Tuesday, July 10, 2012


List 10 beliefs you have about your ability to attract women sexually
1)Often times the women I attract don't let me know they're into me.
2)Often times the women I am interested in I don't feel confident approaching
3)Often times it's hard to develop a relationship to the level where the lovemaking is intimate.
4)Often times I feel like women can't "see" my value
5)I feel that the type of women that i would vibe with best are in another part of the world.
6)I have conflicting goals in what I WANT in a woman.
7)I sometimes feel that when i was most physically attractive I was most mentally weak
8) I feel I attract women when I'm "taken"
9) I find it difficult to avoid the "friendzone"
10) I feel I can attract women but not keep them.
Think about where these beliefs came from