Thursday, June 28, 2012

band names

the hacks
crazy joe

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

mean to me

i was inexperienced to believe
that you would want what's best for me
every time i tried to hold on to you
you would surprise me with the things that you'd do

cause you're so mean to me
mean to me
mean to me

now you say that you want me to stay
i'd be a fool not to run the other way
i think about the times that i went
back, and now i know that i can't do that

cause you're so mean to me
mean to me
mean to me

fool me once shame on you
fool me twice shame on me

now i know that i'll always think twice
before sailing down the river of sacrifice
and these tears that won't seem to ever dry
are reminder of the reason that I have to say goodbye

fool me once shame on you
fool me twice shame on me

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

So it's after midnight. I need to get to northern ca., specifically petaluma, by 6 pm. cheapest flight i could find is out of spirit airlines. They're notorious for charging extra for everything, but the ticket is 100 dollars less then everything else, coming out at 77 bucks. I'm not going to take carry on luggage so they won't charge me. I'm getting a ride to T3 LAX 2pm. Flight is 620 AM. Because they layover in Vegas (that's why it's so cheap) I get in at oakland @ noon. Get BART to SF, get the 76 bus @fremont betw mission and howard, s. mcdowell and casa grande is where i get off. Should take 3 hours plus from airport. Then 1 mile walk to destination, crossing lakeville highway. 3860 cyprus dr.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

One foot
in front of the other
that's really all it takes
if you knew
how much i loved you
you'd forgive me of my past

i love my



rattlesnake milkshake
viper room
tommy black
john fogerty-duke tumatoe
jvc funds stff
ted fields
dept stores
bzz band
rob stephenson
hollywood records
the pharmacy
tAl hirschberg
ron fair
jupiter rising
paul reed
joey waronker
john branca entertainment lawyer
john maclaine
tony ferguson
randy jackson
spinner magazine
the yelling
gavin convention
house productions
organizational psychology

more notes

robert kondrk itunes
mark shimeel- turner network managed john denver
l.a. reid- manager- record label
licensing, head of music.
Networks want artist
Artist wants network
jack govner george stevens -his father directed gunga din
The art of being the dumbest guy in the room/ easiest guy to say no to.
No upside is worth an embarrassing down side
How to be a connector
conduit, filters, head of production
make people who cant say yes not say no
fifteen mins to make a deal
whle life relationships
3 types of commerce- itunes, renting music, rhapsody, ad support real revenue
find your audience pan european zone
itunes algorhythms
find someone who knows bruno, etc. noone under 18 is going to buy a cd
itunes chart updated every 20 mins
single of he week
Content is king.
j nagahide


black cat
z and o
angry candy
time of day


getting to know you, these ghosts from my past

lapd why you gotta ruin my day?

"leah," he sings, the shiver it brings
down my spine
a cup of ethiopian brew
with roy orbison tastes divine


obsessively convulse
obtusively don't ask
neanderthal needs nourishment
in the form of
harry pussy


from past

ucla class speaker
courtney holt- myspace
ian rogers- top spin media
permission marketing
are willing to pay for music if you make it easy
think like acct. break up each day in hourly increments
There is no silver for breaking a band
David Dorn- permission marketing
do 1 email a month
John Prine
Reward your fans
would you like to receive updates?
direct to consumer sales
you need your own website
Branding- marketing
gUided by voices- first webact '93
product dev. monetization/ ad rev.content via consumption
Track It-
what's going on through I.T.
joe vitale seth godin tim ferrics yehuda berg neil strauss charles proctor
mobile is important
new media strategic branding creative monetization find people where they are
who is constituency users, artists, labels bands, advertisers, biz and music experience
Can you sell out your hometown?
Copy the winners
steve bowman
grand royal
top spin- david gaucher
talent is using what you've got
Chester french- sells cds, videotape themselves, snoop puffy kanye
delicious vinyl
Brian Eno: Artists need to act like entrepreneurs
Buy keyword
joe purdy bought his house from itunes-study his career
josh friese campaign
viral mktg. needs interns
change happens at the speed of thought
book idea: changing at the speed of thought
t.v. idea
band makeovers
yo happened to me/ so quickly in a web you caught at the speed of thought
sitting in this lovely place i finally feel o.k. i finally feel brave
my mind cannot explain
what i tried to do so behave
"sometimes the wrong road leads to the right one but don't wait too long you just might miss your place in the sun"

band name

infamous crash