Thursday, October 7, 2010


Proprietary Hair Essentials Blend

* Serenoa Repens (Saw Palmetto) studies have shown that Saw Palmetto is an effective anti-androgen that can inhibit or block the cell membranes from absorbing high levels of DHT. By lowering the levels of DHT in the body, Saw Palmetto encourages the body’s hormones to stay in balance and can promote a healthy environment for hair to grow.
* Fo Ti Root Powder (Polygoni Multiflori) ( He Shou Wu) nourishes the liver, kidneys and blood which can promote hair growth.
* MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is vital to hair and skin. It’s absorbed very well and the body uses the sulphur in MSM for the structural development of hair. .
* Collagen Type II (Hyalrunic Acid and Chondroitin complex) adds strength and structure to connective tissues especially cartilage. Collagen also helps to restore strength and flexibility to skin, nails and hair.
* Bu Gu Zhi fruit powder increases circulation and the flow of nutrients to the scalp. Studies have shown that Bu Gu Zhi helps to encourage hair RE-growth.
* Eclipta Prostrata herb powder (Han Lian Cao) works for overall hair health and defense against premature gray.
* L-Cysteine HCI an amino acid works to form the antioxidant glutathione that helps the liver detoxify the body. It aides the body in the formation of protein, helps to boost energy and metabolism and the synthesis of fatty acids. Cysteine activates the production of T-cells in the immune system and has been reported to help increase the hair shaft diameter and density of hair growth.
* L-Methionine is an amino acid that converts first to S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and then to homocysteine. Homocysteine turns into either methionine or cysteine. Both have been reported to; chelate toxins from the body, improve flexibility and tone of skin, strengthen nails and encourage new hair growth. It’s also been found to improve the thickness of fine hair.
* Horsetail Extract (7% silica) contains large amounts of silica which is necessary to maintain healthy nails, skin and hair. Silica helps the body absorb calcium, promotes strong bones and encourages healthy nails, skin, teeth and hair.
* Borage Oil (naturally occurring Essential Fatty acids) contains a high percentage of GLAs (gamma-linolenic acid). Borage Oil is moisturizing and has anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces inflamed hair follicles, combats a dry itchy scalp with moisture, and encourages new hair growth.
* White Tea Extract (80% polyphenols) contains high levels of phytochemicals called polyphenols. Pholyphenols boost the immune function of skin cells and protects them against oxidative stress allowing hair to grow freely.
* Oat (bran) contains B complex, minerals, proteins, fats and heart healthy soluble fibers called beta-glucans. Bran is rich in dietary fiber, helps the body to maintain regularity and eliminate toxic waste from the digestive tract. The good bacteria in the intestines digests Oat Bran into Small Chain Fatty Acids. SCFA’s act as a PRE-biotic and increase the colon’s acidity which inhibits the growth of unhealthy yeasts and bacteria. Oat Bran acts as an antimicrobial cleansing agent for the body.
* Milk Thistle (seed) has a main ingredient called Silymarin which is a plant based super-anitioxidant. This powerful antioxidant is often used to increase the detoxification process of the liver. Milk Thistle seed is thought to be much stronger than Vitamin E or C in fighting free radical damage. Studies have shown that it enhances protein synthesis and supports healthy blood flow.
* Flaxseed Oil (naturally occurring Essential Fatty acids) increases circulation to the scalp. A deficiency in Essential Fatty acids can result in dry lifeless hair. Flaxseed oil has been known to encourage healthy shiny new hair growth.
* Bioperine (black pepper extract) enhances the rate of how nutrients and herbal extracts are absorbed. Formulas that contain Bioperine offer the full benefit of the formulated supplement because Bioperine increases a blended supplements activity.
* Vitamin A (as beta carotene) helps to form and maintain healthy skin, hair and mucous membranes. It protects cells and acts as an antioxidant. It also neutralizes free radicals, prevents cell damage and helps to reduce bacterial growth in both glandular ducts and the skin’s surface allowing hair to grow naturally.
* Vitamin C (as calcium ascorbate) is an excellent free radical scavenger. Calcium ascorbate is a natural form of Vitamin C and easily absorbed into the bloodstream for maximum benefit. It can reverse oxidative stress and also functions to increase the synthesis of collagen.
* Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopherol succinate) is an antioxidant that protects the immune system from oxidative stress. In the form of d-alpha tocopherol succinate it is thought to be more stable than most other forms of Vitamin E. It interacts with other antioxidants by improving their nutritional absorption and enhances the use of Vitamin A
* Biotin is a B vitamin. A deficiency of Biotin in the body can cause alopecia (hair loss). Biotin promotes healthy nails and hair. Too much or too little oil on the scalp can inhibit hair growth. Biotin is well known to be able to improve the metabolism of scalp oils making the scalp a safe place for hair to grow.
* Iodine (from kelp) contains B-complex vitamins and is an excellent source of natural iodine, magnesium, zinc and calcium and is very high in vitamin K. Sea Kelp is very nutritional and helps hair grow. Hair grows faster and longer if it doesn’t lie dormant for too long. The iodine in kelp regulates the production of the thyroid gland’s hormone thyroxin. It helps to regulate how long hair stays in the dormant stage and encourages the hair to be active so it can grow.
* Zinc (as amion acid chelate) is essential for cell growth and easily absorbed by the body. Symptoms of a zinc deficiency can include dandruff and hair loss. Zinc acts as an antioxidant. It helps boost the immune system and fight infections. It has been found to have an affect on the levels of androgens (a hormone known to be involved with some forms of genetic hair loss).
* Selenium (as amino acid chelate) is a super antioxidant that the body can use to improve most inflammatory conditions. When combined with Vitamin E, selenium provides a significant benefit and helps the thyroid gland function properly.

* Made with the highest quality ingredients, derived from the oldest, safest, and most effective medicinal system in history.
* Cellulose capsules are filled with fine ground herbal powders that are easy to swallow and contain no animal products.
* Each bottle is approximately a one month supply, when used as recommen

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