Wednesday, June 6, 2012

So it's after midnight. I need to get to northern ca., specifically petaluma, by 6 pm. cheapest flight i could find is out of spirit airlines. They're notorious for charging extra for everything, but the ticket is 100 dollars less then everything else, coming out at 77 bucks. I'm not going to take carry on luggage so they won't charge me. I'm getting a ride to T3 LAX 2pm. Flight is 620 AM. Because they layover in Vegas (that's why it's so cheap) I get in at oakland @ noon. Get BART to SF, get the 76 bus @fremont betw mission and howard, s. mcdowell and casa grande is where i get off. Should take 3 hours plus from airport. Then 1 mile walk to destination, crossing lakeville highway. 3860 cyprus dr.

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