Saturday, October 18, 2008


Letter to Henry Rollins
Dear Henry.

I don't usually write fanmail, I usually figure people I write won't read

it or whatever. I figure you read some of yours, so maybe you'll get to

mine. I guess what I want to say is, I really appreciate your work. You

make me laugh sometimes, mad sometimes, and mainly what you make me do is

nod my head in agreement. I think about your airport schpiel when I'm

trying to make my way the escalator and people are just standing there.

I watched a bunch of your stuff today, and your Israel concert was

insane! I love that place too, my grandma lived there for a while after

surviving Auschwitz. Funny thing is, she's this 87 year old woman, and

somehow I feel like you two would get along! Anyways man, simply put, I

just wanted to say that you help me get through the day sometimes.

Because you realize the crap of the universe, but you don't let it stop

you from experiencing life the way you want to. I remember I used to jog

on the beach, and I had a vision of you telling me to run faster, work

harder. A Friend of mine recently sent me something you wrote about

working out, how that teacher encouraged you to become stronger.

I feel like you do the same thing for me. And I just wanted so say

Thank You for making my life better.

Jeremy Ferrick.

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