Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mercury'z in retrograde?

looks like mercury's in retrograde again, dolls
it is the time that tests your faith
and makes your skin crawl
you gave up eden for a moment with the one you love
who showed you what life was like before the fall

the moon hangs low and shines so brightly in your eyes dear
with angel wings she stands in elegant surprise
she looks upset but don't you fret it's but disguise
watch out for crashing cars and flying (political) pies......

I'm going mad! I'm going mad!
I'm going dog gone crazy but at least I ain't sad
he gone mad she gone mad
they gone god gone crazy eatin' out of a can..........

for 3 weeks lets stay underneath the covers
i do not want to see anybody's face
except for my lover
for a long long time we will not take a look outside
elephant in the womb
make ya swallow yo' pride!

looks like mercury's in retrograde again guys
it is the time for which our sins are paid (we did buy)
remember when we were so in love with all our pain
we shared a life of lust and mutual shame
spent so much time together
driving each other insane
insane insane insane

I'm going mad. I'm going mad. I'm going doggone crazy
but atleast I ain't sad
I tell you mad! that's what I said I'm going right on crazy
and i sure ain't sad

sweet angel so upset about one who won't talk to her
I tell her darling a anyone with no enemies, ain't got no character..

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