Saturday, July 26, 2014


Hero of DePaul
They exiled you but you'll never fall
Norman you are my hero
Your parents went through what my grandparents went through
You didn't let it sear your conscience victorious you didn't let it get to you
You could have went the way of the coward fallen in line with the status quo. It would have been much easier and more convenient to step on line to where they wanted you to go.
But you never suffered fools or let liars off the hook you recited every line you needed to from every appropriate book. You're a better man than me because I have often compromised to stay free. I myself have often even lied in exchange for a warm safe place to sleep at night. But you where do you have to go to escape the false scholars who have turned you into a foe. You're the type of hero who's given your life to teaching fools like me what is actually right . While I forever waffle back and forth you have give us your word with tounge like a sword.

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