Monday, March 16, 2009

coastnotes Laurie Nadell

hands of light- a book. she worked w/ nasa, conducted exp. in light absent conditions. human beings give out light particles. sometimes one person would get vaccumed to the other person, energy being given/ exchanged. That's why some people drain us. unconsciously. enhancing their own energy
unlocking 6th sense- dr. paul mclane- chief of brain evolution. national health inst. 3 brain systems, reptilitan, top brain stem, auto patterns, routines, mammalian, brain of emotion, limbic system, left and right brain. left rational right pictures. sees around the corner, anticipates solutions possible. Exists beyond the brain too.
indescribable ability to pick up info. even through pores in the skin, or messages from spirit world, angelic, etc.
Way expounded past original subscription
Scientific studies. Mead school for human development. A group of students when they solved a division prob, some people followed the steps, and their brain was relaxed, some were stressed. But the right brain ones when left alone could get into an alpha meditative rhythm and solve the problems. Brain is capable of intuitive thinking, knowing, etc.
Anyone with a profound experience believes it's helped them do things they couldn't ordinarily do.
Until recently the overall skepticism has caused a barrier in terms of public information or communication. The military was concerned they would be scorned by congress. Remote viewing, etc. which was used for espionage in 70's and 80's. This was kept silence for fear of being ridiculed.
Electricity you can use it to light up a room or kill somebody, not aware of remote viewing being used for a dangerous purpose.
Certain shamans can make themselves invisible.

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