Wednesday, April 16, 2008

working stiff

strange daze at starbucks

so howard schultz, the CEO and owner of starbucks came in today. I swear to god, my life plays out like Forrest Gump sometimes. Here I am working here for not even 2 weeks and I'm there with Howard mofo schultz. I didn't talk to him, but I held the door opened for him when he left. I wanted to ask him why the hell I have to stock the condiment bar with sugar subsititutes like extra and nutrasweet which have cancer causing aspartame in them. He seemed like a pleasant enough guy. One of the district managers advised me not to wheel the trash cans by him. 'That's Howard,' he says, 'I would just go hang out a while.' So I took the trash cans to the back and left them by the dumpster and went back intot the store.
Earlier in the day, there had been a Homeless man who I spoke with last week. He had applied for a job here. Now he was in a shouting match with our manager. "Big Brother!" She said to me. That meant she means backup. "You're no longer welcome in the store," she said to him. "I don't want to come into this peace of shit anyways, it's straight out of 1984, you goddamn slave driver!" He shouted. It was very strange because he had been telling me that he thought he could really do a good job. It's strange that he made the 1984 analogy, because I had been thinking that starbucks keeps their employees satisfied through the caffeine. It is quite orwellian, but a lot of the people that work there are cool.
I was wondering if there's some kind of happy medium between one of these people who rails against the system and those who buy into it.

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