Thursday, February 11, 2016


To Whom it may concern,
    I have been denied financial aid for school because of actions of mine 20+ years ago. I withdrew from a lot of classes back than- sometimes not knowing that I hadn't dropped them. Sometimes it was because of work (I didn't know about financial aid back in that time so I worked.) In many cases I was just taking any classes I could get and didn't have a plan. Now that I have more experience, and went back to school in Los Angeles maintaining a 3.1 average, and I know that I want my bachelor's degree, I hope I will be given another chance. Back in the early 90's I left high school because I was feeling unwell and harassed.I took classes at JC, and in 1999 even tried to complete classes after I started a job in LA for United Airlines in April. I should have dropped the classes. I managed to pass English 1 A but failed Critical Thinking, which I am retaking.
    There are a lot subjects I'm interested in majoring in,   film or creative writing, Marketing, etc. but right now I'm focused on completing general ed courses. My financial situation is dire however and it would help a lot if I could get Pell Grants and possibly loans. Thank you, I appreciate your understanding,

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