Monday, August 31, 2009


i know this guy who plays some really hot licks
funny thing about it, he's 66
used to accounting now he's hanging out in bars
got a hot young girl and a fancy guitar

you so high you don't need to smoke a bowl
Cause you're never too old to rock and roll

You don't need that cupcake, sugar
cause you're already sweet
So come with us to canters
for a bite to eat
hanging out with me is the perfect date
you can catch my band if you're
staying out late

My bassist was a lawyer
for the biggest band on earth
my drummers been a ninja
since the day of his birth
and me,
i make up for it
in multiple ways

time didn't take a toll
because you're never too old to rock and roll

got a girlfriend half his age
with more money then god
she's got a tattoo of his band
on her smoking bod
she's ready for the action
now i'm going gold
cause you're never too old
to rock and roll

and if you don't go you'll never know
cause you're never too old to rock and roll

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Friday, August 7, 2009





Tuesday, August 4, 2009

माय newplJohnny and leif enter the motel room. It has two beds. Leif- you share this room? Johnny- Hell no. and it’s a gay hotel

Johnny and leif enter the motel room. It has two beds.
Leif- you share this room?
Johnny- Hell no. and it’s a gay hotel but I ain’t gay. Hell, I didn’t become a rockstar so I could be gay. My friend is though. The one who got me in this place.
Leif- So did you still want to jam?
Johnny- Yeah, we will we will. Just hold on.
Leif- Otherwise, I mean I was thinking of going to this thing-
Johnny- what?
Leif- like a lecture. On balancing your chi, healing charkas, you know healthy stuff.
Johnny- that’s cool. (cell rings, he answers) hey Theresa. You gonna come down? Yeah, hold on a minute. (to Leif) Can you find out the address?
Leif – (Opens the door, yells out)
hey, what’s the address here?
(effeminate voice-) 945 San Vicente.
Leif- (to Johnny) It’s 945 San Vicente
Johnny- (into the phone) San Vi-what?
Leif-Vicente. San Vicente.
Johnny- 945 San Vicente. Come soon! I love you too. (hangs up)
Leif- That your girlfriend?
Johnny- nah, my sister.
Leif- I thought she lived in Portland.
Johnny- That’s my other sister. Hey do you know how to program numbers into this? Can you write Theresa? For that last call?
Leif-(grabbing the phone) Sure. (starts punching numbers into the phone) (The phone rings.) Looks like your dad is calling.
Johnny- Fuck, I don’t want to talk to him right now. Reminds me, I gotta call my sponsor.
Leif- hey, I’m gonna take a leak. (he exits, gives the phone to Johnny.)
Johnny-(dials the phone, talks into it) this Bill? Yeah, what the fuck were you doing, spilling the beans to my folks like that? My dads about to have a fuckin’ heart attack, asshole. I didn’t get kicked out of rehab. I did my time there. I graduated. And now I’m clean. Don’t go telling them my shit. They already have been trying to control me for most of my life. And how dare you tell Carol Anne to stay away from me? I’ve never hit a woman in my life. Would you like it it if I said that to your wife? To stay away from you? You wouldn’t like that, would you? So you’re making money off of me, and your fucking me over. Double whammy…… Where the fuck d’ya go? Fuckin’ fuck, hanging up like that.
Leif- (coming back on) No, I think your phone was just low on batteries.
Jon- oh, can you charge it for me? I bought a new charger. 3 new chargers I couldn’t get them to work though.
Leif- give em here, let me see. (Jon hands him the chargers) Well your phone is Tmobile, and 2 of these are atand t. This one should work. (He plugs the phone into the wall.)
Jon- How long is it gonna take? Allison’s gonna be here soon.
Leif- your sister’s name is Allison? I thought it was Theresa.
Jon-No, allson’s a friend of mine. She’s taking me to a picnic. For sober living. Want to come?
Leif- Well I’m already sober, does that matter?
Jon- you’re my friend. Any friend of mine is invited.
Leif- Thanks man. I just met you two hours ago and I’m already your friend? And you’re famous. You must have a lot of friends.
Jon- Hey my sisters gonna be here soon- don’t talk with her about my band it’ll upset her.
Leif- Sorry, I mean, really, I’m sorry.
Jon- Dude, no worries. She used to go out with Kenny. When they broke up, I got kicked out. Pretty fair, huh?
Leif- It’s not cause you slept with Henry’s girlfriend?
Jon- no, kwit being so nosy.
Leif=I’m really sorry if I asked you too many kwestions on the way over.
Jon- it’s ok. Just don’t do any speed- I’ll really have to wring your neck, how much you talk.
Leif- I think I’made the same mistake with this producer who recorded me, jade you know him.. I asked too many kwestions. I can’t help it- I’m overly curious with musicians.
Jon- Cuz you want to be one- it’s understandable. I wanted to be one ever since I was twelve. I went home from school and Rod Fisher showed me his drum set. We had a band back in the day, the Vinyl Clocks. Then I met Wolf and the rest was history. But don’t even ask me how I met him.
Leif- I was in high school when you guys put out that first album.
Jon- so hey where was that place we met at called?
Leif- pita way.
Jon-and you live over there?
Leif- yeah.
Jon- I might need to crash with you. I don’t know how long I’m staying here.
Leif- holy shit Jon from the reds wants to crash at my place. Wonder what my brother will say.
(Theresa walks in. Jon gets up from Couch and hugs her.)
Jon- sis, I haven’t seen you in forever and a day.
Theresa- I know. (looks at leif) who’s this?
Leif- (goes to shake her hand) I’m leif.
Theresa-(shaking his hands) hi leif, your hands are greasy.
Leif- We been walking. It’s hot outside.
Theresa- You a narc?
Leif- Me?
Jon- No, he’s a musician. We’re gonna play together.
Theresa- good, cause I brought you something. (She pulls out a pipe.)
Jon- (Leif) this stays in this room. I’m supposed to be clean.
Leif- oh, you’re going to……
Jon- Yeah, you want some?
Theresa- (lighting it up) Uh, I mean, I’m not tryin’ to sound like a hypocrite, but I wouldn’t recommend it, if you haven’t, I just wouldn’t……..
Jon- Plus, you might start talkin’ too much.
Leif- yeah, no, I’ll pass.
Jon- Good, cause I don’t want to have to wring your neck. ( he pats his back.) just kidding. (to Theresa) Leif’s cool. So dad’s a dick. He’s all upset that I checked out of rehab. They took all my money anyways. 50 thousand I make on the show and they leave me with six?
Theresa- sucks.
Jon- remember I bought mom that ring for 5 thousand? She sold it. I want them to send me my rolex and a few other things. Then I’m never talking to them again.
Theresa- they mean the best. I think they just don’t want you to spend it all on-
Jon- they’re gonna spend it all. Dad should get a job. He’s been living off of my successes for 20 years. He’s called me a dozen times today. So annoying.
Leif- (to Theresa) so how you liking L. a.?
Theresa- I don’t really like anywhere right now, to tell ya the truth. Everybody gets angry about stupid things, even if I don’t do nothing.
Jon- That’s cause you’re hanging with all them idiots. They aren’t your real friends. Like Chris, he almost got shot. What if you’re next to him when it happens again? That’s what I worry about.
Theresa- Chris is the least of my worries.
Jon- Well that’s a problem. Maybe you can stay with us for a while. I might be staying with Leif.
Theresa- Where do you live?
Leif- Pico Robertson. I just have to talk with my brother-
Jon- come on man, I won’t bring no crazies over.
Leif- I mean it’s tempting, you are John from the Reds and everything.
Jon- (gives him a look) not around her.
Leif- sorry.
Theresa- Its alright. (to Leif) So what do you do?
Leif- I play guitar and sing.
Theresa- you have a band?
Leif- trying to start one.
Jon- we were gonna jam later, maybe after the picnic.
Theresa- you’re playing again?
Jon- yeah, and I’m staying out here. I ain’t going back to seattle. Mom and dad suck. They just want to control everything.
Theresa- I’m glad you’re staying.
Leif- you coming to the picnic with us?
Jon- no she don’t like the sober picnics.
Theresa- cause I’m not sober, and I don’t want to hear no preaching. Plus, (looks at her watch) I gotta go soon. I’m meeting somebody.
Jon- who you meeting? You going on a date?
Theresa- yeah. Can I borrow 20 dollars?
Jon- (he opens his wallet, gives her a bill.)
Theresa- oh, I don’t need that much.
Jon- Sure, everybody does. You’re just lucky that you’re my sister.
Theresa- (putting the pipe in a drawer.) I would hide your things when you leave. And don’t carry anything on you. The West Hollywood P.d. is right there, like a block away. And you don’t need that shit.
Jon- thanks sis.
Theresa- he doesn’t know, he just moved here for the show.
Jon- like, 3 months ago. I love the weather here.
Leif- it’s too damn hot though.
Jon- hey, I got some text messages on my phone. I gotta figure out how to read them. That stupid kid keeps leavin something about trying to sell me xanax.
Theresa- that little punk Randy?
Jon- yeah.
Theresa- oh please stay away from him.
Jon- nothin’ worse then a rich kid acting all broke.
Theresa- idiot.
Jon- he’s all, oh, come party with us. Like that sounds fun, go party with a bunch of spoiled rich pricks.
Theresa- yeah, sounds like a barrel of laughs.
Leif- so when we goin’ to that picnic?
Jon- good kwestion. Wonder what’s taking that chick so long. (grabs his phone and dials) Where are you? We’re still waiting. On Fairfax? I don’t even know what that means. See ya soon darling.
Theresa- well, I’m gonna hit the road. (To Leif) It was nice meeting you.
Leif- nice meeting you too.
Theresa- (hugging Jon) Have fun.
Jon- You be careful little sis. (she exits.)
Leif- wow, so you just got out of rehab and you’re already smokin’ crack again? That was fast.
Jon- You’d better not tell anybody. And I shot heroin last night with a hooker. That doesn’t go past this door.
Leif- really?
Jon- yeah, but I’ll get clean again. I gotta go back on the show again. And this time I’m callin my lawyer. Dad and mom won’t be seeing a dime. Know what sucks most about the show?
Leif- what?
Jon- they don’t let you listen to music. All the cameras and stuff.
Leif- that does suck.
(There’s a knock at the door.)
Jon- can you get that? (Leif opens the door and Allison walks in.)
Allison- oh my god, I forgot about traffic in this town, and it’s gotten worse in the past 6 months. That’s how long I’ve been in PRC. Finally just got my car out of storage. (between kisses on Jon’s cheek) I’ll drive you wherever you want, Malibu, Beverly hills………(To Leif) Who are you?
Jon- That’s my new friend.
Leif- I’m Leif. Leif Franklin. But my hands are sweaty. I’ll settle for a hug.
Allison- (giving him a half hug.) you in treatment too?
Leif- no.
Allison- how do you guys know each other?
Jon- he’s a musician. We just met, we might jam after the picnic.
Leif- or at the picnic, if they have any guitars there.
Allison- oh shit. (looks at her watch.) I think we’re too late. They’re ending now, and it’s all the way in silverlake. We can hang, like I said, I’ll be your driver, wherever you want to go is good.
Leif- that sounds fun. Where we gonna go?
Allison- oh, it’s just a two seater. Mazda miata.
Leif- so I can’t come. (looks at watch) and it’s too late for my class now, shit.
Jon- hey man, I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to ya. Stick around.
Leif- that’s alright, I was just hoping we could jam. Maybe I should just go. (Allison kind of nods her head.)
Jon- nah you don’t have to go yet. (to Allison) see that gay magazine? I’m not gay, but this place is. In fact I got laid last night with a really hot girl but I couldn’t really get it up. First time in 2 years. I gotta really lay off the junk. Not worth it if you can’t get it up.
Allison- yeah, it’ll do it to ya. Unless you’re on speed. Me and my boyfriend stayed in for a week once. (a beat.) you’ve got beautiful hair.
Jon- Thanks.
Allison- honestly, I’m sorry, but I didn’t hear your music before. A girlfriend played it for me last night. I liked it!
Jon-Thanks. We were great weren’t we? Then Henry had to go and die the bastard. No, if he was president, I was vice president of the band. When he left us, the other guys didn’t want me to have the power. They figured, just hire some other drummer. Then they wouldn’t have to pay me as much.
Leif- wasn’t it also cause of the affair with Pete’s wife?
Jon- (waving his hands in the air) You read too many stoy books.
I still get like 300 g’s a year in royaltys though. Plus I get paid to play with other dudes from the bands I always loved. Last Friday I played a benefit show at the avalon. Too tell you the truth, even if the Reds asked me back, I’d say no.
Allison- I was actually with Henry at Exodus, him and his girlfriend a year before he died. But I didn’t know your music back then. Thing is, I wasn’t interested in the rock stars or celebrities. I just wanted to get home to my little girl. I mean, what did she do to deserve having a junkie for a mother?
Jon- (picks up his phone and dials) you guys hungry, thirsty? I’m calling pink dot. I need to shave, I hate feeling like a bum. (into phone.) I need razors. I don’t care how much it costs, and I’m right down the street. 945 san Vicente. Hurry up. The names is Jon ashdown. We’re in the back, just ask the guy at the front for me.Hurry up, please. Thanks. (he hangs up.) where’s the towels? (looking around) They didn’t give me towels?
Leif-(sticks his head out the door) Can you get my friend some towels please?
Harv, the gay hotel employee, enters.
Harv- did you check the bathroom?
Jon- (Exiting) Oh. (offstage.) here they are.
Harv- That’s usually where towels are kept, right? (He exits)
Jon- (poking his head out) Hey, you two hang out. I need to take a shower. Just slip the razors under the door when they get here. (Gives Leif a bill) you can give him a tip and stuff. (Exits.)
Leif goes and sits down in a chair and Allison is on the couch. The Matrix plays on t.v., without any sound. There is an awkward silence.
Allison- first time I met Jon, I could see in his eyes, he’s so innocent. He’s like a child. He needs someone to take care of him, yeah, a caretaker. A mommy.
Leif- You want to take care of him?
Allison- My husband left his body three years ago. It was too much for him. We lived our disease together. He was a lawyer, I was his paralegal. We were functional at first. Then it got out of hand. When he finally cleaned up, his body went into shock. It’s ironic, ya know? Sometimes the junk is what keeps us alive. Sometimes we clean up, then we die. I have twelve months now, with the help of the lord. And I want to be there for Jon. You know he just got out and I don’t want him relapsing.
Leif- oh, I think he’s gonna do what he’s gonna do.
Allison- What’s that supposed to mean?
(Leif shrugs. There’s an awkward moment of silence.)
Allison- I just need to take it one day at a time. He just needs tender loving care. Sometimes a ladyfriend is all a guy like him needs to keep him…….. distracted.
Leif- Have you met his sister?
Allison- no I haven’t, not yet.
Leif- She was just here, right before you.
Allison- He is a bit younger then me. I mean, I think my son has some of his CDs. But I know how to keep looking young. Don’t you think? How old am I, can you guess?
Leif- I mean, you look great, what maybe 50, a young 50?
Allison- Why I never, people never think I look that old.
Leif- Well it’s just a guess. I was never good at judging age.
Allison- You think I’m 50? I should have never asked.
Leif- I have his cds, and my mom’s 55, so I figured……..
Allison- doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter. I’m 48. Not a huge difference, but I thought I glued myself together better then I apparently do, that’s all.
Leif- Hey, look, I didn’t mean to offend you.
Allison- Oh, you didn’t offend me. (looks at him sharply) You couldn’t.
Leif- What?
Allison- Some people get it, some people don’t. Odd thing is, it’s the users that always get me.
Leif- Birds of a feather…..
Allison- well I never.
Leif- I’ll just shut up. Apparently you offend easily. Maybe I should just leave. (knocks on the bathroom door.) I’m leaving.
Jon- no, bro, stick around. I’ll be out in a jiff.
(knock on the door, Leif opens it. It’s harv.)
Harv- Pink dot is here, can you just pay at the gate and get your stuff? We don’t want a bunch of in’s and out’s here. (Leif exits. The shower turns off.)
Allison- where’d you find this guy? He’s not very polite.
Jon- (offstage) nah, he’s cool. Plus my sister likes him.
Allison- You really love your sister, don’t you?
Jon- Yeah. She’s always right about people. Except the ones she hangs out with.
Allison- Can we go when you’re done? And just me and you though?
(Leif comes back in with the razors. Knocks on the bathroom door.)
Leif- here’s your razors. (Jon’s wet arm opens the door, grabs them, then closes the door.) (there is an awkward moment of silence.) you are really pretty. You do yoga or something?
Allison- no. (she lightens up a bit.) I do some pilates.
Leif- I didn’t mean anything, you know, before.
Allison- I know you didn’t. I’m just very protective over Jon. This isn’t about me. I don’t want him relapsing. So I’m just very careful about who he hangs out with. (Jon emerges with shaving cream on his face.)
Jon- I hang out with whoever I want to. (He grabs a beer from the fridge, pops it opened, and goes back into the bathroom.)
Allison- I mean, it’s just, people aren’t who they say they are. A lot of people out in the world are only out for themselves.
Leif- Look, Allison. I don’t know what you’re insinuating here, but Jon INVITED me over here. I didn’t just waltz in here, I didn’t just show up. And I’m not even a user. I just play music. In other words, my motives are on the table, out in the open. Yes, I’m trying to ‘make it’ in the music industry. What are you trying to do?
Allison- You might not USE drugs, but that doesn’t mean-
Leif- (pounding on the bathroom door) Jon, I really gotta go.
Jon- No, just STICK around a little while.
(Leif pounces about and sinks down onto the couch at the opposite end of where Allison is. She gets up and nervously gets out some makeup and begins applying it as she leans on the table.) ( Leif is shaking his head.)
Jon- (entering, wrapped in a towel. His face has no shaving cream.) Just what the doctor ordered. (Allison puts away her makeup, and adoringly embraces Jon)
Allison- my knight in shining armor, look at that lovely face, all clean as a baby’s bottom.
Jon- I feel like a baby in your arms. (They kiss.) (Jon looks over at Leif) so I want to maybe move in with you and your brother. (To Allison) I trust this guy. Don’t you? (she says nothing.) I got plenty of money, if that’s an issue.
Leif- I just gotta check it out, cause I don’t own the place. There’s certain restrictions we have to live by, I’ll let you know. (They go outside to stage left, on the veranda.)
Jon- Me and the lady, we might need a few hours alone. Definitely give a call tonight though. We’ll meet up later.
Leif- ok. We gonna jam soon?
Jon- Yeah, we will. I promise. (lights out.)

Monday, July 20, 2009


7:10 PM written 8/13/02

The plane finally took off. I'm 26, and I feel like my life is beginning again. As I was listening to "Beautiful Day: by U2- now they're on "Stuck in a moment"...... "You were such a fool, to worry like you do........."
Believing in God sets you up for a life full of blessings. These blessings are kicking full blast now, and i praise the lord for that. Oh, in Frommer's budget magazine there was something about a guy who's been travelling the world since may 2001 and only spent $35. And i though i was frugal.
Oh, my budget. Spent $18 on budget magazine and The great investment. $25 on airport tax. Yesterday, $15 on chinese dinner w/ burpo, $18 on airporter, 103.50 on air ticket for oak- lax, $5 on food total 8/12-13-166.50- be careful.
I was the laughing stock of my Aunt when I announced that 3 pm was early enough for a 4 pm flight. But it turned out fine- got here at about 2:15- didn't leave for another 5 hours. One thing that is cutting me off from blessings of the lack of gratitude, the comparisons and envy of other people. This happens when you don't fully realize your own gifts.,,
Travel tip: plan who you're going to email and thngs you want to look up before going online to save money. Have this book and a pen ready to write stuff down.
Girl's email who i met in greece:
This is the email address of the girl in athens who helped me buy the ticket to Thessalonica, which leaves in one hour. Until the time I met her i was about ready to have a nervous breakdown. i had been misinformed about how to get virtually everywhere in Athens, when all i wanted to do was get the fuck out of there and onto my new destination. Because of the fact that it's some kind of holiday today, there was no one in the info booth. and everybody was confused when i tried to ask about macedonia- noone knew where the hell ohrid was. At least i didn't take the train that said makedonia- apparently that's a completely different place. I guess it was a mistake to not buy one of those europe books. i was thinking of an idea for a book about homeless travelling. Like doing your trips at night so you can just sleep on the trains, etc. I was thinking of pics- me taking a leak out by a tree- 'when nature calls,' brushing my teeth while there's a line around the corner- 'hygeine tips.'
I'm certainly dissapointed about the flooding in prague- that was one of the destinations i really was looking forward to. We'll see if it dries out- don't think that girl from poland is interested any more, but who knows? i pray to god iget to ohrid so i can see some familiar faces.
BUDGET- 3 red bulls-6.90- oj 2 buses 2.90, .60. thes. ticket 20, internet 1.40, spent $20 usd in brussels. Is it possible to cut down?

Lyric- noone's in the infomation booth.

I was thinking today that i want to go everywhere but that may not be an option so send me off away to anywhere - wednesday's nice for brussels give thursday to brussels fridays being spent on where i soon will stay the weekend. Places to check out according to budget travel;
spas- region of slovakia, krakow, auschwitz, prague- when? bratislava
buy ear plugs and batteries. only put batteries in cd while using.
8/16- spent 13.50 ticket to skopje-1.50 sandwich. 7 am- waiting for train to skopje- arrived in thessalonica about 5-530 am.
Tell joey about rci holiday network-800-730-9981- they rent timeshares.
cheap in mexico- playa del carmen, 50 m. south of cancun, tulum, 100 m. south of cancun. paris london paris 79-eurostar 6 am gare dunord train leaves 637, arrive 844 am leaves back 718 pm.
spent $2- soda and pizza
$ ticket to ohrid and soda
$8 room changed $10 for 620 travellers checks spend a afew
paid 450 dinar for 2 cds: paul oakenfield, chemical brothers
100 for internet, 120 for drink, $8 for a room.
note: no more energy drinks, water instead. allowed: one more cd
street called 7november number 120
This week i will focus on one thing at a time, today i will focus on being clean and organized. Bought pizza, juice, batteries, breath mints. 848 diner left over. Can spned this all tonight on other people. Practice being more giving. Dear lord, show me the way to generosity. Mixed w/ frugality. Spent way too much going out last night. today spent 230 d phone card 500 d room 40 d coke 20 d internet 30 d water 120 d chicken sand. 920 d= $30. last night spent 100 d- drinks me and tereza. Down to 700 travelers checks and 50 euros. spent about 10 on drinks last night. about 416 since l.a. started w. 1166. Transport, budget, ohrid skopje $5 skopje- belgrade $20.
I wrote this then but don't agree with it now:
Hello! It's easy to whine about how badly the israelis are treating the palestinians, ut it's simply not ture. if palestine had military power it would not only be dangerous for israel, but for the whole world. That's what people don't understand.

I'd rather be a normal nobody then a lonely famous somebody who is afraid to live without his henchmen around. i'd rather live by my mom and pops buy whatever i need down at the grocery shop.
No more waiting around, baby. With all these thoughts that i've found, and maybe if my head is to the ground (just forget it) do not waste my time or you'll regret it. We're not getting any younger (like 'i used to ask my ceiling') WE all can't be sebastian juner. it either takes a lot or nothing at all to fill this lonely hunger.
then i had to move on, undercover.

If you feel what i mean it's not all about green but it might make it a little easier. I tried to be like my brother sister for about 20 years nobody ever made fun of hm, he seemed not to have any fears, but this skin that you gave me, mama. It's all that i've got. I may not make you proud papa, but i'll give it a shot. no more waiting around.......


some places i've worked:

outrigger 69-275 waikaloa beach dr. kamuela, hi. 96738 800-922-5533
hilton 69-425 waikaloa beach dr. kamuela hi. 96738 808-886-1234
salsa fresh 919-571-9999 5910 duraleigh rd. raleigh nc 27612
press democrat 5505 redwood dr. rohnert park 94952
sonoma co. airport 2200 airoport dr. 95402
book soup 8818 w. sunset blvd. l.a. ca. 90069 310-659-3110
scils 1799 pepper dr. petaluma ca. 94952

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


An outstretched arm reaches across an old magnavox record player and drops a record onto

the turntable. The song is David Eshet's Jerusalem of Gold. We see a record cover with

DAVID ESHET: JERUSALEM OF GOLD SONGS OF THE 6 DAY WAR. Down the arm is a tattoo with

numbers in ink: the mark of a holocaust survivor. Then we see the whole man. It's

grandpa Sam Bilowski, and he looks tired. He sings along a bit with the song, and then

we see him look out the window.

Exterior shots around the Pico Robertson neighborhood show hasidic jews walking and

talking, along with secular looking shop keepers, etc. There are snapshots of various

people taken from live action and converted in black and white to look old school. As

if they were pics taken in an old Shtetl. Then the record stops

Interior Grandpa Sams: His wife, Grandma Irene, 82, barges in.

Irene: What are you doing sleeping in the middle of the daytime? ( he looks back

at her blankly) That's why you're always tired at night!

Sam: Dear, i wasn't sleeping just resting......

Irene: the hell you were

Sam: yes i was, i was waiting for you.

Irene: Well then come with me to the store.

Sam: it's so hot out! Turn the music back on, we'll have a dance.

Irene: no you're coming with me to Eilat's i need to get some onions, some lettuce,


Sam: The eggplant can wait-

Irene- no it can't.

interior: global shwarma: mm is getting off of work. jackson 5's "abc song' blasts.

His girlfriend bethy comes in and they start dancing and singing with the music.

mm: ocd, it's as easy a.d.d, come on come on, it's a.d.d. baby you and me. (Bethy

sees her grandparents across the street, she runs to the door)

Bethy: hi grandpa henry! hi grandma! (They wave and irene pulls him into the store.)

They're so cute, they look like little school kids.

mm: yeah but she orders him around too much. that ain't ever happening with me. (He

grabs her and kisses her) i'm the boss of you, woman. not the other way around.

Bethy: watch it! not so rough!

Exterior: Bethy and mm are walking out of the movie ANVIL. They're walking down


mm: that was like, at least one of the best documentaries i've ever seen.

Bethy: It was,like really great. (looks at her watch.) We have like, an hour until

sunrise we better get to dad's and mom's.

mm: What? i thought we were going to my uncles for shabbas. you liked it so much better

over there!

Bethy: Of course i did! But last week i told you that if i went to your family's

house for shabbat, you'd have to come to mine this week.

mm: i know. i was hoping you'd forget.

Bethy: why matty? my dad's a sweetheart once you get to know him.

mm: i did used to know him remember? he loved me before i hit puberty. God, i gotta

get out of this town. it's just so much goddamn fun here. but then on the other side of

the coin i gotta put up with this crap.

Bethy: he's got a heart of gold. he's a good dad. Come on, i'll pick up some challah.

They're now in canter's bakery.

mm: he hates me. not that i really care that much.

bethy: he dossn't hate you. he even said he wanted you to come for dinner!

mm: yeah that's so you'd be there- he's accepted the fact that we're the two headed

monster. If he could split us up, he would

Bethy: that's only partially true.

mm: well whatever. i guess i'm obligated. Damn i wish i was still taking those debate

classes my argument skills are going to need some shaping up.

bethy: what needs shaping up is your wardrobe. But i love you anyways. (They kiss.)

Interior, Bilowski household. The youngest, shlomo is sitting next to his dad as they

study from the Talmud. Mom is boiling chicken soup and chopping vegetables.

Bethy and mm walk in. MM goes to the Mr. and shakes his hands.

Mr. B- Hello Moishe.

mm- I don't actually go by Moishe anymore, I'm Matt. Just plain Matt now.

Mr. B- Why is that? I love the name Moishe!

mm- I just never really felt like it was my real name. (to mom) Hi ms. Bilowki.

Mrs. B- Hello. Did you bring your appetite? i hope so i cooked for the whole army.

You don't have to be shy tonight.

mm- Am i ever?

Mr. B- no, just shy about your heritage. Remember your bar mitzvah? It was beautiful!

I always thought you had the makings of a Rebbe. What are you doing now?

Bethy- Matty wants to join the peace corps!

Mr. B- Whatever happened to studying in Israel?

mm- nah, i don't want to do that anymore. I don't consider myself a zionist anymore.

Jewish, yes. Zionist, no. Nobody has more of a right to that land then anyone else....

Mr. B looks like he's going to pop a vein but luckily the grandparents come in and ruin

the argument.

Henry- hi everyone!

Irene- (snapping at him) put this in the fridge before it spoils! (Bethy goes and

gives them both a hug.)

Cut to: Katie's house. Katie is a gothy esthetician, and David's girlfriend. She is

applying eyeliner to him. Jane's Addiction's three days blasts. He looks in mirror.

Katie: So sexy.

David: My dad is going to kill me! (They kiss.) Seriously, can we get this off?

Katie: no. keep it on. do something wild every week. (she shrugs) they'll just have

to get used to it.

David: you don't know them. my mom and dad are like jews from last century. They're

like straight out of a black and white photograph.

Katie: So what. My dad's a quaker.

David: quakers are easy going.

Katie: mom's a mormon.

David: oh.

Katie: just trust me, they'll get over it. it looks rock and roll. perfect for your

gig on sunday. That friday night rule is so lame. you're missing out on all the


David: so long as i'm under their roof i'm under their rules. (They embrace) dad

still thinks i want to be a cantor. or wishes, maybe. Soon i'll get a job and move


Katie: i'm sure you'll miss your mama's cooking

david: true that. (they kiss) i gotta go.

interior the bilowski's by the time he gets inside they're already lighting the candles

He gives his mom a quick hug and goes to the bathroom. He wipes off the eyeliner.

David: (into the mirror) Pussy. (He shakes his head and goes out join the family.)

They do some standard jewish prayers then start eating.

mm: yo d, how's the band going?

David: Really good! We have a gig sunday, you should come!

mm: where?

David: the joint.

mm: perfect, right up the street. i'm working until 9 what time is it at?

David: starts at 10.

Henry: you gonna play some old songs maybe some of the hits?

David: sure gramps i'll throw one in for ya's

Henry: i always liked sinatra. And elvis could sing too.

irene: quit telling stories!

mm: (to mr. B) you going pops?

david: nah, it's not his thing. Plus he's always busy sunday nights.

mr. b- (to david) what did you do to your HANDS? (He reaches across the table and

inspects dovid's fingernails which are painted in black) why on god's green earth-

mm- don't worry, all the rocker kids do that.

mr. b- With all due respect, my son is not a rocker kid. He's just going through a

phase. (to dovid) why the HELL did you do THAT?

Bethy- daddy, it's not a big deal.

mr. b- not a big deal, my son is painting his nails like a-

irene- like a girl. or a faggele.

henry- but his girlfriend did it so it's ok! and the kids like to show off these

days, i used to do that too, but just in different ways.

bethy- (jokingly) you still show off grandpa.

mm- Even if he was a faggele, you'd still have to love him , he's your son. After all,

my cousin's gay and we all still love him.

irene- oy vey.

rachel, the youngest comes in.

Rachel- sorry i'm late everyone! i had to stay late after school. (she kisses everyone)

i got an A+ on the history test daddy! (MM and Bethy roll their eyes)

mr. B- that's wonderful sweetheart! I'm so proud of you.

Rachel - i'm hoping that after graduating college i can go spend some time in Tel

Aviv. Maybe I'll even go to grad school there.

mom- that would be wonderful, honey.

mm- isn't it kind of dangerous over there?

Rachel- when we went over for Dovid's bar mitzvah i never felt nervous.

mr. b- it's safer there then it is here.

mm- come on sam, my old hebrew school teacher was like 10 yards away from a car bombing

last summer. That was like the day after he emailed me from ben yehuda telling me how

safe it was. You never know.

irene- you never know here, you never know there. we didn't know hitler was going to

come and put us in the ovens!

henry- luckily we didn't go in that line.

irene- no because were teenagers. not too old, not too young. Everyone else in my

family, not so lucky. Except one brother. And he's still in Israel. (To rachel) you

can stay with him if you choose to go.

rachel- thank you grandma.

mm- and you have to ask yourself, if you want your daughter living in a country that

is violating civil rights codes of other human beings- they had no right to push the

Palestinian people off of their land!

bethy- can we not go there sweety?

mr. b- ok, so a country the size of a postage stamp, surrounded by her enemies and

we're the bad ones? the jordanians have persecuted the palestinians worse then we


mm- i mean henry and irene didn't survive the camps so that we could go around pushing

people off of their land.

mr. b- wait a minute, we didn't push anyone off their land. Who was in that dry

uninhabitable piece of desert before we went and irrigated, planted, built- you're just

a punk kid who doesn't know his history. If you spent less time in the hookah bar

and more time with your nose in a book you'd figure that out.

mm- i don't like hookah bars either, sir. i'm what's known as straight edge. That's

why they call me the renouncer.

mr. b- what?

bethy- he doesn't drink or smoke.

dovid- dad, you're the one who used to smoke weed in the 60's.

mm- that was before he found god.

mr. b- grass then wasn't a big deal. i did it a few times.

mm- sure, mr. b.

mr. b- when did you turn into such a (yiddish for smart ass?)

bethy- daddy, matt is a genius.

Mr. B- that's why i don't want him wasting his talents.

mm- mr. b. i'm not one of your yeshiva students, and i'm doing just fine. You can come

out of disciplinary mode. I know you think that because i'm longer adhere to the rules

of the kosher nostra i'm just lost but i have plans up my sleeve. And they are 180

degrees from what my parents brainwashed me with as a child.

mr. b- your father is a fine man.

mom- and we love chana.

mm- thanks. i love her too. But i don't 'like' what i was taught. I believe we each

have our own karma. And if you keep on trying to impose your will on your children

you're going to end up lonely.

henry- the boy is right, i'm afraid. There is no more room for extremists.

Dovid- (thoughtfully) I mean, being religious, it worked for us for a while. It kept

us together. The rituals, the holidays. But i just feel it less and less.

mr. b- that's because your lazy, son. (pause) You aren't TRYING hard enough.

Dovid- it just doesn't make sense to me anymore. But i still love it. I love the food,

the music.

Mr. B- but life isn't all about music! Music should be a by product, not the main

attraction! Unless you're going to be a cantor, it's just wrong wrong wrong. To build

your life around art, it's meaningless.

Bethy- this from the man who practically stalked bob dylan.

Mr. B- i was a foolish child. it was a phase.

mm- maybe you're going through a phase right now, the 'religious' phase.

irene- that's enough! i'm not going to have you attacking my son. not in his house.

mr b- i can stick up for myself mom.

cut to: psychologist's office. mm is sitting on a couch.

mm: she drives me nuts. But i love her. Do i love her, or does she drive me nuts?

And why does she drive me nuts? Why does she listen to her stupid father? i stopped

listening to mine! it's not that hard! Just because your born to a certain set of

parents you have to obey them? She lives with me now, but you'd think she's still

living under their roof. Why do i even go over there? i know one thing: next friday

night, we're going over to my uncle's house. Then we're going out.

cut to:

Dovid's band rehearsal. They are in a practice space playing rock and roll. Kate

watches him out of the corner of her eye while he sings.
Cut to:
the joint. The band is playing the same song but to a small crowd. Bethy and mm

are dancing with each other. Henry walks in and sits at the bar.

henry-(pointing up at dovid) that's my grandson.

bartender- i know.

cut to:
psychology office
Bethy; i don't know if family is a blessing or a curse. I mean i love them all. I

give my brother Dovid a lot of credit. He's really branching out. But dad's not

happy about it. I just wish I had that kind of courage........

पिको ro

grandma vera: played (hopefully) by someone like nina diamante. Brusque and feisty.
grandpa Sam: (hopefully) like Joe. Charming, takes bethy's side
Moishe Matt: Me
David: musician genius: terence leclere or jazz callner
Bethy: David's liberal sister, mm's gf. singer, rejects orthodoxy but loves her dad.
Liza: the 'good one' studying @ yeshiva
dad, Henry: Line: i wanted to have the warner brothers, instead i had the partridge family. Ex- musician, forbids jamming on shabbat.
Mama: Miriam: easy going, the glue that holds it together. Doesn't really take sides.
Mike: (Phil Bell) has the happening shabbats with music, dancing. Polar opposite to Henry- mm's uncle. That's where they start going friday nights instead of home. Henry resents it. And is jealous of Mike's success as a producer.

Battle of the bands @ the joint:
spaceship martini
dirty suits
ric veda
an israeli band covering 'hotel california' or something campy like that.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

dirty suits

Unretiring my dirty suit, as well as my own career.
Well, duh, didn't you know there's 24 hours in a day? You can play Bass in a band as well as still playing your own music. It's called omnology. If you don't know what it means, then look it up, ya bullfighter.

Album List

Saturday, June 20, 2009

[The] view of man [as a noble soul] has rarely been expressed in human history... Yet this is the view with which... the best of mankind's youth start out in life. It is not even a view, for most of them, but a foggy, groping, undefined sense made of raw pain and incommunicable happiness. it is a sense of enormous expectation, the sense that one's life is important, that great achievements are within one's capacity, and that great things lie ahead.
It is not in the nature of man - nor of any living entity - to start out by giving up, by spitting in one's face and damning existence; that requires a process of corruption whose rapidity differs from man to man. Some give up at the first touch of pressure; some sell out; some run down by imperceptible degrees and lose their fire, never knowing when or how they lost it. Then all of these vanish in the vast swamp of their elders who tell them persistently that maturity consists of abandoning one's mind; security; of abandoning one's values; practicality; of losing self-esteem. Yet a few hold on and move on, knowing that that fire is not to be betrayed, learning how to give it shape, purpose and reality. But whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man's nature and of life's potential."

Ayn Rand 1968

Thursday, June 18, 2009

flouride map

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i must have agent fifteen on my brain
or maybe mold or whatever causes me to go insane
i'd go to the interview but i'm too tired
somewhere inside something went haywire

and i'm turning into nothing
but a great big nothing
my ambitions and all of my goals
are filled with nothing but holes
like a buoy that can't even stay afloat.

maybe i'm just lacking in protein
or other vital elements
and nutrients
so i make it up with more caffeine.

and i'd go to school
but i don't remember
where i'm going to live
this coming september

i used to never lose
oh now i'm so confused
and turning into nothing
but a great big nothing.

Friday, June 12, 2009

inner travel

Moses never touched down on the holy land
Kant only left his village once,
to bury his dad.
and kierkegaard
ventured from copenhagen rarely if ever

i used to have such wanderlust
looking for a land that i can trust
till a friend told me
instead of taking to the skies
concentrate on what is going on between your eyes.

learning how to travel by going within and finding the light
is worth even more then a first class flight
it's better then sitting out on a yacht out by the sea
because wherever you are now is where you are meant to be.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cool new band names

good to know

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

pico robertson: the movie

it's abouT getting to yes.

i used to worry that i was not old enough so i waited for a while i thought that one day i wuld be ready to play rough and win the game. i was waiting foa day that never came. i used to worry that i wasn't young enough i missed my window now, it's over so pack up.
but now i realize that's not what it's all about milk every second change your doubt only go for light.

Notes on publishing/ music clearance.

Sound recording/ music composition- derivative work. Synch license. TV, film, Evan Greenspan, inc. musicology nd composition.
Sloop john b- public domin, l bamba bolero- protected
jeff rosen/ bob dylan criterion publishing these boots are made for walking......
mark levinson
Dina likes Tunecore. Richard gotterer
Don't get tripped about age, use every second. + .-

Starting all over again from the beginning.

Doing what you've got to do / Don't wait another moment/ that band from the holy land/ rock out all alone/ rock out on your own/ folk revival/ from your living room couch a survival. Find out whatz in there in that heart of yourz.

Journal entries

song: contemporary grin
bringing it back home
worked starbucsk 6-1130 am zyrexin 1230-5 Fred paid me 625- that was worth some of my boredom of the job
A message to you rudy-buy blank cds - get rid of some stuff- call airport about bags. Pay dave, haircut.
dreaming of ensenada- Ernesto and his woman friend could not find a room in ensenada the fifth of may. They camped outside and wondered why dreamed that maybe some way, some time, they'd open an inn of their own, going instead to the u.s.a.
Hoping for enough money to pay for a down payment on their dreams. Instead they found a job cleaning up a hotel on Lincoln Ave. After finding a golden watch or two
Thanks for coming fuck you for leaving

R.U. Sirius? According to Howard Bllom, omnology is the theory that one can indulge in all of one's interests equally. Many times my efforts have been hampered by the belief that i must be myopic in my search for the truth. Here are some of my interests:
Buddhism, Nihilism, Freud, Christ, judaism, punk rock, folk, techno. Trance, kcikboxing, arena rock. Indie rock, yoga, acoustic, electric, cyber punkism, boxing martial arts, raw foodism naturalism, kabbalah, running/ surfing/ singing/ psychotherapy/ silence. Sexxx, celibacy, meditation, freedom, neuroscience, science fiction, foreign films. Travelling, technology, simplicity, carlos castaneda, shamanism, tantra, theater, filmmaking, dramatic arts, songwriting, recording. Music, guitar, bass, and voice. Surfing the web, not surfing the webpoetry, prose, screen writing. Money, economics, Russian literature. Torah, Lao Tzu, Eddie vedder.
SUPERMENTAL. The vinyl clocks. supermental.
You just hate me because i don't suffer from your same illness
Dean Karnaze's food suggestions- emailed to me-
high protein bear naked granola plain whole soy yogurt dark rye bread, pedialyte. Apples, grapefruit, maranatha almond butter, brocolli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower.

I breathe in bits of you
let me taste
your watermelon skin
you are the one i like
healthy gratitude with patience
wearing thin
never again will we regret how can i thank you for helping me?
Confess, helping me to forget.
She's got that swiss chocolate hair..........
She's got a sword in her eyes.
She's reading dream of electric sheep
wake up under the sky
Her lips are folded son't fret, kiss me Strawberry red.

Things to think about:
joshua tree
elizabeth letters
playing songs at parties
acting on stage
rue mouffatard
skye/suzie lauren
jam w/ jesse c.
haning w/ jere g
kibitz gig in people's face
god is within
meet flea
bryan singer's house
a feldman's pool
girl at obreins complimenting eyes
coconut juice, all things are possible prague marthi

If the world is like a giant schming court and we are trapped inside it, there's no use in trying to opt out of the game, that will only redner you powerless.
leisure lee and the cutbacks
the twitches
Saw a crow eating out of a cheetohs bag on corning st. i'm going to learn how to give. why are you hiding your eyes, i can't find a single truth in disguise just keep on telling your lies, you'll be lonesome, lonesome hiking round and round in your doom, you'll be found out you weren't on the moon it's so random, random.

lucknow, amazing juju, goodbye, evil eye. renouncer, vinylclocks inspiration within the nothingness
Wasting your time again and again, too much inspiration too much joy.
Turn the page
we're in
the digial age.\found again, i lost my way, took some time, the years gone by.
Amazing Juju- help me stay away from myself, long enoug to help someone else. ucla 123 evan greenspan.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Contract to myself.

I hereby state on this date of Friday, 5/29/09, I Jeremy Ferrick now declare myself a Solo singer songwriter. I am registered as such under Ascap, and also maintain rights as a Publisher under the title renouncer. I choose to make my living through music, whether by selling physical cd's or vinyl, itunes, or playing like, ie, busking on the street, or playing in clubs all over the world. I devote at least an hour a day to learning and improving my craft the rest of my life. If I skip out on this, I will have to make up for time lost. I will devote myself first and foremost to writing and playing my own compositions as opposed to others, but will also have a repetoire of covers available.
I am psychically giving myself permission to perform when and where in the past I may have shrinked of my duty due to half heartedness and fear, which now I am done with permanently.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

credit card bailout


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

part of my problem is part of my heart

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

this is the part of dirty suits' happy again that i wrote:
it looks like we're going to be happy again
maybe surroundings, i don't care
i can sense it, feel it, i can't touch it or find it
feels good anyway but i don't mind it.

not much, but it definitely deserves a cowriter credit, since it's the inspiration for the title.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

of Sol Ris Publishing agrees to no publishing for the following titles:
432617975 maybe the meteor
49406139 sit in the silence
494506111 sleepwalking angel
323675930 bullfighter
the writer Jeremy Ferrick retains all publishing.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

David and Goliath

yeah your daddy was a big shot
what the hell have you got
daddy raised a big snot
here's my slingshot
i'll probably never make a dime
off these little songs of mine
but they come straight out of my heart
that's nothing to sneeze at
i'm doing my part
that's nothing to tease at
I'll never amount to nothing
but I'll sing these songs from the grave
before I am your slave.
david and goliath
you turned me into a monster
all i ever wanted
was everything
all i ever wanted
was a chance to sing
So sure you know what you're talking about
Never ever had to do anything for yourself
you invite me to your parties
but i gotta work
I can't afford dinner
so you think I'm a jerk
Everybody hates a poor man
everybody loves you
they don't even know
that it's not what you do.
Yeah it's so easy to live in a van
when you gotta a trustfund from your old man.
It's so easy to act high and dry
all the real ones keep wondering why
Yeah all the real folk are dying, trying to look good
You don't try hard even though you could.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3 Piece band

I'm starting a 3 piece band. But not until I have a PA, decent guitar amp, mic, running car, and rehearsal space. 2010?2011?

I owe Brian $750.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Seth Godin is a marketing genius because he majored in philosophy.

New idea for songwriting- write the guitar/ bass lines, record them, loop them over and over again and sleep to it.


teach you my song, i'm gonna teach you my song
and then you're gonna pass it on,
now pass it on.
I'm gonna show you a dance move and then
you'll pass on the new groove
it's gonna
grow like
a scarecrow.
Shh! listen
to me
to that
whisper in
the sky
you can
only hear
it after you
when no one
is walking by
when you are all alone
you can hear the tuning fork tone.
Like a
diamond high pitched sound
that comes from the moon
down to the ground
but only you know how or why.

I'm glad

I didn't get big while I was writing depressing songs. Now I'll get big writing happy songs.

New music

genre: Life improvement music.

album title:

sweet treats
eat one and pass it on.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Not just a band, but an idea.


get people to be interactive in the cd covers and people will buy
ASCAP Presents Songwriters Session
Mar 25, 2009

On Wednesday, March 25 at 7:00pm in MI’s Main Concert Hall, ASCAP presents a special live songwriting session including outstanding writers Tank (Keyshia Cole, Jennifer Hudson), Lonny Bereal (Kelly Rowland, Jamie Foxx), and J Valentine (Ruben Studdard, Whitney Houston).

This event is free and open to the public. For information, contact ASCAP at 323-882-1414 (Please DO NOT contact MI for information about this event!).
Shalom rav al yisrael am'cha tasim l'olam
Shalom rav al yisrael am'cha tasim l'olam

II. Verse

Ki ata hu melech adon
L'chol hashalom
Ki ata hu melech adon
Em A
L'chol hashalom

Up to verse...

III. Bridge

Em C D Bm
V'tov be'einecha levarech

Em A D (F#7)
Et am'cha yisrael

Em F#7 Bm Bm/A (or Bm)
B'chol eit uv'chol sha'ah

Em A Bm A
Yehi shalom B'chelech Shalva B'armenosayich
Yehi shalom B'chelech Shalva B'armenosayich
Yehi shalom B'chelech Shalva B'armenosayich
Yehi shalom B'chelech Shalva B'armenosayich
Am G
Am Yisroel, Am Yisroel, Am Yisroel Chai,

G Am
Am Yisroel, Am Yisroel, Am Yisroel Chai,

Am Em Am Am Em Am
Od Avinu Chai, Od Avinu Chai,

Am G Am
Od Avinu, Od Avinu, Od Avinu Chai

Gesher Tzar me'od


Kol Haolam Kulo

Gesher tzar me'od

Gesher tzar me'od

Gesher tzar me'od

Kol Haolam Kulo

Gesher tzar me'od

E Am
Gesher tzar me'od


Vehaikar veha'ikar

Lo lefached

Lo lefached kelall

Vehaikar veha'ikar

G Am
Lo lefached kelall

two choices: be a slave or play the game. Choose.

spoke w/ gerald kong @ ascap 8009527227 fax 2125953276 Sol Ris Publishing agrees to no publishing for the following titles:
432617975 maybe the meteor
49406139 sit in the silence
494506111 sleepwalking angel
the writer Jeremy Ferrick retains all publishing.

Monday, March 16, 2009

coastnotes Laurie Nadell

hands of light- a book. she worked w/ nasa, conducted exp. in light absent conditions. human beings give out light particles. sometimes one person would get vaccumed to the other person, energy being given/ exchanged. That's why some people drain us. unconsciously. enhancing their own energy
unlocking 6th sense- dr. paul mclane- chief of brain evolution. national health inst. 3 brain systems, reptilitan, top brain stem, auto patterns, routines, mammalian, brain of emotion, limbic system, left and right brain. left rational right pictures. sees around the corner, anticipates solutions possible. Exists beyond the brain too.
indescribable ability to pick up info. even through pores in the skin, or messages from spirit world, angelic, etc.
Way expounded past original subscription
Scientific studies. Mead school for human development. A group of students when they solved a division prob, some people followed the steps, and their brain was relaxed, some were stressed. But the right brain ones when left alone could get into an alpha meditative rhythm and solve the problems. Brain is capable of intuitive thinking, knowing, etc.
Anyone with a profound experience believes it's helped them do things they couldn't ordinarily do.
Until recently the overall skepticism has caused a barrier in terms of public information or communication. The military was concerned they would be scorned by congress. Remote viewing, etc. which was used for espionage in 70's and 80's. This was kept silence for fear of being ridiculed.
Electricity you can use it to light up a room or kill somebody, not aware of remote viewing being used for a dangerous purpose.
Certain shamans can make themselves invisible.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Try to improve

every day in every way.

speed = force force = power

practice practice practice
Marshaune Oath.
1) Don't look at the past. Just go straight forward.
2) Get some money in the bank.
3) Try to work out every day or at least every other day.
4) Start your own band, make sure people are committed.
5) Make a plan.
6) If census bureau job falls through, get another job somewhere else.
7) 4 good workouts next week.
8) Eat at least one good meal a day.
9) at least know a quarter of personal training book.
10) Put an add for $ 20 an hour to play guitar.

if i ever have money

i'm going to go out every night.
what are we gonna do with her?
she called today another breakdown of the century
i love her to death
but her illness is
also killing me.
Everyone's just waiting to be discovered
like an actor at a drugstore
yeah i'm guilty of that too
what do you want me to do
wait around on hand and foot
like they want me to?
good enough for my forefathers
aint' good enough for me
I come from the land
of the entitled
the ones who want to break free
from the one s that hold them down
I refuse to be your clown.
your daddy sends you checks
but you yell at me cause I can't find a job
walk a mile in my boots
before you judge me son
you say i need some medication
luckily i can't afford it
i was there for you and yours
memories you would abort now.

regarding pacman pic.

Hi Jeremy,

Sure, you're welcome to use any images! Thanks for asking. :)

701 e. 3rd st. / alameda 90013 march 17th 130 pm passport. ss id blank check.
She just called me in tears again today nervous breakdown of the century I love her to death but what are going to do with her?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This month

I been laying low
waitin for the dust to blow
wonderin' if she's heaven sent
wonderin' what will pay my rent
least i got my belly full
wonderin' will that last if so
will my baby come back to me
in the form of something
now set free.

Friday, March 6, 2009

call this

866-238-8997 this is ascap title reg. east coast 10-4 weekdays

Monday, March 2, 2009

collaborations w/ dirty suits

humble: bassline
happy again: bassline, song title, last part: sense it feel it touch it find it feels good anyways, I do not mind it!
new song about online love: come on give me some loving tonight I ain't in the mood for a fight, Darlin you look so good I want to grab it, she's the only one who'll help me change my habit.
bullfighter: music and lyrics
needles: bass line

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Band Contract.

Costume: the bottom line is, tie or not, don't look like a slob. Other then that don't tell me how to dress.
If we do my songs, don't tell me how to sing them.
figure out the finances and what happens with earning of recordings regarding everyone's publishing and what happens if somebody leaves the band even if we have to retain a lawyer.
During soundcheck, if I'm going to be singing, the mic should be equal volume to yours.
My own project is an important and seperate entity.
Whatever we make at gigs is split up evenly even if it's 9 dollars.
Have instruments ready to go so we can pop up right after previous band.
No more kibitz shows.
Work on improving yourself more then improving me, I'm already working on that.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We're two wild horses running different ways

it's time to leave you now
It's time to leave you now.
I wish the best for you
I hope you wish me well.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

10 reasons smart men fail with ladies by david deangelo

10 Reasons Intelligent Men Fail With Women

>NOTE: If you're finally ready to stop failing
with women, and you want to learn how to
meet and attract women like a MASTER, then
go watch the VIDEO clips of the programs I've
created to give you the success you're
looking for. Go here now:

The Ten Reasons/Mistakes Why HIGHLY INTELLIGENT
I've been teaching men how to become more
successful with women and dating for several years
now... and one "problem scenario" just keeps
coming up OVER AND OVER... and OVER and OVER and
OVER again...
...and it really amazes me.
I'm going to refer to it as "The Genius Failure
"The Genius Failure Paradox" is the tendency
for UNUSUALLY intelligent men to have very LOW
levels of success with women and dating.
After contemplating this particular paradox,
discussing it, and working on it for an awesome
amount of time, I'd like to share my thoughts
about it with you.
I assume that if you've read this far, then you
probably see yourself as smarter than the average
You know that you're a little different than
other guys.
You probably realized at a young age that you
saw things differently and thought differently
than others in school...
And you've probably realized that your smart
mind gives you an advantage over others in many
areas of life...
Your smart mind gives you a particular type of
advantage that can be very, very powerful in life:
Smart people get used to being "right" because
they usually ARE right.
And when you're RIGHT more often than others,
you can get ahead in many situations.
But unfortunately, this smart mind of yours can
actually be WORSE than USELESS when it comes to a
key area of life:
By the way, I did say WORSE than useless.
It can actually be like having a hammer when
you need to tighten a bolt. If you use the tool
you have for the job, you'll most likely make the
situation WORSE.
Of course, it's hard for a smart guy to even
IMAGINE a situation where his smart mind could
HURT his chances for success...
But trust me, this is one of those situations.
So relax, open your smart mind, and let me
share with you the ten reasons why smart guys fail
with women... and what to do about it.

I mentioned that smart guys are used to being
RIGHT in most situations.
And what do most smart guys do when they come
across a situation where they're WRONG?
They find a new situation... one that fits
their strength. They know they'll be right next
time, so they just walk away... knowing that it
won't be long before they're right again.
(OR they let the "problem situation" destroy
them... more on that later.)
Well, the BITCH about being wrong when it comes
to women and dating is THERE'S NOWHERE TO RUN AND
There's no quick "I'm right" around the next
corner to make you feel better.
It only takes "failing" with a few women in a
row for a smart guy to see the pattern... and
realize that something isn't working.
Solution? Think harder.
A smart guy just assumes that his logic must be
good... so he just keeps thinking harder.
But when no success comes, it really starts to
become mentally difficult.
Accepting that you're wrong is a VERY hard
thing for a "smart guy" to do.
Accepting that you're not only wrong, but you
have NO CLUE WHERE TO EVEN START is even more
Ultimately, many smart guys come up with the
following logical conclusion:
Try that on for a self-defeating idea.

In short, many smart guys refuse to accept that
a good, solid, workable answer could come from
someone "dumber" than them, so they discount any
idea that comes from an "obviously less
intelligent person" before trying it.
Let me ask you a question:
If you were going to be walking across Africa
on foot, would you rather have your guide be the
guy on this planet with the highest I.Q., or a
caveman who lived a million years ago that had an
I.Q. of about 50... but who grew up being chased
by lions and all kinds of animals that wanted to
eat him all his life?
It's an interesting question.
Now, hopefully you'd like to have the guide who
isn't the smartest guy around... but who has
escaped from many, many dangerous situations with
deadly animals...
But now let me ask you:
If you'd like to learn how to be more
successful with women and dating, would you take
advice from a guy who isn't very intelligent, but
who knows how to attract women?
There's something about being smart that makes
some guys unwilling to accept input, ideas, or
instruction from anyone who isn't either as smart
or smarter than them.
Well, any SMART GUY can see the folly in this
particular approach... once it's examined closely.
If you've been making this mistake, then you
need to STOP IT. Stop being an arrogant bastard,
and open your eyes.
Look around.
Learn from some "dumb" guys... and let them
teach you how to get what you REALLY want.

It BLOWS MY MIND how many smart guys I meet
that just don't GET IT when it comes to basic
social skills.
It's as if they have logically reasoned that
social skills are for lower beings who need to
play games... and not worth the time it would take
to learn them.
In fact, I believe that there are a lot of
smart guys running around this planet who don't
even have "social skills" and "be a cool guy that
people like" in their MENTAL MODEL of what it
could possibly take to be successful with women
and dating.
Social skills are just that... SKILLS.
They're not social INFORMATION.
They're not social THEORIES.
They're social SKILLS.
And you don't get them by THINKING about them.
You get them by GETTING them.
Excellent social skills are the foundation for
good communication with other humans... and if you
don't have good social skills, you dramatically
lower your chances for success with women.

Smart guys do something that fascinates the
hell out of me...
They come up with all the reasons why
everything WON'T WORK when it comes to women and
They actually figure out why what it is that
they would like to do will probably fail...
They use their amazing creative imaginations to
imagine all kinds of horrible pictures and
scenes... and then they use those imaginary
outcomes to create negative emotions... which
ultimately stop them from having success with
women and dating.
Now, if you've thought something through and
come up with a good reason why it would fail, it
makes sense to not do it, right?
I mean, why would you want to do things that
are going to fail?
It is sound logic, but HORRIBLE thinking when
it comes to the REAL WORLD... and success with
Because smart guys don't UNDERSTAND women, and
they don't UNDERSTAND what it takes to be
successful with women, they are working with bad
figures. They're wrong before they even start
Using your mind to come up with all the reasons
why things won't work in this area of your life
You must learn to overcome this habit if you
have it.

What does a smart guy do when he runs into a
problem... or he needs to figure something out?
He looks for INFORMATION to help him solve the
MORE INFORMATION is always the answer.
Information is the friend of a smart guy.
Got a strange virus on your computer? Just hop
on the Internet and search for how to eliminate
Don't know how to change the alternator on your
car? No prob. Just buy the manual and turn to page
Don't know the definition of a word? Open up
your dictionary.
MORE INFORMATION solves the problem.
So what do smart guys do when it comes to
overcoming a problem with women?
They think the answer lies in learning just ONE
MORE TECHNIQUE... or one more magic concept.
Well what if there were a situation in life
where the "get more information" strategy actually
made things WORSE?
How would you even know that it was making
things worse?
Now, I don't want to suggest that learning more
about how to be successful with women is a bad
thing. It's not.
But if you have a problem that is EMOTIONAL or
PHYSICAL in nature, then reading five million
theories on it probably isn't going to help you
very much.
You need to get out in the real world and try
some stuff!
You need to look at the REAL problem... the
ROOT of the problem.
When it comes to women and dating, there's a
very good chance that you have MORE than enough
Smart guys often use "more information" to
distract them from TAKING ACTION.
I've heard this referred to as "Creative
Nod silently if you've ever figured out a
creative way to avoid facing something in your
Good, thank you.

NEWS JUST IN: Women don't feel ATTRACTION for
men who make them THINK.
Women feel ATTRACTION for men who make them
So what do most smart guys do when they first
meet a woman?
I'm shaking my head right now...
Smart men try to engage women in LOGICAL
conversations and interactions because that's
where THEY feel comfortable... not knowing that
Get this: A monkey sitting at a typewriter will
type the collected works of Shakespeare before you
will make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you by
engaging her in logical conversation.
When you start a logical conversation with a
woman you've just met, you are basically taking
out a NEON SIGN that says, "I don't get it when it
comes to women" and putting it on your head.
Typical "logical" conversations include talking
about work, family, school, and jobs... discussing
politics, religion, weather... and anything that
has to do with math, science, or INTELLIGENCE.
On the other hand, if you start talking to a
woman and you say, "OK, so tell me something...
Why is it that all women say that they want sweet,
nice guys... but they all date sexy, selfish, bad
boys?" (and then make fun of any answer she gives)
Now you're having an EMOTIONAL conversation.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, keep
reading. You need more help than I thought.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you just read this section,
and you can identify with what I'm talking about,
then I highly recommend that you go to this page:

Smart people usually have time to THINK about
If you're taking a test, you can sit there and
work out the answers.
If you have a math problem, you can work on it
until you've figured it out.
If you're trying to fix something, you can keep
working on it until it's fixed.
Smart guys are used to being able to take at
least a LITTLE bit of time to prepare and show off
their "good sides" in most situations.
Not so with women...
If you don't know what to do at every step
along the way, you'll be shut down very quickly.
Women have an AMAZING "He doesn't get it" radar
Women have all kinds of subtle and ingenious
tests that they throw at men to separate the "get
its" from the "don't get its".
And if you don't get it, then you're going to
fail one of these tests VERY quickly.
But the worst part is that you won't ever KNOW
that you were being tested... OR that you failed.
Smart guys aren't used to dealing with complex
EMOTIONAL and COMMUNICATION challenges in the
moment... and especially the "women and dating"
One of the keys to becoming more successful
with women and dating is learning to handle all of
the tests that women throw at you effortlessly.
But before you can learn how to deal with the
tests, you must first learn how to communicate on
an emotional level, how to demonstrate that you
have fundamental social skills, and how to keep
your cool in the moment.

OK, let me ask you a trick question:
If I told you that you were going to have a
date with the super model of your choice, which of
the following would you choose as a "smart" way of
1) Find out what her favorite type of flowers are,
and show up with a dozen of them so she would be
2) Learn about her favorite travel destination so
you could discuss it with her.
3) Find out what her favorite type of food is so
you could take her to dinner... and she could see
that you cared enough to choose something that she
OK, time's up. Which did you choose?
Now, I already mentioned that this was a TRICK
The answer is NONE OF THE ABOVE.
But WHY?
These three options all seemed logical, right?
I mean, why WOULDN'T you want to show up with
her favorite flowers?
Why WOULDN'T you want to talk about to her
about her favorite places to travel?
Why WOULDN'T you want to take her to eat her
favorite foods so she enjoyed herself?
Go with me here...
Smart guys think that they're being CLEVER when
they do things like buying a woman her favorite
flowers... and bringing them to the FIRST DATE.
In their minds they're thinking, "I'm going to
be the guy who is thinking ahead... and I'm going
to show up with the flowers that I KNOW she
loves... and she's going to see them and like me
more because of it".
Makes sense... good math, right?
Well the one teensy-weensy mistake that these
"smart" guys make is not realizing that it doesn't
actually take a smart person to think like this!
In fact, ANY jackass can figure out how to kiss
a woman's ass.
And guess what?
And guess what else?
An intelligent guy, in his proud arrogance,
will think he's being such the charmer by using
this "thoughtful" approach...
...and the woman he is chasing will interpret
it as just another Wussy who's trying to
Ouch. Another blow to intelligence.

Have you ever met a smart guy who always needed
to be "right"?
Have you ever met someone who would actually
argue with you about something they knew nothing
about... and make a fool of themselves because
they just couldn't shut their "smart mouths"?
Over the last few years helping guys improve
their success with women, I see this one pattern
over and over again...
Smart guys don't like to be "beginners" at
They don't like the idea of screwing up...
especially if others are watching.
They want to maintain this "smart guy" image of
themselves... so they try to always be "The
Expert" at whatever they do.
Instead of saying, "Hey, you know what? I'm a
beginner at this... how do I do it? What should I
do first? What next?"... and instead of being
totally OK with screwing up, making mistakes, and
making a fool of themselves in front of others in
order to LEARN...
...they won't risk embarrassment, failure, or
others thinking that they're beginners... so they
wind up ultimately FAILING.
MORE NEWS JUST IN: It's OK to be a beginner.

A smart guy's STRENGTH is his MIND.
His WEAKNESS is often his EMOTIONS.
Smart guys are often IMMOBILIZED by FEAR.
Totally stopped.
And since many smart guys aren't comfortable
dealing with things they're not good at, they just
repress or RUN away from fear.
Many men would rather DIE in lonely isolation
than admit that they don't know how to deal with
their emotions... or, GOD FORBID, ask for help!
Hey, I went for YEARS like this.
I know what it's like.
But the reality is that any guy can learn to
handle and even MASTER his emotions (even fear)...
if he just takes the time and effort to learn HOW
to do it.
If this is you, then do yourself a big favor...
take the time. Take the effort.
Don't worry about what anyone else thinks of
you... it doesn't matter.
What matters is you doing the things that YOU
need to do FOR YOU.
...I think the reason why I'm so fascinated
with "The Genius Failure Paradox" is because I
have had to struggle with all of these issues for
a lot of years of my life.
Now, I'm not saying that I'm the smartest guy
on the planet...
But, I don't think mamma raised no fool.
And it always bothered the hell out of me that
even though I was so good at figuring things out,
I couldn't figure WOMEN out.
Something tells me that you know what I'm
talking about.
Well, after beating my head against the wall
for a few years... trying all kinds of crazy
"logical" stuff... I finally got the "bright" idea
to start studying guys who were "naturally" good
with women.
Of course, I found out that you could be both
same time.
I also learned that you can be SMART and VERY
By carefully studying what the "naturals" did
with women... and learning how they "thought"
about the topic, I began to realize that success
with women wasn't entirely LOGICAL.
Much of what I learned was very tough for me to
accept... because my logical brain just didn't
want to buy into it.
One thing I saw was guys pushing women away
from them... and having the women then chase them
in response.
Made no sense at all.
I saw guys tease beautiful women and make jokes
about them to their faces... and then watched
those women become "little girls" in response...
unable to maintain their composure and therefore
unable to maintain their manipulative power...
It took me quite a long time, but I continued
to learn, test, and refine what I was learning
until I personally figured out how to approach
women in any situation... get any woman's number I
wanted anytime I wanted... date any type of woman
I wanted...
...and most importantly, GET RID of that
"empty" feeling that I carried around my whole
life because I didn't know how to attract women.
And once I got this area of my own life
together, I decided to help other guys get this
area of THEIR lives together.


U had your chance.

Don't fuck mine up.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

american screams

keyboard strapped to your chest is that the life that you wanted?