Sunday, March 6, 2011


Cut to: interior of the city hall, in the permits room. Zoey Levine is filing permits into a cabinet. Futiquah, her supervisor appears from behind. She is a southern white woman who loves hip hop and is dressed in bright colors, has a necklace of africa and her hair is in cornrows.
F-you heard about the state budget cuts, right?
Z-it’s pretty bad isn’t it?
F-(waving her arms back and forth) Honey, you don’t even want to know!
Z- Futiqua, you are right. I DON’T want to know.
F-All I can say is this REcession is giving me a DEpression, and a headache to boot! I think I need an advil.
Z- I’m not feeling so hot myself. (Pause) D’ you mind if i head out a few minutes early? I’ve been working my behind off on getting these out on time.
F- Honey, you want to leave early, I ain’t gonna tell NOBODY.
Scene 3 Alex’s classroom- study hall at St. Vincents High School
Posted on February 21, 2011 by jeremyferrick

Alex is sitting at his desk reading a book by Patton Oswald. We see JUVENILE DELINQUENT getting a spit ball ready in his mouth. He spits it through a straw and it winds up on Alex’s chin. Alex looks up from his book. He is just a little bit annoyed, but stoically wipes the spitball off his face and stands up.
Alex- (to the class.) Wow, that was really funny. I am so impressed by your intelligence!
Girl #1- (whispering to girl #2) I think he’s cute.
Alex-Who said that? Who thinks I’m “cute?” I don’t care about the spit wad, but I do want to know who said that.
(Girl #2 points at Girl # 1 who widens widens her eyes and cups her mouth surprised.)
Alex- (in his best Elvis voice) Honey, you’re WAY too young for me.
The song bad to the bone starts and the bell rings. All of the kids file out of class.
Scene 4 Principle’s office St. Vincent’s high
Posted on February 21, 2011 by jeremyferrick

Jimmy is in shades sitting in a private meeting with the principle, Phillip Fisher. Phil has his ipod out and is scanning through it, and notices something in the corner of his eye.
Phil- looks like you’ve got something on your chin.
Alex-(scraping the rest of the wad off his chin.) Oh, darn. I thought i got this off. These kids. WEll….. we used to do the same thing back in the day.
Phil-(lowering his glasses.) We DID, did we? (Pause.) So, Alex. You know I would LOVE to give you that summer school position but Mr. Gordon is next in line. And he is a bit more of a strict disciplinarian, which we sorely need at this moment in time. And, by the way, you look like you could use a vacation.
Alex- But I need money!
Phil- Go to vegas and play the slots! Empty out your piggy bank, you’ll maybe you’ll get lucky? Did you hear that I hit the jackpot over new years? Look! (He pulls out a picture of himself surrounded by 2 bimbos and a large check that says 5,000 dollars on it.) 5 G’s man! That’s more then you’d make all summer anyways!
Alex- Yeah, but there’s no guarantee!
Phil- (Reminiscing) They wanted to give me a free dinner, but I got the hell out of there before I spent my wad! (Punching Alex on the shoulder playfully.) Now, you get the hell out of here and have a great Summer! Trust me- (looks around) You’ll thank me later!
Scene 5 Zoey and Alex’s Abode.

The apt. where they live is messy. There are loads of top ramen on the fridge. Alex is on the couch watching comedy central. Howard Kremer is doing his ‘summertime’ routine.
Alex and Zoey audition for “problems”
Posted on February 22, 2011 by jeremyferrick

We are in a production office across the table from a female casting agent.
Lady- So how long have you two been going out?
A-(hesitating) Well, it’s hard to say.
Z-(Grabbing his hand) Honey, it was just one year ago when you took me to see your band. So we’ve been going out ever since the, so one year.
A-(Stumbling) Oh yeah, that sounds about right.
Lady-Perfect! 9 months is the requirement. (Pause) So Whats your PROBLEM? (She points to a billboard advert. for the show which shows different couples shouting, in various forms of distress, etc. and it says the word PROBLEMS on it.)
A & Z look at each other for a moment.
Z- Well, he leaves his socks on the couch. He…..doesn’t do the dishes, he….picks his nose hairs,is always behind on rent.
A- Basically, I’m a (he does the quote thing with his fingers) slacker. She doesn’t like that.
Z-And neither does my father! That’s another thing! He never comes to any of my family functions!
A- You mean your family dysfunctions?
Lady- Well, looks like we’ve got PROBLEMS! (A and Z smile at each other knowingly.) Now Alex, what are your problems with Zoey?
A- She’s a chronic complainer, a hypochondriac, and a pain in the ass to live with.
Lady- So, then why do you guys continue to live together?
A- I can’t afford to live alone!
Lady- Good Reason! I think it’s time for the SCREEN TEST!
A meeting with the production coordinator
Posted on February 22, 2011 by jeremyferrick

Z & A are in a larger room and in front of a video camera which is on a tripod. The PC, David, who is about 25 and clean cut, turns on the camera.
D- So how is going Zoey? Alex? What brings you to our show PROBLEMS?
A-The promise of 500 bucks if we get on! (Zoey shoots him a dirty look.)
David- So you’re in it for the money? At least you’re being honest! Not like I haven’t heard that before!
A- So how do you get a job like this anyway? Doing what you do? It seems pretty fun!
D- Well, I had to sleep with the producer which sucks because I’m not gay! Just kidding. So, Zoey, let’s start with you- what was your last argument with Alex?
Z- Let’s see. A few days ago, he got really offended when I suggested that he has a really bad case of arrested development.
A- Just because she prefers to date men that qualify for Aarp, before you met me, of course.
Z- Well older men have class and usually lots of dough, so they know how to take care of their honey!
D-I hear that! No money no honey as they say!
(In a radio sportscaster voice) So Alex here is pressured to give up his bohemian lifestyle and Zoey is high maintenance! Not like I haven’t heard that before, I mean that’s pretty typical. Do you have anything more dramatic to tell me? Something that is good for television, like I don’t know, bank robberies, drug habits, etc.
A-Well , when my back went out on me she stole a couple of vicodins from me.
Da- That’s not really big news. (Lowers his voice a little) We want to captivate the audience- you know, like cheating, rape allegations, blackmail, entertaining stuff like that.
A and Z draw a blank.
D- well listen- if we need you we’ll call you, okay?
lobby of t.v. studios
Posted on February 22, 2011 by jeremyferrick

Z- I came to this town to be Meryl Streep and I can’t even get on a talk show! And you can’t act worth shit! You can’t even tell a white lie!
A- Hey, I’m not the AC-TOR!
Johnny do the chicken, a musician with a punk rock hairdo and his rocker girlfriend come out of the building.
J- Whooooo hooooo! Way to go baby girl! (gives her a kiss.) 500 bucks honey! Now i have some mo dough to blow! Lets go play some rock and roll! (He throws his drumsticks into the air then catches them.)
A- Where do you play rock and roll?
J- Sure man! I’m the wickedest drummer in the west! Straight off the boat from New Orleans I rock out at this rehab, they’ve got some awesome musicians there! It’s called over the rainbow!
Z- Sounds fun!
J- it’s the best! it’s like the music of elvis, led zeppelin, and the beatles, with a little bit of oprah thrown in for good measure! Housing is free, the food is off DA HOOK! They even give my dog his own room! (His dog barks.)
Z-Speaking of Oprah, (she looks at her watch.) It’s quarter to O! (Her watch has a picture of oprah on the 4.) We gotta run so we don’t miss her!
J- Well, here’s my card if y’all ever want to jam, i’ll come pick you up. you’ll be in for the ride of your life!
Back at the apt.
Posted on February 22, 2011 by jeremyferrick

Zoey turns on the T.V. the show is the episode with Valerie Bertenelli talking about drugs and rock music. Zoey and Alex look at each other surprised. Alex grabs the remote and turns up the volume. They listen in for a minute.
A-I want to jam out tonight! You’ve been wanting to sing for a band for ages! We can go check out that rehab, see if what that Johnny guy said is really true…..!
Z- Yeah, but it’s a rehab center! Why don’t you just go down to the talking stick instead?
A- I’ve already done the coffee house thing. I want to play with some serious ‘lifers.’ Usually those guys just happen to be druggies!
Z- You’ve got a point there! Look at Van Halen! That band is like my favorite, and they’re not exactly known for being tee- totalers.
A- Now you talking. So why don’t you come with me? Are you just a bit too square?
Z- There might be some cute guys there. Let me get ready.
A- You wouldn’t mind dating a druggy?
Z- They’re in rehab! They’re getting clean!
A- Whatever floats yer yacht.
Over the rainbow drug rehab facility.
Alex and Zoey witness an amazing jam session- Johnny is rocking with the band. Everyone is spirited, dancing in aisles, etc. At the end there is a talk with the Spiritual Leader, William Lang. Brian walks by Alex and Zoey as he’s chewing on a chicken leg.

Brian- Hey, there’s a free meal, want to get some grub?
over the rainbow dining area
Posted on February 22, 2011 by jeremyferrick

Alex and Zoey are seated across from Brian, who is talking a mile per minute.

Brian- So, I graduated last year, got my 9 month sobriety chip- i could have given birth by now- but i came back here for a visit. I’m going to school full time now. I’m hoping to become a PR consultant but right now I came here to see old friends, eat food, and attend the 12 step meetings. Once you decide to remain clean, it’s really important to keep up on the 12 step meetings. So, are you trying to get the monkey off your back too?

Z- I have a really bad addiction to chocolate.

B- So you’re in a place of denial, that’s what it sounds like to me. Watch out! Because anger comes next! Anyways, what do you guys like to do for fun

Z and A- We’re musicians!

B- Its really common for musicians to have substance abuse problems- that would be a great distraction for you when you’re trying to get clean. Just play lots of music!

A- Hey, how much money does it cost to stay here

Brian- Money? This place isn’t called ‘over the rainbow’ for nothing! Did dorothy have to pay to get into the land of oz?

A- Over the rainbow, i just might discover my pot of gold- and i’ve been looking for a place to call my home!

B- You came to the right place! By the way, are you gonna eat your broccoli?

A- You want it? (B nods, he gives it to him. B starts shoveling it down.)

B-Thanks- these are my green buds now! Anyways, it was a pleasure meeting the both of you. I got a part time working at the marina, down on the docks – a little blue collar work will keep you disciplined! Don’t shun labor young man!
Exterior Over the rainbow rehab.
Posted on February 22, 2011 by jeremyferrick

Rockin’ Ruben, a taxi driver and friend of Brian’s is waiting on the steps. Alex and Zoey and Briancome walking out.
R-Jazzy B! You need ride somewhere!?
B- Rockin’ Ruben, where ya been?
R- Gotta make that cheese it’s a busy season! I’m running around like a rat on a wheel, no worries though. I ain’t got no time to lay about. I’m rockin’ ruben! Roll the dice! and all my friends get half price!
B- When we going vegas, ruben?
R- Not til chanukah , dude, then i’ll be ready to spin the golden dreydl.
B- Hey, meet my new green buds Alex And Zoey!
R- Enchanted to meet you young birds! i’m your rock and roll driver, i ain’t just no 9 to 5er. call me anytime 24-7 i guarantee a sober taxi cab ribe to a substance free heaven. i found my new drug of choice- kombucha!
Z-Well you just might come in handy because i’m sick of the bus! i’ve got the blue bus blues.
R- Don’t you worry doll! Just give ol’ rockin’ ruben a
Back at the apt.
Posted on February 22, 2011 by jeremyferrick

A opens a piece of mail and reads it.
A-Chec this out!
Z-They’re raising the rent of our apartment! It’s gonna be another 200 bucks per month!
A- Well I can barely afford it as it is! That rehab doesn’t seem like such a bad place to live after all!
Z- What are you talking about You can’t even pop an aspirin! Those people are addicts!
A- Time to put those acting classes to work! I can pretend!
Z-You can’t be serious!
A- Time are tough Zoe! Traumatic times require drastic measures!
Z- So you’re thinking about moving out?
A- Well come on, this place isn’t even worth what we pay now! Forget another 200 bucks more! (cut to cockroach on the floor.)Well, look who showed up for lunch!
Z- Oh, that’s disgusting! Alex, would you kill that damn thing?
A- Kill it? It could be a reincarnation of Kafka, for all i know.
Z- Well do something useful and at least take it outside!
A-(Whispering to the c.r.) HEre Franz, i’m taking you back to the czech republic! it’s changed a lot since the iron curtain came down- you’re in for quite a metamorphisis!
(As A grabs him and opens the door to chuck him out, Johnny drives by in his yellow chicken caddillac- he honks the horn, which sounds like a chicken bok.
Johnny- Hey dude, you wanna come jam today? You can bring your lady friend!
A- What time?
J-No time like the present! Can that girl sing?
Z- (pops her head out) CAn i sing? I was born to sing!
J- Perfect! We’ve been looking for a background singer.

Z-I’m not background singer I’m a front woman.

J-Even better. you sound like a lady with soul, way to go mrs. southern comfort.

alex comes over he has gotten his guitar and is ready to go.

a- shotgun.

J-The lady gets the front seat. Show some chivalry to the madam. (J and Z wink at each other.) Meet my better half, the flyn lion. (the pomeranian with a punk rock hair do stairs from the ground, lets out a growl.)

visual of car going through l.a. we hear jeremy ferrick’s song zakara and ocean.
This is not a scene but a large NOTE.
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick

1)What if you went to a drug rehab by choice? Even if you’re not addicted to drugs? Because living in a clinic allowed you to persue your life long dream of of playing music.
2)Johnny Chicken- after rehab gets his dog back- what are you doing- gimme my dog back!
3)How they discover Rehab- former addict friend celebrating his release from rehab? he’s not genuine about being drug free- just wants to hang with his dog.
4)2 stressed out, depressed friends, a female and male ex lovers, A) child abuse survivor (the female) / singer/ bipolar/ frustrated teacher or government worker/ contemplating giving up her career for more time for her music, cantorial reject , no more scholarhships. B)Highly talented male singer with high level of adult attention deficit disorder, in between housing.
5)They discover a recovery rehab center- free housing.
6)Dilemma- they aren’t drug addicts- so they think they may not qualify for the program- but then while they’re visiting people just assume they are so they ‘GO WITH IT.’
7) They scheme different ideas on how to get in A) check into AA meetings claiming to be alcoholics. B) Question if sex addiction qualifies them. C) They start attending.
Sample dialogue-
A-Since i’m so horny all the time, i probably qualify for sex addiction.
Z-Yeah, but you never get laid.
A- True!
8)open mic
9)they give up temp. and go back to being hopeless
10) chronic fatigue syndrome, sleeping, ocd, i need to quit my job, A gets fed up with his disillusions and inability to afford living in the city.
11)Separate lives of lead characters. Work, bills, living, parking tickets, lack of time to practice music, lack of connections, finding people to connect with, they find too many flakes, etc.
12)J informs them of the rehab. (“Too bad you guys aren’t drug addicts.”
13) it’s possibly a jewish rehab like beit tshuvah, but ‘you don’t have to be a drug addict.’
14) Attending a meeting, hearing all the drug discussion, they originally opt out.
15) Also aspiring health nuts (“how can i pretend to be on drugs when i don’t even take asprin?”)
16) The screening, moving in, faking it, paranoia, counselors, AA’s, blow outs- Oren/ Rabbi Father.
17) screw up on alcoholic knowledge- (you thought pomegranite juice with beer was a screwdriver?)
18) Sample Dialogue- Rabbi Phil- Remember our band Deep WrinkleTzvi? Ah man, now really HAVE deep wrinkles.
19) Oren- reactive counselor- phil’s son. – “We all have to find our purpose.” “Like becoming parents, for instance.”
Zoey- (raising her hand) speaking of becoming parents, i think my purpose is to become my own parent and not have kids!
Oren- Oh, you’re just spiritually bankrupt! (he rushes out)
Phil and Oren in phil’s office
Oren- I don’t think I am cut out to do this kind of work.
Phil- Son, this is your first month on the job! Don’t give up! Tell zoey that we are her to giver her “” credit.
oren- but dad, it’s not just zoey. yesterday another punk addict pissed me off. This role just doesn’t suit me!
phil- let me take over for today. I want you to go to anger class!
20) Rabbi’s sermon- land, mountains fertile- barren- green thumb- lebanon- war possibly contributing to barren land- beirut used to be the paris of the middle east.
21) Marshaune, holds up boxing mits for Z to hit.
22) B’rake Sheet (break shit class)
23)Zoey-pay cut, works at city hall. Gets permits for street performers. wages reduced to practically minimum wage.
24) Characters- Zoey- Alex- substitute teacher, not making enough money, lounge singer, guitar player. Johnny “DO THE ” chicken, brian, aron- rehab counselor that plays in the band, rabbi phil- rnr rabbi/ zvi- used to be in band with phil, brett, raz, dave, mashaune- personal trainer- martini- band counselor- terence- yoga/ meditation/ anger ball class/ jaime
perry farrell as former druggy, ocean moon, barbara, ron fozzy- cab driver- “hang on, i got a bar mitzvah to pick someone up at.” oren- phil’s son. dad’s shadow, ultra orthodox pico robertson upbringing yeshiva, opening up shwarma shop.
ron rothstein – (why not? he says a lot) “whatever.” teaches new age guided meditation.
25) Ending- zoey becomes canter, alex gets signed producer attends service and “discovers” alex.
26)Johnny and dog, Sharon is his grandma.
27) Bri- “The food here is pretty good.”
28) Alex’s estranged parents see him on television in a cable access commercial for over the rainbow.
29) Girl scout (audrey?) sells zoey chocolate- shows how addicted she is!
30) Daddy’s buying me a ferrari as soon as i get out of here (bimbo to Alex)
31) My name is Zoey katz and i’m a choco i mean alcoholic.
32) Endorsements- omega 3, rockstar cola.
33) Think of your life as a screenplay so don’t overshare and dumb down your audience so much.
34) Bus dialogue that i wrote.
35) Alex’s dmv printout, trade in guitar amp at pawn shop.
36) Dialogue- Pawn guy- something wrong with the amp? A- no i need my money ecause i nned my dmv printout so i can apply for a job as a limo driver, which i probably won’t get, but if i do, i’ll come back and buy this back as soon as i get paid.
37) Zoey is out on a date with some douche who is texting while they’re on the dance floor.
38) Aaron, so and so said blank, and while i was looking at this beaut i heard him say ……( lack of attention)
39)A- I used to lust over everybody with 2 boobs, now i lust over bodies with 4 wheels!
40) LA locals- bodhi tree- blue bus- audition- hi class clubs, people dancing and texting, car scenes, elevators, chicken cadillac car. Bus to boardwalk.
41) A’s excuse for not having a car to women “doing my part for the global green economy.”
42) I love the environment, but i sure do miss my gas guzzler.
43) Addicted to homeopathic medicine. I sure do love my seratonin in a bottle.
44) Alex is always checking out the babes.
45) @ bodhi tree w/ bri- books- the lazy man’s way to success, type z by marc allen- “now that’s my kind of book,” says A

46)coming clean- aa-’we were so lonely we needed family and support to achieve our goals’zoey leads davening, is helped by phil to achieve cantorial school

47)producer helps my rock band record in the end.

48) a looks at a room for rent with an old woman that would drive him nuts. “I wake up early in the morning. so no hanky panky, and NO LOUD MUSIC because fifi is very sensitive.” fifi is her pomeranian with a punk rock hair do and rainbow scarf, she doe dog tricks like letting her surf her arm.

49)He also looks at a place for rent that has bunkbeds for like 500 each, looks like a refugee camp.

50) jewish rehab- rabbi is hitting a heavy bag. “ruach mean breath.”

52)your favorite country is Jap-pan.

53)”we don’t smoke crack but we fell through the cracks”

54) So what are you guys in here for?

55)surf therapy, that sounds cool do you have to go to – to participate in that?

56) i got kicked out of kabbalah.

57) i still have to work on my cia band book
rehab jam scene.
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick

zoey sings ‘to love serve and remember’ with the band. people in the audience are emotional.
City hall

fatikwah- Girlfriend, we need to have us a meeting.

z- bout what?

f- you hungry? let’s do lunch.

z- ok
little wing restaurant
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick

f-can you bring us some sweet and sour wings please?

wing the waiter- all the radies call me sweet wing, never sour. i like your earrings babe. i take you downtown honey. sweet wing buy you bling bling.

f-honey, i’m about ready to pull out my calender and pencil you in, but right now i have a very important meeting. (whispers) but let’s talk later. (hands him biz card. he runs off giggling in high pitch.) honey, i know your pay was cut nearly in half. you’ve suffered a lot and i hate to be the bearer of bad news.

z- am i getting laid off?

f- baby, it wasn’t my decision to make, but yes.

z- i know it’s not your fault, but what am i going to do now? my rent is increasing, and my roommate is thinking about moving into a rehab center.

f- i didn’t realize your boyfriend was a junkie.

z- first of all, he’s not my boyfriend any more. Second of all, he’s not a junkie, he just doesn’t have any money.

f- if you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing shacking up with your broke ass ex boyfriend?

z-he’s also my roommate. and he used to pay the rent on time.

f- isn’t that interfering with your sex life?

z- what sex life?

f- whoop there it is. honey, you need to come clubbing with the sisters sometime find you a big black man to take care of yo sexy ass.

z-that might not be such a bad idea.
next morn at the apartment
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick

z- so have you decided what you’re going to do next month regarding housing?

a-I’m on the fence right now- i’ll decide in a couple days.

z-try to come up with a decision because soon i need to know.

a-ok.(flips open the paper to the comics.)

z-are you still thinking about living in that rehab?

a-so it doesn’t seem so crazy now?

z-tell you the truth alex, i just got laid off.

a-well i guess i’m not the only slacker in town.

z-it’s the blind leading the blind.

a-you’re not thinking about the rehab now, are you?

z- well, i was thinking about what funny timing it is. The rent is being raised, i’m not getting laid, and i don’t feel like going back to work right away. as odd as it seems, i sure wouldn’t mind staying somewhere free for a few months.

a-what? really? so you want to do it? we could do it together. because tell you the truth, i didn’t want to stay there all by myself. if i had you there, it would be like a-


a- yeah.

z-as much as you annoy me, i do feel more comfortable when you’re around. and i know you’d never leave me in a dangerous situation all alone.

a- you know, some of my friend say i’m crazy for continuing to live with you after we broke up, but i don’t regret a second i spent in this house with you.

z-me neither. except when you leave your clothes strewn all over the house, forget to take out the trash, and eat all my food. but besides those things, i think you’re going to make some woman very happy some day. just not me.

a- So, remember we have to go through a screening process to get in?

z- who do we have to talk to?

joseph- (talking on the phone to his girlfriend.) Not the brown curtain, the grey ones. I told you to order the desk straight from ikea. ye, but the refridge doesn’t match the rest of the kitchen, baby, if you want the apt. to look like shit do whatever you like. i’m just telling you……….you’re not the one who majored in interior design. and by the way putting the lava lamp on the mantel piece throws off the whole feng shui of the house……(shrugs) but if thats what you want to do, be my guest. just be prepared that some of the guests that come to our housewarming party may not be coming back for the baby shower. (he sees z and a.) honey i gotta go, i’ve got clients. (hangs up phone) why did i ever marry a hippy?

z- are you the intake counselor?

j- yup that’s me.

z- we’ve been having some problems with um, substance abuse.

a- and alcohol we’re alcoholics actually, and we ued to be sexaholics, like we used to do it all the time.

z- But we don’t any more. (she thinks he’s cute.)

a- no. now it’s all about THE DRUGs.

z-yeah, we just can’t seem to stop.

a- it’s out of control. if we don’t get help it might get really bad.

j- wait, so you both do drugs together? you used to be in a relationship but now you’re not?

z- you got it.

j- so let me understand this, neither of you get tempted while under the influence to revert to your former sexual patterns? (phone rings, he picks it up) not right now. (slams it down.)

a- well, i’m a sexoholic but i’m also celibate, which isn’t really by choice.

z- see, cause i just want the drugs. i can care less about you know, (whisper) doing it.

J- (draws the shades) You guys both need help. Is this the first time you’ve actually sought help?

z- we were in denial.

J- watch out because anger is next. But we have the classes for you to help with that. (clipboard) fill these out immediately. you folks fit the program perfectly foor our center. i’m goinna get you the help you need- you guys need to be moved in and admitted right away. do you need help with transportation? the last i slacked on this kind of case we had an overdose. That is not what i need right now. luckily he didn’t die, but new horizons treatment center got him instead of us. so, do you all have jobs?

z- to be honest, my condition is so bad, i lost my job, my home,

a- and i’m unfit to substitute for study hall in summer school.

j- what a cruel situation you both are in. but we at over the rainbow are here for you. just remember, there’s no place like home. (clicks his ruby red shoes.) now say it with me, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.

z/a/j- there’s no place like home (3x)

j- louder now.-

z/a/j- there’s no place like home.

j-stop- you are home. go down the hall and meet with conselor phil. he’s going to be in room one o one. straight down the hall- now go. (as they exit) follow the yellow brick road.

z/a skip down the hall- follow the yellow brick road.
phil’s office.
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick

phil has an acoustic guitar strapped around his neck and is singing the song ‘to love serve and remember.’

phil- (eyes closed) why have you come to earth? do you remember? why have you chosen birth? why have you come? to love, serve, and remember………..(he sees a and z standing at the door.) hello, and welcome. (they come in) please close the door. (he strums a chord) We here at over the rainbow aren’t like everybody else- we are the underdog, the rebel, the unemployed, drug addict- but i don’t believe in labels. i believe that everybody is a star, and we are here to create new possibilities. (Strums another chord.) Every ten seconds is a new opportunity to create a life for yourself. You shall be like a lotus flower rising out of the mud, a phoenix from the ashes. But when i get done with you, you won’t even be able to contain your joy. (strums a different chord.) you may be a pathetic excuse for a human being right now, but son, daughter, i’m here to show you how to turn your shit into sugar. (strums) are you ready to move in? (they nod in agreement.)

halleluliah, it’ a miracle.
zoey’s new room
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick

lacey is showing zoey her room. there are 2 bunk beds in the room.

z- oh, i don’t get my own room?

l- this isn’t the hyatt regency.

z- i just don’t know if i will be able to store all my stuff in here.

l- oh we have a basement for storage, but you’ll have to wait till the end of the program to get your stuff back. you just keep your toothbrush and clothes, a few essentials. We also have to confiscate any materials that we deem a detriment to your healing process.

z-what do you mean, a screening process?

l- zoey, when you signed your intake contract for over the rainbow, you gave absolute authority to the experienced staff. Would you like to renege on your word and go back to the life you were living before you got here? (zoey look back blankly.)
Roger: a, you are going to be sharing your space with 4 other men. now i know it’s not easy to share your personal space. but we are going to keep you very busy with activities and meetings, not to mention, you appear to be an able bodied individual. So we are going to put you to work at our charity workshop. you are going to be hauling in refridgerators, televisions, microwave ovens, and other useful appliances that we sell at our thrift shop to earn fund for a worthwhile cause of keeping OTR running. this will be your way of giving back because one thing we all learn living in sobriety is that nothing comes for free.

a- well do i atleast get to play in the band? i consider music to be my real work and my way of giving back to the world.

R- First we are starting with the basics, you need to rebuild your life before focusing on your hobbies.

a- it’s not just a hobby, it’s much more then that. it’s an integral part of my lifestyle.

r- after you’ve earned your stripes and proven you’re in it for the long run, i MIGHT set up a meeting with the musical director.

a stares back at roger.
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick

z- a, you didn’t tell me they were going to confiscate my belongings and that i was going to have to live with 2 other girls.

a- big deal. two other girls? i have to share my room with four other guys. sometimes in life you have to make sacrifices. at least we’re getting free room and board.

roger- guys, we are having a meeting in five minutes. attendance is Mando as in manditory. it will be in the emerald room. Don’t be late.
emerald room
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick

aron- hi, my name is aron and i’m an alcoholic.

group- hi aron.

tanya- hello my name is tanya and i’m an alcoholic and a heroin addict.

group- hi tanya.

bri- hi my name is brian, i’m a recovering alcoholic and i have been clean and sober for nine months.

group- whoa, way to go, whoop whoop etc.

ron- i have been clean and sober for one year but discovered that i have recently become addicted to sex. Funny i was an alcoholic and for 20 years i just couldn’t give it up. now that i’m all sobered up, all the honeys want to do me, and i just can’t say no.

phil- guys, we need to focu on saving the stories for after the introductions. i really appreciate you sharing but from now on hang on until the end. Is that ok?

Ron nods.

phil- and now, i would like to introduce our new residents, a and z. zoey why don’t you precede?

z- my name is zoey and i’m a choco holic.

group- ooh hi zoey.

aron- kahlua must be really hard for you to kick- the kind with chocolate. i had a cousin who used to always drink white russians.

phil- aron, it’s very important to adhere to twelve step- not cross dialogue. (points to a)

a- my name is alex, and i have a problem with pills.

group-hi alex.

dave- my name is david, i’m an alcoholic. But i’ve been clean and sober almost twelve months. i’m getting my one year chip next week, in fact.

aron- go dave. (phil looks at him.)

group- hi david.

johnny- hi my name is johnny and i’m an alcoholic.

group- hi johnny.

phil- thank you everyone for your introductions. NOW it’s time to share our stories.

aron- (noticing a plastic cactus plant.) I just wanted to say that fake plants really disturb me. I like to look at things that are still alive.

phil- so aron, if you brought in a real plant would you be willing to be responsible for it? To water it and make sure it flourishes?

aron- nah- TMW- too much work.

group- laughs.

aron0- Seriously though. I recently saw my ex girlfriend and she actually wasn’t a bitch. Can you believe that?

group claps.

aron- i guessed she remembered that she broke it off with me, not the other way around. so she made me feel like a loser, and now that i’m cleaning up she wants to get back together with me. i’m still attracted to her but i don’t know if i want to go down that road.

phil- just remember aron, a elenor roosevelt once said, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Even if he was calling you a loser, or thinking that you were a loser, it’s up to you to rise above and transcend other people’s opinions.

aron- but that’s really hard though. Isn’t it just human to care about what somebody thinks of you?

phil- aron, nobody said that life is easy. But in your journey of sobriety, you have to learn to listen to the still small voice in your mind and shut out all extraneous influence.

Johnny- all my life i’ve been a showboat. all the guys want to be me all the girls want to do me. It’s a lot of presure being on top of the heap. Sometimes it can be really lonely. I thought that i could cut my habit cold turkey, but was humbled by the truth. but here at otr, i have literally found my pot of gold. and it’s right here. (points to his chest.) and no one can take that from me.

phil and the group clap.

phil- beautiful, johnny, beautiful. at otr we’ve got all kinds of people. but the more i work here, the more i find that most people have similar challenges, and rough times.

johnny’s dog barks. johnny puts him on his arm- the dog surfs it high and proud.
a see nympho girl and does a ‘we are just friend’ gesture about himself and zoey.
anger ball
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick

oren is standing in front of a board that says ‘anger ball class’
o- today we are going to work on not taking things so personally. What happens if i throw something at you that you don’t want? (he throws a nerf ball at brian. Brian catches the ball.)
b- you throw it back?
o- that’s what most people do. when somebody throws anger in your direction, it is typical for you to throw it back and then they throw it back to you, and you throw it back to them and the cycle keeps going, going , and going.
aron- (standing up) i want to BREak that FUCKIN CYCLE.
o- good aron. well let’s talk about some other ways to handle it when someone throws anger in your direction.Instead of reacting to it, you can do ome alternative methods. you can just drop the ball and walk away or you can transform that ball into loving light. (Throwing the anger ball at johnny) hey johnny, your hair looks like crap today. You look like a bird that fell out of a nest.

j- you know oren, you’ve really been an excellent teacher to me. I just want to thank you for helping me manage my personal demons.

O- good job johnny. I don’t really think your hair looks shitty by the way, (leaning towards him) actually, it’s pretty fuckin’ dope. But in everyday life we don’t anticipate anger being thrown our way. Therefore you have to look at life as a game about love and suffering. When someone throw you anger, they are throwing you a ball of their suffering and trying to project it onto you.

Tanya- but sometimes it feels right to just tell someone to fuckoff. Otherwise you might internalize the anger and get ass cancer or some such shit.

o- remember we are here for a purpose beyond ourselves. it’s for the greater good, like becoming a parent.

z- funny you mention that. i feel like i’ve been put on this planet planet to parent myself, not to have kid- i feel like i haven’t been given the proper tools and that take so much energy . I don’t have energy left over for parenting a child.

o- you are spiritually bankrupt. (he storms out, runs to his office.)

in his office, he i looking at a picture of his family and kids.

0-(to himself) did i make a mistake?

zoey is in class, in shock, holding the ball. Phil pop in.

p- how is it going guy?

a- o abandoned us. not too cool. guess he couldn’t take z’ comment too well.

p- we teachers are not infallible. We have to beware of our own issues. Class is dismissed. but please write to find a creative way to express your feelings right now.
phil find o in his office and he is throwing darts at a board.
o- i just can’t take thee moronic drug addicts, maybe mom was right. maybe i should have just gotten my masters in business, made some serious cash instead of this artistic roach motel b.s. i feel like a fraud teaching anger management. i mean look at me. i can’t deal with my own anger.
p- just remember. emotions are like clouds that pass. you’ve got to do what is right for yourself. if this isn’t the right career path for you, think about a change. but don’t rush into any decisions that you might regret later. in the mean time. i urge you. please, please attend our broken hearts / broken plates class. i guarantee you’ll feel better. it helped a lot when my temper went through the roof, maybe it will help you too. after all, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
aron- that was a pretty crazy meeting today huh?
a- o had no right to go off on zoey like that. zoey has worked hard for everything she has in her life. She has been a damn good friend to me. in fact, i wish i could give her more.
anthony- aren’t we supposed to be writing in our journals guys?
they all nod in agreement.
a- sometimes i wish i had more to give zoey. (he starts writing.) give me something to give you , something to show you, something to tell.
20 minutes later he listens to a message from ralphie hell, his former bandmate.
r- what the hell richard. Where have you been? you’ve missed 2 practices in a row? i went by your house and there’s a for rent sign out in front have you fallen off the face of the earth? don’t think think i cant find you just because you’ve moved, douchecake. We gotta gig at the viper next week, you’d better be there.
a- (to himself.) this place sure isn’t paradise but it beats my old life.
o sees a on security camera and storms down the hall and into his room.
0- hey you cannot be in possession of your cell phone. thi is a place for recovery, i hope that wasn’t one of your dealer you were on the phone with.
a- well i just 2 anger balls thrown at me.
aron- kablam.
o- well you gotta follow the rule or you are out of here.
a- nobody told me about the cell phone rule.
o-points to a sign that says ‘no cell phones in the room.’
Job duty
alex is being trained at the thrift store. old surfer dude train him.

mark- you need to get your head out of your ass. this job is VERY important. When you come to work for me, you will be working every SECOND.

alex sighs.

mark- there’ nice folk allover who donate their furniture to us and there is no time to waste because they might change their mind and we can’t afford that to happen. here are the keys, lets go. You’re gonna drive!

alex- um, ok.

Mark gives him the keys. In the old truck, Alex looks intimidated.

mark- what, ain’t you ever driven stick before?

Alex- i’m just out of practice.

mark- put your left foot on the clutch and drive!

We see them driving a truck around the city. The truck is stopping and starting awkwardly.

Mark’s Voice over: 1st gear, then 2nd gear. No you idiot! man am i gonna have to take over?

Alex V.o.- nah man, i got it. just relax.

montage scene- furniture loading truck, alex is sweaty and exhausted at the end of the day.
Zoey’s room: roommate squabbles.
Posted on February 25, 2011 by jeremyferrick

Lacey- ok, zoey. What i want you to do is figure out what you need and want to keep.

1 hour later. Lacey comes back, begins to search through zoey’s suitcase that she kept her most prized stuff in.

Lacey- So the stuff you’re keeping with you, I need to look through it.

Zoey- But-

Lacey-Shhh! There’s no secrets here at over the rainbow!

(Z- puts her hands over her face in embarassement.)

Lacey- It won’t take very long to search through your belongings, don’t worry. Everybody here has done this, you aren’t special. Think of it as more of a privilege then a violation of privacy. (She pulls out a vibrator.) Oh, Zoey. You’re not gonna have any time for this! I’m going to have to keep this for you- (She examines the vibrator almost seeming to insinuate that she may use it.)

Zoey- Not my rocket pocket! That’s my natural dopamine enhancer! If I don’t get off I’ll really experience some serious withdrawal!

Lacey- Come on Zoey! With your rigorous schedule you won’t even have time to masturbate! (Lacey leaves.)

Tanya- You brought a vibrator with you?

Rachel: Come on Tanya, like you’ve never shocked yourself with the stupid stick.

Tanya- I’ve never needed that with all the dick i get.

Zoey- Oh i get it. you’re one of those girls who’s never experienced the ultimate orgasm

Tanya- The ultimate orgasm is with a human being, not some battery operated machine. All the me I’ve ever fucked are sex machines.

Zoey- I’m not excluding the men, it’s an 80 mil an hour enhancement! Trust me girl, man or no man, this baby will send shivers down your spine!

Rachel- Remember, Zoey. It’s not like you’re gonna be without your vibrator forever! Maybe i can help you with your sexual frustration! (Tanya crosses her heart catholic style.)
Alex’s family’s house.
Alex’s mother Fannie is on the phone. Alex’s mother Tobie is there too.

F- I haven’t heard from this boy in over a month! I’m about ready to call the police!

T- Calm down calm down. There has got to be an explanation after all he’s got a great head on his shoulders.

T turns on the television. There is a cable access commercial for OTR we hear ‘There’s no place like home,’ Shows a shot of Alex. Then Phil appears on the scene.

Phil- Are you or someone you love addicted to drugs or alcohol? We here at over the rainbow treatment center help you get


Phil- To your journey so that in no time, you’ll be back on that yellow brick road!

Aron as lion: But i’ve lost all my courage!

Brian as scarecrow- My brain is so confused I can’t even hold down a job! (We see footage of Alex lugging furniture.)

Toby- There he is!

Mom- I think we found him, on channel 27!

A’s sister louise- Turn it up! (T turns up the volume.)

Tin woodman played by A- I’ve been doing drugs for so long i steal from my father and mother, and i lost my heart along the way!

mom- he does not!

dad- faker!

Dorothy played by zoe- i’ve been lost for so long but then i found over the rainbow!

the whole group sings ‘somewhere over the rainbow, i found my family, over the rainbow is the best place, that i could find serenity.’

Sexy female voice: Over the rainbow is more then your regular rehab center. here at otr we ofer daily meetings, one on one counseling, and job training. (Shows alex lugging furniture again, then we see him in a construction hat busting rocks with a sledge hammer.)

dad- at least they put him to work! lazy ass!

sfv- We urge you to call immediately. Operators are standing by. so call 1800-visit-oz. and remember-

the whole group together- there’s no place like home! there’s no place like home! there’s no place like home!

(closes with alex winking at the camera.)

Rockin’ in the Rec Room!
Posted on February 25, 2011 by jeremyferrick

Johnny Chicken and the whole band are singing louie louie. Then they stop.

Johnny- This is fun and all rockin’ out like this! But I have a vision of our band also doing original material we’ve all written. Has anyone written any songs of their own? We are going to be having a showcase in 2 weeks and there will be all kinds of people in the house. We really want to put on a show!

Alex- I just wrote one right after anger ball class. I was back in my room feeling sorry for myself. Feeling like i didn’t have anything left to give. but then i thought, i do have something- i have the ability to write songs- so i wrote this song, it’s called give.

j- well lets hear it then!

jimmy plays the song and it, we see people are very touched by it- johnny starts doing a light drumming pattern on it, aron on bass, zoey backing up on the chorus.

j- Now that’s what i’m talking about- an orignal classic, right here. You got some talent, boy!

Alex’s parents walk up- they’ve been there the whole time.

mama- He also has a mama who’s worried sick about him!

A- Mama! what are you doing here?

Papa- You didn’t write, you don’t cal, you just disappear off the face of the earth. We were just getting ready to call in the national guard or hire a detective to go looking for you. I mean what are you doing living in this halfway house?

A- Listen Dad! it may be a halfway house but it’s the first time i’ve felt whole in a long time. (He goes to hug mom) I’m sorry mom. I didn’t mean to abandon you. I just didn’t want to have to explain myself.

mama- that’s so silly son! you know we’re always here for you- that song sounded really nice by the way!

papa- alexander, are you really doing drugs?

Alex- Well dad, i’m in rehab- so i’m not doing drugs right now, at this current moment in time!

papa-well what drugs were you doing before you got in here?

Alex- Dad, i’d rather not talk about it right now.

Dad- Well would some chinese food change your mind?

Alex has a blissed out expression

Alex- Did someone say, chinese food?
fat tough guy looks upset while everyone is dancing. people keep asking him what’s wrong.

dude- i don’t know how to fuckin’ dance, ok? (stomps out.)

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