Wednesday, February 8, 2012

musterbation is a sin (but we do it anyways)

Actually, I'm talking about masturbation, but I felt so awkward I decided to spell it wrong! I just came across an epiphany about whacking off. In an ideal society where males and females had open communications, there weren't any taboos, etc., masturbation would be completely unnecessary. The truth is, there should be no want of getting laid. We all want it, we all need it. But how often, because of communication breakdown, shyness, etc. do we sit in the dark pleasuring ourselves?
So whoever wrote the part in the bible about the guy being put to death for spilling his seed on the ground, was trying to prove a point. His point is that sexual pleasure is meant to be shared. My interpretation is that self pleasuring is tantamount to a sort of narcissism where you don't have to look to a source outside of yourself for happiness.
Ironically, it's many people's interpretations, or misinterpretations of that same holy book, that have created a lot of the trouble and neurosis that arises around sex and pleasure. Thus, the need for people to masturbate, due to not being able to find a proper love mate.
Being open, I am currently not in a loving relationship due to my insecurities around my lack of money, lack of being able to provide for properly for a female, etc. There have been women that have definitely given me every sign that they wanted to go out with me, but I flailed because I was afraid they wouldn't be able to deal with my starving artistness. That's all probably in my own head, but I am impeding myself nonetheless. And honestly, it becomes a cycle worth breaking. It has led me down many a path where I spent too many nights alone. This is just about to be broken, hacksawed, massacred because I believe in love and lust. And that the shared experience is far superior.

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