Saturday, October 18, 2008

dialogue/ movie ideas

"You keep on lettin' them treat you like less than a man, pretty soon you ARE less than a man. Pretty soon you're just a piece of meat. Objectified, victimized. And what do you think a man does who's treated like that long enough? After he get's tired of turning the other cheek, soon he becomes the victimizer. It's only a matter of time. It may take two months, it may take 20 years, but sooner or later, weakness becomes brutality."
posted by jeremy ferrick's mosaic at 6:05 pm 0 comments
Movie Ideas.
I got a new idea about a guy who goes into a temp agency, he's a young guy looking for a job, kind of off the streets. The agency is a real catty place, a bunch of ladies sitting around gossiping, and it's run by the conservative michelle zyman.
She tells him 'never come into a job interview without a resume,' etc. All the ladies take him for a loser but she see's something in him and looks him up online and finds out he's a musician, a writer, kind of becomes interested in his character. I started thinking about how with the internet people snoop around about people more and you never hear about that in the movies.
She sees a lot of holes in his applications, and helps him around it, helps him get a job, etc.
We soon find out Michelle is a single Mother and doesn't have it as easy as some would think. We also find out that she gave up a child for adoption and begins to suspect that our main character is her son. It'll be called temps on time.

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