Friday, May 25, 2012

Why I've decided to go the indiegogo/ kickstarter route.

I believe we make the world a better place when we make our own world a better place. When we are happy, smiling, and attending to the path that is part of our mission, we give others permission to tread their own paths as well. In this society we live in everyone is supposed to go down a certain route, and those that don't go down that route don't always have the easiest time surviving. Some call it the road less traveled, inspired by the Robert Frost poem. When I found out about kickstarter and indiegogo, I realized that I may be able to fund the album that I've been wanting to do for years. Or I could just do what I've been doing, writing the songs and recording them myself, mainly on computer, once in a while recording with someone else. I tucked the idea away for later because I felt like I didn't have the confidence to ask people for their money. But when it was recommended to me via my cousin, I felt like it was the extra push I needed. Often times I get hit up for things that I can't afford to contribute to and it makes me feel bad that I don't have more to give. That's why the requests I'm going after are more towards, only donate if you feel you have the means. Or if you know someone else who does, let them know. The best surprises often come when we're not expecting them.

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