Thursday, August 16, 2012


It should come across as obvious that if you're a parent with a child who has neurological issues, those issues are only ignored to that child's peril. Thinking that they will simply "grow out of it" is unfair. If you didn't want the responsibility that came with parenting you might have thought about that before giving birth, and if necessary aborted the child, or given him or her up for adoption once you realized you would not be fit to provide for their needs.
Neglect may be glossed over by the parent, but the child rarely forgets. It grows into resentment, which is particularly difficult when the parent is loving, because it then becomes internalized as guilt. Sometimes children with altogether unloving parents have a simpler time in life because they are able to tell their folks to fuck off. However, if you have a combination of loving/ good natured folks who were slightly careless in raising you, it merely gives you the feeling that you are your own parent now, and you must play a slow and clumbsy game of catchup, all the while never admitting your feelings to the elders that let you down.

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