Wednesday, March 2, 2011

All my life i wanted to be famous.

I don't know if it was to fill a void. Or maybe because I felt I had that special something. Maybe the mercury fillings affected my brain, i don't know. all i know is from the age of 6 on i wanted to be an actor, a writer, then a film maker and singer in my teens. Don't get me wrong, i still want to create. And i would still love to earn a living doing what I want to do. But have celebrities always been this shallow or was it just something i finally have noticed? I mean, you watch the oscars, you watch the grammies. It's the most phony thing imaginable. So I don't anymore. The last time I watched the oscars was 1998, other then bits and pieces. I was interested in what the actors had to say. They seemed so interesting. Even the most talented ones today don't seem to compare, and maybe it's not their fault, maybe it's the content. I'd be lying if i didn't say that i would love to act in or write for a movie some day. It just seems to be one giant farce.

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