Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rock and Roll Rehab Synopsis

Rock and Roll Rehab,  A Synopsis by Jeremy Ferrick for  Mr. Domokos’ Beginning Screenwriting Class
Zoey Levine and Alex Brown are Ex Boyfriend and Girlfriend, current platonic friends and roommates who argue a lot.  They are unhappy with their jobs and having a hard time making ends meet.  Zoey works for the City Hall and Alex is a Teacher at a continuation school for troubled teens.They are also musicians, Alex being a guitar player and songwriter  and Zoey being a Singer. When they meet Drummer and Ex Junkie Johnny Chicken at an audition for a TV game show about screwed up relationships, he tells them to come join a jam at a drug rehab that he works at. They go and have a fun time playing with the musicians there.
Due to job layoffs, budget cuts and rising rents, Zoey and Alex both decide to move into the  rehab even though they don’t indulge in drugs. They decide to pull off going to meetings etc. in order to live at the rehab and work on their music.  Alex is responsible for bringing problem clients together into a band that becomes an indispensable part of the rehab, and Zoey becomes a valuable part of the choir. When they are spotted in a commercial for the center, Alex’s family comes a knockin’ to disturb their plan, even though they’ve been out of the picture for a while.
Even though Alex’s parents decide not to intervene after he convinces them no to, he decides himself to come clean as a quote unquote “Normie” or non-drug user, and persuades Zoey to do the same.  A subplot of the story involves the Center’s CEO who has a rough relationship with his son, who is employed at the Rehab even though he has no interest in being there. The movie has a lot of room for unplanned sequences on Venice Beach, in rock clubs, etc. and a general improvisational spirit that goes along with the script.

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