Monday, May 21, 2012


I stood by you for a long long time
too bad you didn't make it worth it
now i must get back the years gone by
the ones that the locusts have eaten
you call me names you should be calling yourself
i will not be defeated

praying to forgive
so i can move on and live
because you're not worth my time
you can't seem to rememeber what i can't forget
how i wasted every dime
thats to your lack of gratitude
i've developed quite and attitude
it's your fault that from now on
i will take longer to get to know

all the fires i p'ut out and the years filled with doubt
i should have listened to my heart.
sometimes when you're counting on your intellect
Is when you're not smart
you're a useless eater i should have known
just like all the rest with your contradictions

and thats when
you're at
your best

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