Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bouji Kousai

manko looks good on paper
opai looks good on rice
but if you don't wash
it may not taste so nice
Bouji Kousai
and the mayor didn't tell ya
Bouji Kousai
Queen of england didn't say
if you're not gonna wash
put that thing away
Bouji Kousai
and your teachers didn't tell ya
Bouji Kousai
and your counselor didn't say
if you're not gonna wash
put that thing away
Joseiki looks good in water
Omanko good in ice
you better soap it down
and don't think twice
Bouji Kousai
cause ben franklin didn't tell ya
Bouji Kousai
herbie hoover didn't say
if you're not gonna wash
put that thing away
Bouji Kousai
Bouji Kousai
Bouji Kousai
Joseiki looks good in colour
omanko in black and white
with dreams like that
how you ever gonna sleep at night

Potluck guy.

Int. Jimmy's pad. It's a sty. He's on a flip phone.
Jimmy- Sure, I love a good potluck. Is there gonna be a lot of food there? ......Yeah? Be right down.
Jimmy shuffles through his closet and pulls out a large backpack.
Cut to: 99 cent store. Jimmy pulls a bottle of cola off the shelf that says Two for .99. In line, he pulls out a dirty sock and dumps a bunch of pennies on the counter.. While the cashier is counting the change he opens the bottle and swigs the soda.
Cut to Echo park park. There are about 20 party goes at the park. He goes over and introduces himself.
Jimmy- Oh, hi, I brought some soda. (He places it on the table. It's 3/4 gone.) A guy Sammy, eyes the cola suspiciously and than Jimmy. There is eerie horror music on the cola. A red rubber ball bounces off of Jimmy. Harry the hipster jock bouncing the ball of him.
Harry- Hey come on and play some kickball.
Jimmy- I don't wanna.
Harry-(Pulls his arm) come on.
There is a montage of Jimmy repeatedly getting pegged by the ball as he's running, and in the last clip falling down.
Jimmy- I'm gonna rest by the picnic table a bit.
Harry- Ok.
Jimmy is over by the picnic table. There is no one around. He takes a whole birthday cake and slips in his bag. "It says happy birthday Kimmie" He looks around, and takes a whole bag of chips and slips it in too. Than he sees his soda is empty. Horror music again.
Jimmy- They drank all my soda!
He grabs a whole bag of hershey kisses and opens it up. He takes out four of them and throws them on the table, and then throws the bag in his bag. Than he puts a 6 pack of beer in too. Hurriedly, he packs a Caesar salad into his bag too. Soon, the whole crowd come over.
Harry- Hey, where's Kimmie's cake? We gotta put candles on it before she gets here! (sammy suspiciously eyes Jimmy.)
Jimmy- I don't know, maybe somebody ate it?
Cecelia- Why would somebody eat the birthday cake? It must be around somewhere.
Jimmy- Maybe we should look for it?
Harry- Yeah, let's do it.
Jimmy goes behind a tree and begins "mock searching" all around the tree. He takes out a huge Binocular and begins searching into the trees.  Than he stops.
Jimmy- I spied a naughty squirrel. I have a sinking feeling, he may have eaten the cake.
Cecelia- Was the squirrel fat?
Fat Danny- Hey, I'm fat! And I don't even like cake!
Cecelia- Sorry Danny.
Johnny comes back from kickball all sweaty.
Johnny- (conspiratorially) Hey guys, where's the cake? We need to put the candles in it!
Harry- Jimmy over there thinks a squirrel may have eaten it.
Sammy- (Eyes narrowing) SO he says!
Harry- Has anyone seen any fat squirrels around? I hear sometimes fat squirrels steal cake.
Cecelia- Harry, not ALL fat squirrels eat cake! (She blinks and points at Fat Danny, who has his back turned towars them. He turns around.)
Fat Danny- I happen to prefer salad!
Cecelia- I brought some Caesar salad!
Fat Danny- Yeah, I saw that, but I can't seem to find it!
Cecelia- Really, I put it right over there.
Fat Danny- It's gone!
Jimmy- Wow! Nice friends. Already ate all of your salad! They should have saved some for Frank! Luckily I don't like salad. So I don't need to feel guilty over the lack of salad. (Sammy eyes him hatefully) Hey man, you like salad?
Sammy- Yeah, I like it. I ain't got NOTHIN' to hide.
Jimmy- I bet you do. (They stare each other down.)
Cecelia- What are we gonna do? About the cake! Laura's coming!
Jimmy- You can stick some candles in the hummus! Luckily squirrels and selfish friends don't like hummus!
Harry- Great idea Jimmy! You got the candles Johnny?
Johnny- Yeah!
Johnny sticks a bunch of candles in the hummus and lights them. Laura shows up and they all begin singing happy birthday. Jimmy sings the loudest. Laura blows out the hummus.
Laura- Wow, cool idea guys. Who thought of the hummus cake?
Jimmy- Well, it's actually much healthier than regular cake. Might as well start your birthday off on the right foot! (To Sammy) Right, crazy dude?
Laura- Wow guys. This has been such a great birthday party. I'm so hungry! Are there any chips left?
Johnny- (Looking for chips) Who ate them all? That's weird.
Jimmy- Bunch o' pigs.
Sammy starts eyeing Jimmy's bulging bag, and walks towards him slowly.
Laura- Sammy whats wrong?
Harry catches on and slowly starts walking towards Jimmy.
Sammy- What's in the bag Jimmy!
Harry- Yeah, what's in the bag, MAN?
Jimmy is sweating profusely.
Jimmy- It's a bomb! (They stop. He looks at his watch.) Oh. I'm late for an appointment. (He sees a cabbie parked 20 feet away.) Taxi!( He goes and runs to the cab. ) (Before getting in, he looks back at everyone. ) Hey I had fun!  (He gets in, and holds up a piece of cardboard that says BRB on it.)
Int. cab.
Cabbie is Persian, about 50.
Cabbie- So where are you going my friend?
Jimmy- I was gonna go to this other potluck, but I gotta go home and shower first.
Cabbie- so where's home?
Jimmy- Oh, Vermont and santa monica.
Cabbie- That's funny, because I was going to have a potluck for my daughter. She is having her 21st birthday party today. She is very beautiful girl!
Jimmy- Yeah?
Cabbie- She is sad because all of her friends are married but her. Do you know of somebody that may want to marry her? (He shows him a picture of a beautiful persian girl.) Preferably somebody American and VERY modern.
Jimmy- Well, I may think of someone.
Cabbie- Many from my country only want their daughters to marry from Iran. But I want her to be happy and she likes American man.
Jimmy- Interesting.
Cabbie- Would you maybe like to come to the birthday girl's potluck? (He winks.)
Jimmy- Well you know, (he looks at his badge and it says Peyman.) Peyman, you know, I really wanted to go to this other potluck! But now that you're talking about your potluck, that sounds even more fun than the original potluck I was going to go to.
Cabbie- You're more than welcome. There is enough food for all a potluck!