Friday, June 1, 2012

more notes

robert kondrk itunes
mark shimeel- turner network managed john denver
l.a. reid- manager- record label
licensing, head of music.
Networks want artist
Artist wants network
jack govner george stevens -his father directed gunga din
The art of being the dumbest guy in the room/ easiest guy to say no to.
No upside is worth an embarrassing down side
How to be a connector
conduit, filters, head of production
make people who cant say yes not say no
fifteen mins to make a deal
whle life relationships
3 types of commerce- itunes, renting music, rhapsody, ad support real revenue
find your audience pan european zone
itunes algorhythms
find someone who knows bruno, etc. noone under 18 is going to buy a cd
itunes chart updated every 20 mins
single of he week
Content is king.
j nagahide

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