Saturday, March 5, 2011


This is a movie written by me and Suzie Shiaman. Just another site Skip to contentHomeRock and Roll Rehab← Older posts
dialogue idea
Posted on February 25, 2011 by jeremyferrick
fat tough guy looks upset while everyone is dancing. people keep asking him what’s wrong.

dude- i don’t know how to fuckin’ dance, ok? (stomps out.)

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Rockin’ in the Rec Room!
Posted on February 25, 2011 by jeremyferrick
Johnny Chicken and the whole band are singing louie louie. Then they stop.

Johnny- This is fun and all rockin’ out like this! But I have a vision of our band also doing original material we’ve all written. Has anyone written any songs of their own? We are going to be having a showcase in 2 weeks and there will be all kinds of people in the house. We really want to put on a show!

Alex- I just wrote one right after anger ball class. I was back in my room feeling sorry for myself. Feeling like i didn’t have anything left to give. but then i thought, i do have something- i have the ability to write songs- so i wrote this song, it’s called give.

j- well lets hear it then!

jimmy plays the song and it, we see people are very touched by it- johnny starts doing a light drumming pattern on it, aron on bass, zoey backing up on the chorus.

j- Now that’s what i’m talking about- an orignal classic, right here. You got some talent, boy!

Alex’s parents walk up- they’ve been there the whole time.

mama- He also has a mama who’s worried sick about him!

A- Mama! what are you doing here?

Papa- You didn’t write, you don’t cal, you just disappear off the face of the earth. We were just getting ready to call in the national guard or hire a detective to go looking for you. I mean what are you doing living in this halfway house?

A- Listen Dad! it may be a halfway house but it’s the first time i’ve felt whole in a long time. (He goes to hug mom) I’m sorry mom. I didn’t mean to abandon you. I just didn’t want to have to explain myself.

mama- that’s so silly son! you know we’re always here for you- that song sounded really nice by the way!

papa- alexander, are you really doing drugs?

Alex- Well dad, i’m in rehab- so i’m not doing drugs right now, at this current moment in time!

papa-well what drugs were you doing before you got in here?

Alex- Dad, i’d rather not talk about it right now.

Dad- Well would some chinese food change your mind?

Alex has a blissed out expression

Alex- Did someone say, chinese food?

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Alex’s family’s house.
Posted on February 25, 2011 by jeremyferrick
Alex’s mother Fannie is on the phone. Alex’s mother Tobie is there too.

F- I haven’t heard from this boy in over a month! I’m about ready to call the police!

T- Calm down calm down. There has got to be an explanation after all he’s got a great head on his shoulders.

T turns on the television. There is a cable access commercial for OTR we hear ‘There’s no place like home,’ Shows a shot of Alex. Then Phil appears on the scene.

Phil- Are you or someone you love addicted to drugs or alcohol? We here at over the rainbow treatment center help you get


Phil- To your journey so that in no time, you’ll be back on that yellow brick road!

Aron as lion: But i’ve lost all my courage!

Brian as scarecrow- My brain is so confused I can’t even hold down a job! (We see footage of Alex lugging furniture.)

Toby- There he is!

Mom- I think we found him, on channel 27!

A’s sister louise- Turn it up! (T turns up the volume.)

Tin woodman played by A- I’ve been doing drugs for so long i steal from my father and mother, and i lost my heart along the way!

mom- he does not!

dad- faker!

Dorothy played by zoe- i’ve been lost for so long but then i found over the rainbow!

the whole group sings ‘somewhere over the rainbow, i found my family, over the rainbow is the best place, that i could find serenity.’

Sexy female voice: Over the rainbow is more then your regular rehab center. here at otr we ofer daily meetings, one on one counseling, and job training. (Shows alex lugging furniture again, then we see him in a construction hat busting rocks with a sledge hammer.)

dad- at least they put him to work! lazy ass!

sfv- We urge you to call immediately. Operators are standing by. so call 1800-visit-oz. and remember-

the whole group together- there’s no place like home! there’s no place like home! there’s no place like home!

(closes with alex winking at the camera.)

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Zoey’s room: roommate squabbles.
Posted on February 25, 2011 by jeremyferrick
Lacey- ok, zoey. What i want you to do is figure out what you need and want to keep.

1 hour later. Lacey comes back, begins to search through zoey’s suitcase that she kept her most prized stuff in.

Lacey- So the stuff you’re keeping with you, I need to look through it.

Zoey- But-

Lacey-Shhh! There’s no secrets here at over the rainbow!

(Z- puts her hands over her face in embarassement.)

Lacey- It won’t take very long to search through your belongings, don’t worry. Everybody here has done this, you aren’t special. Think of it as more of a privilege then a violation of privacy. (She pulls out a vibrator.) Oh, Zoey. You’re not gonna have any time for this! I’m going to have to keep this for you- (She examines the vibrator almost seeming to insinuate that she may use it.)

Zoey- Not my rocket pocket! That’s my natural dopamine enhancer! If I don’t get off I’ll really experience some serious withdrawal!

Lacey- Come on Zoey! With your rigorous schedule you won’t even have time to masturbate! (Lacey leaves.)

Tanya- You brought a vibrator with you?

Rachel: Come on Tanya, like you’ve never shocked yourself with the stupid stick.

Tanya- I’ve never needed that with all the dick i get.

Zoey- Oh i get it. you’re one of those girls who’s never experienced the ultimate orgasm

Tanya- The ultimate orgasm is with a human being, not some battery operated machine. All the me I’ve ever fucked are sex machines.

Zoey- I’m not excluding the men, it’s an 80 mil an hour enhancement! Trust me girl, man or no man, this baby will send shivers down your spine!

Rachel- Remember, Zoey. It’s not like you’re gonna be without your vibrator forever! Maybe i can help you with your sexual frustration! (Tanya crosses her heart catholic style.)

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job duty
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick
alex is being trained at the thrift store. old surfer dude train him.

mark- you need to get your head out of your ass. this job is VERY important. When you come to work for me, you will be working every SECOND.

alex sighs.

mark- there’ nice folk allover who donate their furniture to us and there is no time to waste because they might change their mind and we can’t afford that to happen. here are the keys, lets go. You’re gonna drive!

alex- um, ok.

Mark gives him the keys. In the old truck, Alex looks intimidated.

mark- what, ain’t you ever driven stick before?

Alex- i’m just out of practice.

mark- put your left foot on the clutch and drive!

We see them driving a truck around the city. The truck is stopping and starting awkwardly.

Mark’s Voice over: 1st gear, then 2nd gear. No you idiot! man am i gonna have to take over?

Alex V.o.- nah man, i got it. just relax.

montage scene- furniture loading truck, alex is sweaty and exhausted at the end of the day.

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alex’ room
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick
aron- that was a pretty crazy meeting today huh?
a- o had no right to go off on zoey like that. zoey has worked hard for everything she has in her life. She has been a damn good friend to me. in fact, i wish i could give her more.
anthony- aren’t we supposed to be writing in our journals guys?
they all nod in agreement.
a- sometimes i wish i had more to give zoey. (he starts writing.) give me something to give you , something to show you, something to tell.
20 minutes later he listens to a message from ralphie hell, his former bandmate.
r- what the hell richard. Where have you been? you’ve missed 2 practices in a row? i went by your house and there’s a for rent sign out in front have you fallen off the face of the earth? don’t think think i cant find you just because you’ve moved, douchecake. We gotta gig at the viper next week, you’d better be there.
a- (to himself.) this place sure isn’t paradise but it beats my old life.
o sees a on security camera and storms down the hall and into his room.
0- hey you cannot be in possession of your cell phone. thi is a place for recovery, i hope that wasn’t one of your dealer you were on the phone with.
a- well i just 2 anger balls thrown at me.
aron- kablam.
o- well you gotta follow the rule or you are out of here.
a- nobody told me about the cell phone rule.
o-points to a sign that says ‘no cell phones in the room.’

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o’s office
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick
phil find o in his office and he is throwing darts at a board.
o- i just can’t take thee moronic drug addicts, maybe mom was right. maybe i should have just gotten my masters in business, made some serious cash instead of this artistic roach motel b.s. i feel like a fraud teaching anger management. i mean look at me. i can’t deal with my own anger.
p- just remember. emotions are like clouds that pass. you’ve got to do what is right for yourself. if this isn’t the right career path for you, think about a change. but don’t rush into any decisions that you might regret later. in the mean time. i urge you. please, please attend our broken hearts / broken plates class. i guarantee you’ll feel better. it helped a lot when my temper went through the roof, maybe it will help you too. after all, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

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anger ball
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick
oren is standing in front of a board that says ‘anger ball class’
o- today we are going to work on not taking things so personally. What happens if i throw something at you that you don’t want? (he throws a nerf ball at brian. Brian catches the ball.)
b- you throw it back?
o- that’s what most people do. when somebody throws anger in your direction, it is typical for you to throw it back and then they throw it back to you, and you throw it back to them and the cycle keeps going, going , and going.
aron- (standing up) i want to BREak that FUCKIN CYCLE.
o- good aron. well let’s talk about some other ways to handle it when someone throws anger in your direction.Instead of reacting to it, you can do ome alternative methods. you can just drop the ball and walk away or you can transform that ball into loving light. (Throwing the anger ball at johnny) hey johnny, your hair looks like crap today. You look like a bird that fell out of a nest.

j- you know oren, you’ve really been an excellent teacher to me. I just want to thank you for helping me manage my personal demons.

O- good job johnny. I don’t really think your hair looks shitty by the way, (leaning towards him) actually, it’s pretty fuckin’ dope. But in everyday life we don’t anticipate anger being thrown our way. Therefore you have to look at life as a game about love and suffering. When someone throw you anger, they are throwing you a ball of their suffering and trying to project it onto you.

Tanya- but sometimes it feels right to just tell someone to fuckoff. Otherwise you might internalize the anger and get ass cancer or some such shit.

o- remember we are here for a purpose beyond ourselves. it’s for the greater good, like becoming a parent.

z- funny you mention that. i feel like i’ve been put on this planet planet to parent myself, not to have kid- i feel like i haven’t been given the proper tools and that take so much energy . I don’t have energy left over for parenting a child.

o- you are spiritually bankrupt. (he storms out, runs to his office.)

in his office, he i looking at a picture of his family and kids.

0-(to himself) did i make a mistake?

zoey is in class, in shock, holding the ball. Phil pop in.

p- how is it going guy?

a- o abandoned us. not too cool. guess he couldn’t take z’ comment too well.

p- we teachers are not infallible. We have to beware of our own issues. Class is dismissed. but please write to find a creative way to express your feelings right now.

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Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick
a see nympho girl and does a ‘we are just friend’ gesture about himself and zoey.

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emerald room
Posted on February 24, 2011 by jeremyferrick
aron- hi, my name is aron and i’m an alcoholic.

group- hi aron.

tanya- hello my name is tanya and i’m an alcoholic and a heroin addict.

group- hi tanya.

bri- hi my name is brian, i’m a recovering alcoholic and i have been clean and sober for nine months.

group- whoa, way to go, whoop whoop etc.

ron- i have been clean and sober for one year but discovered that i have recently become addicted to sex. Funny i was an alcoholic and for 20 years i just couldn’t give it up. now that i’m all sobered up, all the honeys want to do me, and i just can’t say no.

phil- guys, we need to focu on saving the stories for after the introductions. i really appreciate you sharing but from now on hang on until the end. Is that ok?

Ron nods.

phil- and now, i would like to introduce our new residents, a and z. zoey why don’t you precede?

z- my name is zoey and i’m a choco holic.

group- ooh hi zoey.

aron- kahlua must be really hard for you to kick- the kind with chocolate. i had a cousin who used to always drink white russians.

phil- aron, it’s very important to adhere to twelve step- not cross dialogue. (points to a)

a- my name is alex, and i have a problem with pills.

group-hi alex.

dave- my name is david, i’m an alcoholic. But i’ve been clean and sober almost twelve months. i’m getting my one year chip next week, in fact.

aron- go dave. (phil looks at him.)

group- hi david.

johnny- hi my name is johnny and i’m an alcoholic.

group- hi johnny.

phil- thank you everyone for your introductions. NOW it’s time to share our stories.

aron- (noticing a plastic cactus plant.) I just wanted to say that fake plants really disturb me. I like to look at things that are still alive.

phil- so aron, if you brought in a real plant would you be willing to be responsible for it? To water it and make sure it flourishes?

aron- nah- TMW- too much work.

group- laughs.

aron0- Seriously though. I recently saw my ex girlfriend and she actually wasn’t a bitch. Can you believe that?

group claps.

aron- i guessed she remembered that she broke it off with me, not the other way around. so she made me feel like a loser, and now that i’m cleaning up she wants to get back together with me. i’m still attracted to her but i don’t know if i want to go down that road.

phil- just remember aron, a elenor roosevelt once said, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Even if he was calling you a loser, or thinking that you were a loser, it’s up to you to rise above and transcend other people’s opinions.

aron- but that’s really hard though. Isn’t it just human to care about what somebody thinks of you?

phil- aron, nobody said that life is easy. But in your journey of sobriety, you have to learn to listen to the still small voice in your mind and shut out all extraneous influence.

Johnny- all my life i’ve been a showboat. all the guys want to be me all the girls want to do me. It’s a lot of presure being on top of the heap. Sometimes it can be really lonely. I thought that i could cut my habit cold turkey, but was humbled by the truth. but here at otr, i have literally found my pot of gold. and it’s right here. (points to his chest.) and no one can take that from me.

phil and the group clap.

phil- beautiful, johnny, beautiful. at otr we’ve got all kinds of people. but the more i work here, the more i find that most people have similar challenges, and rough times.

johnny’s dog barks. johnny puts him on his arm- the dog surfs it high and proud.

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