Friday, June 1, 2012


from past

ucla class speaker
courtney holt- myspace
ian rogers- top spin media
permission marketing
are willing to pay for music if you make it easy
think like acct. break up each day in hourly increments
There is no silver for breaking a band
David Dorn- permission marketing
do 1 email a month
John Prine
Reward your fans
would you like to receive updates?
direct to consumer sales
you need your own website
Branding- marketing
gUided by voices- first webact '93
product dev. monetization/ ad rev.content via consumption
Track It-
what's going on through I.T.
joe vitale seth godin tim ferrics yehuda berg neil strauss charles proctor
mobile is important
new media strategic branding creative monetization find people where they are
who is constituency users, artists, labels bands, advertisers, biz and music experience
Can you sell out your hometown?
Copy the winners
steve bowman
grand royal
top spin- david gaucher
talent is using what you've got
Chester french- sells cds, videotape themselves, snoop puffy kanye
delicious vinyl
Brian Eno: Artists need to act like entrepreneurs
Buy keyword
joe purdy bought his house from itunes-study his career
josh friese campaign
viral mktg. needs interns
change happens at the speed of thought
book idea: changing at the speed of thought
t.v. idea
band makeovers
yo happened to me/ so quickly in a web you caught at the speed of thought
sitting in this lovely place i finally feel o.k. i finally feel brave
my mind cannot explain
what i tried to do so behave
"sometimes the wrong road leads to the right one but don't wait too long you just might miss your place in the sun"

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