Monday, May 8, 2017

EXT. House on road near Taft Prison. The sky is pure blue with perfectly formed clouds, a slight breeze blows a tumbleweed across the road and we see Stanford Smith,60, a retired recording engineer squinting in the sun as he takes a draw from a smoke. A bus loaded with prisoners drives by in slow motion. He makes eye contact with Jerome Alexander, a 45 year old on his way to Taft 
My daddy used to say that not everyone who went to prison belonged there. And that there were many men walking the streets who should be there.
And my mama used to say life isn't fair. I thought of that every Time these sad sacks would roll by in the prison bus. But for the first time ever I saw some dude through the bus. We made eye contact, and he smiled at me. That was the first time I ever seen one of them boys smile. Somehow, it inspired me. Made me want to help out. How, I wasn't yet sure at the moment.
Cut to
Ext coachella music festival.  There's a shot of a band on the mainstays at night, the huge ferris wheel, and a montage of dozens of music fans in various guises. Down a packed avenue nearby, there are hundreds of cars in an uber zone in bumper to bumper traffic. Jerome, an uber driver in a white Toyota yaris looks stressed.
Int.Jeromes car. There is music blasting.

Goddamb coachella dicks! Thanks for blocking the road! (His #waze app ke et ps directing him to turn right) Bitch shut up! I can't turn right! I guess they didn t take into account that at a music festival with thousands of people roads could be inaccessible. (His phone rings)Hello?
Cut to: young hot woman in uber zone.
Yw: where the he'll are you? You're ten minutes late!
J: the roads are blocked is there a way you can walk out here?
Yw: I'm not walking in these heels!
J: than tell your daddy (screaming) to send a helicopter you entitled bitch! (He hangs up and cancels the ride.
Yw: omigod ! Double u tee eff?
J: fuck coachella! I'm done with this shit!
Cut to ampm exterior. J is on the phone.
J: I thought you said thus was a moneymaker! During the concert there were no rides! Now it's surging like mad but I can't find anyone because all the roads are blocked!
J's friend Marvin:
Dude! I thought I told you! Take people to the concert. The pickups from it aren't worth it! Go back to your hotel and start taking people tomorrow at noon.
J: yeah but dammit! I didn't get here early enough.
M- that's ok. Go back to Hemet and get some sleep! (Uber app starts ringing.)
J: hey I just got a ride! It's out a bit from here so maybe it won't be such a dickdance!
M- fuhgetrabout it! I'm telling you turn off the app and go get some sleep!
J: ok. (He hangs up and than presses accept.) Fuck it i want to make SOMETHING tonight.  (He gets back in his car and drives. The 50s song still of the night plays in juxtaposition with the chaos that is coachella. J drives down 61st ave. Till he gets to a makeshift dirt road. It's crowded with people and he stops for a second. An employee in an orange vest flags him to keep going
Employee- please don't stop sir!
J- I'm looking for peeps to pickup.
E- bobbing head no. Keep going.
J waves Nd smiles a huge sarcastic smile. When out of earshot - Thanks douchebag! Now I can't find my clients! Fuck my fucking uber life! A gaggle of 20 something's, 2 guys and 2 girls, one named Elise who is looking at her phone come towards him.
Elise- are you Jerome?
J- yes!
The gaggle erupt in applause and high fives and they jump in the car and the music changes to edm.
Elise- you just saved out fucking lives! (She plucks down into the passenger seat and plants a kiss on his cheek.)
Sam (From back of car) can u take us to ant has station
Shannon (other lady in back) we hungry as fuck
John and than back to the campsite not far from the ferris wheel.
J- how about the ampm? I was just there!
Elise- perfect!