffee down!! Coffee's for closers only. (Levene scoffs) Do you think I'm fucking with you? I am not fucking with you. I'm here from downtown. I'm here from Mitch and Murray. And I'm here on a mission of mercy. Your name's Levene?
Levene: Yeah.
Blake: You call yourself a salesman, you son of a bitch?
Moss: I don't have to listen to this shit.
Blake: You certainly don't pal. 'Cause the good news is -- you're fired. The bad news is you've got, all you got, just one week to regain your jobs, starting tonight. Starting with tonights sit. Oh, have I got your attention now? Good. 'Cause we're adding a little something to this months sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anyone want to see second prize? Second prize's a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired. You get the picture? You're laughing now? You got leads. Mitch and Murray paid good money. Get their names to sell them! You can't close the leads you're given, you can't close shit, you ARE shit, hit the bricks pal and beat it 'cause you are going out!!!
Levene: The leads are weak.
Blake: 'The leads are weak.' Fucking leads are weak? You're weak. I've been in this business fifteen years.
Moss: What's your name?
Blake: FUCK YOU, that's my name!! You know why, Mister? 'Cause you drove a Hyundai to get here tonight, I drove a eighty thousand dollar BMW. That's my name!! (to Levene) And your name is "you're wanting." And you can't play in a man's game. You can't close them. (at a near whisper) And you go home and tell your wife your troubles. (to everyone again) Because only one thing counts in this life! Get them to sign on the line which is dotted! You hear me, you fucking faggots?
(Blake flips over a blackboard which has two sets of letters on it: ABC, and AIDA.)
Blake: A-B-C. A-always, B-be, C-closing. Always be closing! Always be closing!! A-I-D-A. Attention, interest, decision, action. Attention -- do I have your attention? Interest -- are you interested? I know you are because it's fuck or walk. You close or you hit the bricks! Decision -- have you made your decision for Christ?!! And action. A-I-D-A; get out there!! You got the prospects comin' in; you think they came in to get out of the rain? Guy doesn't walk on the lot unless he wants to buy. Sitting out there waiting to give you their money! Are you gonna take it? Are you man enough to take it? (to Moss) What's the problem pal? You. Moss.
Moss: You're such a hero, you're so rich. Why you coming down here and waste your time on a bunch of bums?
(Blake sits and takes off his gold watch)
Blake: You see this watch? You see this watch?
Moss: Yeah.
Blake: That watch cost more than your car. I made $970,000 last year. How much you make? You see, pal, that's who I am. And you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? Fuck you -- go home and play with your kids!! (to everyone) You wanna work here? Close!! (to Aaronow) You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you cocksucker? You can't take this -- how can you take the abuse you get on a sit?! You don't like it -- leave. I can go out there tonight with the materials you got, make myself fifteen thousand dollars! Tonight! In two hours! Can you? Can you? Go and do likewise! A-I-D-A!! Get mad! You sons of bitches! Get mad!! You know what it takes to sell real estate?
(He pulls something out of his briefcase)
Blake: It takes brass balls to sell real estate.
(He's holding two brass balls on string, over the appropriate "area"--he puts them away after a pause)
Blake: Go and do likewise, gents. The money's out there, you pick it up, it's yours. You don't--I have no sympathy for you. You wanna go out on those sits tonight and close, close, it's yours. If not you're going to be shining my shoes. Bunch of losers sitting around in a bar. (in a mocking weak voice) "Oh yeah, I used to be a salesman, it's a tough racket." (he takes out large stack of red index cards tied together with string from his briefcase) These are the new leads. These are the Glengarry leads. And to you, they're gold. And you don't get them. Because to give them to you is just throwing them away. (he hands the stack to Williamson) They're for closers.
I'd wish you good luck but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it. (to Moss as he puts on his watch again) And to answer your question, pal: why am I here? I came here because Mitch and Murray asked me to, they asked me for a favor. I said, the real favor, follow my advice and fire your fucking ass because a loser is a loser.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Almost (lost in the shuffle) until you found me.

name of song

lost in the shuffle (album?) for shizzy

band name idea:

Leisure Lee
and the cutbacks

zevia: a sweet beverage that is easy on your sweet tooth.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

mohawk puppy by Jeremy Ferrick

Mohawk Puppy by Jeremy Ferrick
Eagle eye
floating like a feather
rising to the sky
seaside doggy
by and by
do I know you from another life?
throw your dice
lucky k9 blessed life
his best friend and alibi
Mohawk puppy friday night
technocolor tan
i'm your biggest fan
all the ladies
love the little man!
dancing on your arm
licking your hand
rock and roll doggy
running in the sand
Boogy down the boardwalk
you can love but
you can't talk
if you could what would
you say?
what's circling around your doggy brain?
spinning round and round
lord of the lions
running through the town
you can pick him up
won't want to put him down
Everybody loves
the mohawk puppy.