Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Liberating myself from organized religion.

I have recently become liberated from organized religion. I have come to understand, that for the most part, organized religion is nothing but a business. i think that being a stripper is more pure than being in the religious business. And definitely more honest. Strippers are up front about what they're doing. A preacher is most likely spouting off about a philosophy that he's not following. I have hopped around churches, temples, buddhist centers. I'm not taking that stuff seriously any more. Yeah, I'll go to holiday services every once and a while for community purposes. But my true temple is my body, my spiritual center my heart.
Recently I have been attending meetings at a certain spiritual center that I do not want to mention and have discontinued
going there. Many of the people I've met there were extremely friendly, yet I get the sense that they do not socialize much outside of their religious circle. This is the kind of thing that divides. On more than one occasion I had been talking about being inspired by 'the Secret' and being told that it was a watered down version of their teachings! I beg to differ. I am not going to name this organization but I felt that the members, while being friendly, were very pushy about having me become a member, trying to have me believe that the reason I wasn't successful in certain endeavors was because I wasn't a member. Meanwhile there's a lots of people there whose whole lives merely seemed to revolve in religious meetings, and it seemed like many of these people were neglecting other important aspects of their lives.
Again, many of these people are very good people. I just feel that they are buying into an illusion that isn't real. And what made me suspicious from the very beginning was the fact that they worshipped a human being. I will never ever worship a human being. I've come close to worshipping my mother, but even she isn't God.

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