Friday, May 29, 2009

Contract to myself.

I hereby state on this date of Friday, 5/29/09, I Jeremy Ferrick now declare myself a Solo singer songwriter. I am registered as such under Ascap, and also maintain rights as a Publisher under the title renouncer. I choose to make my living through music, whether by selling physical cd's or vinyl, itunes, or playing like, ie, busking on the street, or playing in clubs all over the world. I devote at least an hour a day to learning and improving my craft the rest of my life. If I skip out on this, I will have to make up for time lost. I will devote myself first and foremost to writing and playing my own compositions as opposed to others, but will also have a repetoire of covers available.
I am psychically giving myself permission to perform when and where in the past I may have shrinked of my duty due to half heartedness and fear, which now I am done with permanently.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

credit card bailout


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

part of my problem is part of my heart

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

this is the part of dirty suits' happy again that i wrote:
it looks like we're going to be happy again
maybe surroundings, i don't care
i can sense it, feel it, i can't touch it or find it
feels good anyway but i don't mind it.

not much, but it definitely deserves a cowriter credit, since it's the inspiration for the title.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

of Sol Ris Publishing agrees to no publishing for the following titles:
432617975 maybe the meteor
49406139 sit in the silence
494506111 sleepwalking angel
323675930 bullfighter
the writer Jeremy Ferrick retains all publishing.