Thursday, August 16, 2012

Modern Artists Manifesto

There will be a trend of musicians peeking later.
All or most of the types of musicians who write great songs, if they have no patrons or record contracts to at least (temporarily) let them rely solely on their music for paying the bills, will peak later then they would have, had they been brought up in an age that was kinder to that type of musician/ artist.
For a half century it was easier for very talented musicians to get discovered. There was a lot more artist and repertoire in the business, whose sole purpose was to discover talent. Not that it was easy and not that some musicians didn't fall through the cracks then, but it was more possible (if not probable) to make a living. And so there was more time to left to the devotion of craft.
Today many artists miss opportunities because they have to labour harder just to survive. If you compare the inflation, and how much easier it used to be just to get along decades before now, it is clear we are not living in an artist family society.
Artists and musicians are often impaired of the ability to be caught in the hampster wheel of the rat race. Even though in some ways we'd rather join them because we can't beat them, it is against our nature and we suffer dearly for not listening to our inner calling.
The luckier artists who have to work are usually more outgoing and can subsist bartending or waiting tables, which actually pays the bills fairly handsomely. The more internally resolute have a harder time making it unless they are brainiacs who are able to cultivate side businesses like web design, etc.
Because most free thinkers in our modern society have realized how stupid it is to do things you don't enjoy for money, many would rather live off the government. Can you blame them? The government spends so many trillions of dollars on stupid causes like war and imperialism, leaving barely nothing for the working class. We have realized that financially, being an unemployed slave to the system is only a small step down from being a wage slave and when you aren't working a job you despise it's easier to devote your energy for creative pursuits.
If you are a lucky artist, you are gainfully employed in something artistic to pay the bills, like film editing or graphic art. I know some of those types and they seem to be the happiest. However many of them also come from at least an upper middle class background and have gone to good universities.
Personally I was depressed around the time I was supposed to go to college and it became unimportant to me because I was so unhappy. I now regret this in many ways but it is what it is. I do not feel I had the proper guidance and mentors to see me through the proper channels of entering college. My parents are good people what were not involved in pushing me in this aspect of my life. However, I am in some ways grateful for them for sustaining my talents through their lack of pushyness. In many ways though, I feel as if they weren't hard enough on me.

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