Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3 Piece band

I'm starting a 3 piece band. But not until I have a PA, decent guitar amp, mic, running car, and rehearsal space. 2010?2011?

I owe Brian $750.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Seth Godin is a marketing genius because he majored in philosophy.

New idea for songwriting- write the guitar/ bass lines, record them, loop them over and over again and sleep to it.


teach you my song, i'm gonna teach you my song
and then you're gonna pass it on,
now pass it on.
I'm gonna show you a dance move and then
you'll pass on the new groove
it's gonna
grow like
a scarecrow.
Shh! listen
to me
to that
whisper in
the sky
you can
only hear
it after you
when no one
is walking by
when you are all alone
you can hear the tuning fork tone.
Like a
diamond high pitched sound
that comes from the moon
down to the ground
but only you know how or why.

I'm glad

I didn't get big while I was writing depressing songs. Now I'll get big writing happy songs.

New music

genre: Life improvement music.

album title:

sweet treats
eat one and pass it on.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Not just a band, but an idea.


get people to be interactive in the cd covers and people will buy
ASCAP Presents Songwriters Session
Mar 25, 2009

On Wednesday, March 25 at 7:00pm in MI’s Main Concert Hall, ASCAP presents a special live songwriting session including outstanding writers Tank (Keyshia Cole, Jennifer Hudson), Lonny Bereal (Kelly Rowland, Jamie Foxx), and J Valentine (Ruben Studdard, Whitney Houston).

This event is free and open to the public. For information, contact ASCAP at 323-882-1414 (Please DO NOT contact MI for information about this event!).
Shalom rav al yisrael am'cha tasim l'olam
Shalom rav al yisrael am'cha tasim l'olam

II. Verse

Ki ata hu melech adon
L'chol hashalom
Ki ata hu melech adon
Em A
L'chol hashalom

Up to verse...

III. Bridge

Em C D Bm
V'tov be'einecha levarech

Em A D (F#7)
Et am'cha yisrael

Em F#7 Bm Bm/A (or Bm)
B'chol eit uv'chol sha'ah

Em A Bm A
Yehi shalom B'chelech Shalva B'armenosayich
Yehi shalom B'chelech Shalva B'armenosayich
Yehi shalom B'chelech Shalva B'armenosayich
Yehi shalom B'chelech Shalva B'armenosayich
Am G
Am Yisroel, Am Yisroel, Am Yisroel Chai,

G Am
Am Yisroel, Am Yisroel, Am Yisroel Chai,

Am Em Am Am Em Am
Od Avinu Chai, Od Avinu Chai,

Am G Am
Od Avinu, Od Avinu, Od Avinu Chai

Gesher Tzar me'od


Kol Haolam Kulo

Gesher tzar me'od

Gesher tzar me'od

Gesher tzar me'od

Kol Haolam Kulo

Gesher tzar me'od

E Am
Gesher tzar me'od


Vehaikar veha'ikar

Lo lefached

Lo lefached kelall

Vehaikar veha'ikar

G Am
Lo lefached kelall

two choices: be a slave or play the game. Choose.

spoke w/ gerald kong @ ascap 8009527227 fax 2125953276 Sol Ris Publishing agrees to no publishing for the following titles:
432617975 maybe the meteor
49406139 sit in the silence
494506111 sleepwalking angel
the writer Jeremy Ferrick retains all publishing.

Monday, March 16, 2009

coastnotes Laurie Nadell

hands of light- a book. she worked w/ nasa, conducted exp. in light absent conditions. human beings give out light particles. sometimes one person would get vaccumed to the other person, energy being given/ exchanged. That's why some people drain us. unconsciously. enhancing their own energy
unlocking 6th sense- dr. paul mclane- chief of brain evolution. national health inst. 3 brain systems, reptilitan, top brain stem, auto patterns, routines, mammalian, brain of emotion, limbic system, left and right brain. left rational right pictures. sees around the corner, anticipates solutions possible. Exists beyond the brain too.
indescribable ability to pick up info. even through pores in the skin, or messages from spirit world, angelic, etc.
Way expounded past original subscription
Scientific studies. Mead school for human development. A group of students when they solved a division prob, some people followed the steps, and their brain was relaxed, some were stressed. But the right brain ones when left alone could get into an alpha meditative rhythm and solve the problems. Brain is capable of intuitive thinking, knowing, etc.
Anyone with a profound experience believes it's helped them do things they couldn't ordinarily do.
Until recently the overall skepticism has caused a barrier in terms of public information or communication. The military was concerned they would be scorned by congress. Remote viewing, etc. which was used for espionage in 70's and 80's. This was kept silence for fear of being ridiculed.
Electricity you can use it to light up a room or kill somebody, not aware of remote viewing being used for a dangerous purpose.
Certain shamans can make themselves invisible.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Try to improve

every day in every way.

speed = force force = power

practice practice practice
Marshaune Oath.
1) Don't look at the past. Just go straight forward.
2) Get some money in the bank.
3) Try to work out every day or at least every other day.
4) Start your own band, make sure people are committed.
5) Make a plan.
6) If census bureau job falls through, get another job somewhere else.
7) 4 good workouts next week.
8) Eat at least one good meal a day.
9) at least know a quarter of personal training book.
10) Put an add for $ 20 an hour to play guitar.

if i ever have money

i'm going to go out every night.
what are we gonna do with her?
she called today another breakdown of the century
i love her to death
but her illness is
also killing me.
Everyone's just waiting to be discovered
like an actor at a drugstore
yeah i'm guilty of that too
what do you want me to do
wait around on hand and foot
like they want me to?
good enough for my forefathers
aint' good enough for me
I come from the land
of the entitled
the ones who want to break free
from the one s that hold them down
I refuse to be your clown.
your daddy sends you checks
but you yell at me cause I can't find a job
walk a mile in my boots
before you judge me son
you say i need some medication
luckily i can't afford it
i was there for you and yours
memories you would abort now.

regarding pacman pic.

Hi Jeremy,

Sure, you're welcome to use any images! Thanks for asking. :)

701 e. 3rd st. / alameda 90013 march 17th 130 pm passport. ss id blank check.
She just called me in tears again today nervous breakdown of the century I love her to death but what are going to do with her?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This month

I been laying low
waitin for the dust to blow
wonderin' if she's heaven sent
wonderin' what will pay my rent
least i got my belly full
wonderin' will that last if so
will my baby come back to me
in the form of something
now set free.

Friday, March 6, 2009

call this

866-238-8997 this is ascap title reg. east coast 10-4 weekdays

Monday, March 2, 2009

collaborations w/ dirty suits

humble: bassline
happy again: bassline, song title, last part: sense it feel it touch it find it feels good anyways, I do not mind it!
new song about online love: come on give me some loving tonight I ain't in the mood for a fight, Darlin you look so good I want to grab it, she's the only one who'll help me change my habit.
bullfighter: music and lyrics
needles: bass line