Sunday, June 21, 2009

dirty suits

Unretiring my dirty suit, as well as my own career.
Well, duh, didn't you know there's 24 hours in a day? You can play Bass in a band as well as still playing your own music. It's called omnology. If you don't know what it means, then look it up, ya bullfighter.

Album List

Saturday, June 20, 2009

[The] view of man [as a noble soul] has rarely been expressed in human history... Yet this is the view with which... the best of mankind's youth start out in life. It is not even a view, for most of them, but a foggy, groping, undefined sense made of raw pain and incommunicable happiness. it is a sense of enormous expectation, the sense that one's life is important, that great achievements are within one's capacity, and that great things lie ahead.
It is not in the nature of man - nor of any living entity - to start out by giving up, by spitting in one's face and damning existence; that requires a process of corruption whose rapidity differs from man to man. Some give up at the first touch of pressure; some sell out; some run down by imperceptible degrees and lose their fire, never knowing when or how they lost it. Then all of these vanish in the vast swamp of their elders who tell them persistently that maturity consists of abandoning one's mind; security; of abandoning one's values; practicality; of losing self-esteem. Yet a few hold on and move on, knowing that that fire is not to be betrayed, learning how to give it shape, purpose and reality. But whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man's nature and of life's potential."

Ayn Rand 1968

Thursday, June 18, 2009

flouride map

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i must have agent fifteen on my brain
or maybe mold or whatever causes me to go insane
i'd go to the interview but i'm too tired
somewhere inside something went haywire

and i'm turning into nothing
but a great big nothing
my ambitions and all of my goals
are filled with nothing but holes
like a buoy that can't even stay afloat.

maybe i'm just lacking in protein
or other vital elements
and nutrients
so i make it up with more caffeine.

and i'd go to school
but i don't remember
where i'm going to live
this coming september

i used to never lose
oh now i'm so confused
and turning into nothing
but a great big nothing.

Friday, June 12, 2009

inner travel

Moses never touched down on the holy land
Kant only left his village once,
to bury his dad.
and kierkegaard
ventured from copenhagen rarely if ever

i used to have such wanderlust
looking for a land that i can trust
till a friend told me
instead of taking to the skies
concentrate on what is going on between your eyes.

learning how to travel by going within and finding the light
is worth even more then a first class flight
it's better then sitting out on a yacht out by the sea
because wherever you are now is where you are meant to be.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cool new band names

good to know

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

pico robertson: the movie

it's abouT getting to yes.

i used to worry that i was not old enough so i waited for a while i thought that one day i wuld be ready to play rough and win the game. i was waiting foa day that never came. i used to worry that i wasn't young enough i missed my window now, it's over so pack up.
but now i realize that's not what it's all about milk every second change your doubt only go for light.

Notes on publishing/ music clearance.

Sound recording/ music composition- derivative work. Synch license. TV, film, Evan Greenspan, inc. musicology nd composition.
Sloop john b- public domin, l bamba bolero- protected
jeff rosen/ bob dylan criterion publishing these boots are made for walking......
mark levinson
Dina likes Tunecore. Richard gotterer
Don't get tripped about age, use every second. + .-

Starting all over again from the beginning.

Doing what you've got to do / Don't wait another moment/ that band from the holy land/ rock out all alone/ rock out on your own/ folk revival/ from your living room couch a survival. Find out whatz in there in that heart of yourz.

Journal entries

song: contemporary grin
bringing it back home
worked starbucsk 6-1130 am zyrexin 1230-5 Fred paid me 625- that was worth some of my boredom of the job
A message to you rudy-buy blank cds - get rid of some stuff- call airport about bags. Pay dave, haircut.
dreaming of ensenada- Ernesto and his woman friend could not find a room in ensenada the fifth of may. They camped outside and wondered why dreamed that maybe some way, some time, they'd open an inn of their own, going instead to the u.s.a.
Hoping for enough money to pay for a down payment on their dreams. Instead they found a job cleaning up a hotel on Lincoln Ave. After finding a golden watch or two
Thanks for coming fuck you for leaving

R.U. Sirius? According to Howard Bllom, omnology is the theory that one can indulge in all of one's interests equally. Many times my efforts have been hampered by the belief that i must be myopic in my search for the truth. Here are some of my interests:
Buddhism, Nihilism, Freud, Christ, judaism, punk rock, folk, techno. Trance, kcikboxing, arena rock. Indie rock, yoga, acoustic, electric, cyber punkism, boxing martial arts, raw foodism naturalism, kabbalah, running/ surfing/ singing/ psychotherapy/ silence. Sexxx, celibacy, meditation, freedom, neuroscience, science fiction, foreign films. Travelling, technology, simplicity, carlos castaneda, shamanism, tantra, theater, filmmaking, dramatic arts, songwriting, recording. Music, guitar, bass, and voice. Surfing the web, not surfing the webpoetry, prose, screen writing. Money, economics, Russian literature. Torah, Lao Tzu, Eddie vedder.
SUPERMENTAL. The vinyl clocks. supermental.
You just hate me because i don't suffer from your same illness
Dean Karnaze's food suggestions- emailed to me-
high protein bear naked granola plain whole soy yogurt dark rye bread, pedialyte. Apples, grapefruit, maranatha almond butter, brocolli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower.

I breathe in bits of you
let me taste
your watermelon skin
you are the one i like
healthy gratitude with patience
wearing thin
never again will we regret how can i thank you for helping me?
Confess, helping me to forget.
She's got that swiss chocolate hair..........
She's got a sword in her eyes.
She's reading dream of electric sheep
wake up under the sky
Her lips are folded son't fret, kiss me Strawberry red.

Things to think about:
joshua tree
elizabeth letters
playing songs at parties
acting on stage
rue mouffatard
skye/suzie lauren
jam w/ jesse c.
haning w/ jere g
kibitz gig in people's face
god is within
meet flea
bryan singer's house
a feldman's pool
girl at obreins complimenting eyes
coconut juice, all things are possible prague marthi

If the world is like a giant schming court and we are trapped inside it, there's no use in trying to opt out of the game, that will only redner you powerless.
leisure lee and the cutbacks
the twitches
Saw a crow eating out of a cheetohs bag on corning st. i'm going to learn how to give. why are you hiding your eyes, i can't find a single truth in disguise just keep on telling your lies, you'll be lonesome, lonesome hiking round and round in your doom, you'll be found out you weren't on the moon it's so random, random.

lucknow, amazing juju, goodbye, evil eye. renouncer, vinylclocks inspiration within the nothingness
Wasting your time again and again, too much inspiration too much joy.
Turn the page
we're in
the digial age.\found again, i lost my way, took some time, the years gone by.
Amazing Juju- help me stay away from myself, long enoug to help someone else. ucla 123 evan greenspan.