Friday, October 17, 2008

John Alanis

If you're in business, you know the world is in a giant conspiracy
to screw you out of every last dime. Sounds negative doesn't it?
Certainly not positive thinking.

Or is it?

You see, when you decide you want to become successful in any
endeavor, you have to orient yourself to a whole new reality. What
is unusual to most people, is now usual to you.

See, if you're in business you're supposed to feel like you're
being boiled alive in bullshit each and every day--because if you're
not, you're probably not doing too much or making too much money.
The more ventures you engage in, the more BS you experience.

That mindset, however, is to be welcomed because it is reality.
And when you embrace reality, and accept that each and every day
you strive for success will be full of BS along the way, you
suddenly get mentally tough.

You're able to put aside the BS that sinks other, lesser men, and
concentrate on the task at hand. At the end of the day (or the
week, or the month), you'll come out beaten and battered, but with
the success you've rightly earned.

Adopting this mindset (and actually living it) has a neat side
effect--you're suddenly very attractive to women. Why? Because
they know you can deal with the BS, set it aside, and get done what
you have to get done.

They also know most men can't do this. Women are so used to the
sissy boyfriend coming over and getting teary eyed because the
"boss disrespected him" or "yelled at him."

When they meet a man who actually thinks it's a good day when he
got off with "just an ass chewing" they jump for joy because such a
man is so rare in this day and age.

So, embrace the bullshit. You don't have to like it (I don't, and
never will), but you must acknowledge its existence, deal with it
and move on. The rewards, however, are great and most men will
never experience them.

On with the fun....

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