Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I'm sorry if I'm not sticking to subject exactly, but Shriky's blogpost reminded me of something. Remember when you used to go see a rock and roll band how amazing it was? They still are. But the difference now is that there are thousands upon thousands of cellphones that people are looking through and recording while the band performs on stage. I remember seeing the U2 Zoo Station gig in 1992 at the Oakland Coliseum. One guy took a picture while Bono was seeing "Running to Stand Still on a side stage where I was nearby. That guy not only got his film removed from the camera, the bulky security guards escorted him off of the premises!
Think about in class how much easier it was for your teachers and I can sympathize with Shirky. He talks about his initial unwillingness to create a law out of it. He desperately WANTED to leave it up to the students, but finally figured out that it just wasn't serving them.

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