Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I came across this on montalk.net:

» An acquaintance of mine familiar with these conspiracy subjects is bitter and depressed about the state of things, especially about how we are being controlled by forces we cannot even comprehend. He has experienced this control first hand and is disheartened.

About being depressed and bitter, a lifetime of being under the gun will do that. He knows full well, because he sees it every day, that there are higher negative forces who can manipulate reality to the smallest detail, and I think that is a bit overwhelming for him to see how powerless we can be in the face of that.

But when it comes to dealing with such forces, there is a way out and beyond. And it has to do with how our consciousness throttles or redirects the flow of our experiences, and how it hooks us up with whatever hyper-dimensional forces we are resonating with. It’s kind of like we parachuted behind enemy lines and are now surrounded by hostility, and our radios got thrown out of whack and we can only pick up noise or the local enemy communications. By retuning the radio, we can make contact with our own air support, who can then drop-lift supplies, give guidance, and take out a few enemies when things get too tough. This world is a rigged game, and the only way to win a rigged game is to not play by its rules, but by the rules of something outside of it that has more power than it.

And depression, hopelessness, bitterness is how not to retune the radio. I think a combination of optimism and hope concerning the things we cannot absolutely know or control is necessary, and awareness and responsible action for the things we can do something about is required. The first attunes consciousness to a certain frequency that shifts the probability of events away from further misfortune, and the latter shifts the spectrum of what is possible versus impossible. This has worked in my own life, and through it one can create a bubble of synchronicity or “good luck and protection” that only bursts when you fail to uphold that elevated state of mind and slip back into mindlessness and cynicism. Which happens to me periodically and then, after probability shifts the opposite way and holds a hot poker to my ass, I snap back to attention and turn things around.

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