Monday, April 14, 2008

some goals to think about

healthy guy blog
health goals
cleanse out the system
do a week long program at optimum health institute.
detox the mercury out of my system
no more using microwaves

The reason why health is my passion is that when I have ever been in my best shape, all my other passions (music, writing, etc.) are that much more heightened. I have honestly been confused by several different diet programs out there. I believe that the raw diet is the most beneficial of all diets but I have been unsuccessful in maintaining it for more than a month or two at a time.

One of my goals is to develop a regimen that examines all of my life's needs. For example, I have been eating eggology egg whites lately and feel that it has been good for me. This would not be possible on an all raw or vegan regimen. However, I may, in the future, determine not to use egg whites. I do feel like there have been times in my life where I was lacking in protein, however, I am also opened to the fact that maybe I was just lacking in energy due to other reasons.

I have severely cut down on my use of cell phones. I would eventually like to invest in anti-radiation technology that Stephanie Cleever told me about, as cell phones ARE extremely convenient.

When I worked at a health food juice bar, (I'm not teling where,) I met Andre Benjamin, formerly Andre 3000. He used to come in for E3 live shots. He had tried the raw diet for a while, but switched to a strict vegan regimen. He felt that it was embarrasing when being wined and dined by entertainment executives to have to be so extra choosy about where and what to eat.
Sidenote: he listened to my song Comatose, and said it reminded him of The Smiths. He also politely tried to discourage me away from the music business, saying he wouldn't have gotten into it if he'd known how crazy it was.

In terms of diet, I like the Woody Harrelson model, where he eats a majority of his food raw, but leaves a small percentage for cooked. If I was making a better living I would eat mainly raw. I feel that maintaining a strictly raw diet is extremely expensive and takes a lot of time.

Conclusions about excercise. For me, I used to be a wanna be Dean Karnazes, running ultra marathons. Lately I've been feeling more balanced about running. I feel like If I have a good run a few times a week, it's enough as long as I also do some other forms of excercise. I heard Dr. Drew say that if you're running more than 25 or 30 miles a week it means you're running away from something. I'm not sure if I agree with that or not. I would like to start getting into Yoga again (I've been saying that since 2000 when I moved from L.A. and stopped doing Brian Kest's Power yoga. I've only done it once or twice since I've moved back here almost 2 and a half years ago.)
While working at Starbucks on the promenade, I ran into George, who has been working for Brian for a long time, and took that as a sign that I need to start going to class again.

In the last 3 months I have worked out 7 times with Kyle Lawson, who is a wonderful kickboxing instructor. Our schedules often clash and I want to work out with him more. Ironically, he used to teach me at Crunch Gym in San Francisco in 2003, 5 years ago. I ran into him in January of this year and he agreed to start teaching me. We're supposed to do a session today. I always feel super enerrgized after a session with him and like to work out with him before performing with the band, etc. I used to think I wouldn't mind working out with him a few times a week but once a week would be an improvement over 7 times in 3 months! (It's also a money issue.) This is why sometimes I feel like I should put other things, even my so called music career aside and just get in shape. If I put everything into that, eventually I'd have more energy for my music anyways. Nah, i don't want to put music on the backburner. I'll have to concentrate on both.

To do the things I really want to do right now, it would be nice to make about $700 a week. I have never made that much money. That would come out to 52 grand a year. That's way more than I've ever made. I guess the smart thing would be to keep Starbucks part time for the benefits and get a waiter or bartending job elsewhere.

Is it possible to make $700 a week? If I made that much I could be debt free in less than a year. I don't think it's too much to ask. I don't even know how much I made last year, because most of it was under the table. I had a really strange job history in 07- worked for a health food store for a few weeks, did a few temp jobs at saks fifth avenue and an art gallery in beverly hills, worked for 2 different cab companies, an italian cafe, an herbal sex pill company, and a travel agency. I think I earned less than 10 thousand dollars. 06 was weird too. I worked for a different travel agency for 2-3 months, a telemarketing place for a week, a visa/passport business for like 2 months. I probably made less than 5 grand that year. So even though I made less than 15 grand in 2 years, I'd like to make 52 grand. Actually, since a third of this year is already over, I'd be satisfied with 2/3 of that. So somewhere between 34 and 35 grand for the rest of this year. I really wish I believed that could happen. It's just hard with my track record.

In order to do bartending, you have to be pretty quick. Do I have that in me? I'm not really sure. Maybe I'd need to be on adderall or something to do that. Or maybe I just need to cleanse out.

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